

After realizing he was in a new world, Jack began contemplating his next steps. He wondered about the contents of the truck and whether they could be useful to him.

"Are the boxes in the truck the supplies I can use?" Jack asked Eyses, seeking clarification.

"Yes," Eyses replied. "However, I suggest burying the contents of the boxes and only keeping a few necessary items. Then, you should cover the entire truck with the provided cover."

"Bury them?" Jack furrowed his brow in confusion. He immediately went to the back of the truck and inspected the boxes. "Wow, an AR-15?" Jack exclaimed, discovering the firearm.

His eyes scanned the cabin as he began opening all the boxes. "Could these all be guns and ammunition?" he wondered aloud.

"Yes, you've also been provided with some provisions," Eyses confirmed.

Jack pondered for a moment, carefully considering his options. He decided to pick up the AR-15 and a few magazines. "Having these guns makes me feel safer. With this amount of ammunition, I can manage for a while. Plus, with the current supply, I should have enough time to bury the boxes instead of searching for more supplies."

Jack had come to a decision, believing that the person in charge of the mission had prepared everything necessary for his arrival in this new world.

"By the way," Jack inquired, "do you know what kind of world this is?"

"I'm sorry, but I don't have enough information to provide an answer," Eyses replied. "If you can provide me with some samples or details, I can make educated guesses."

Jack sighed, feeling overwhelmed by the lack of information. "There's so much I don't know, like their language, their clothing... There's a lot to figure out."

Eyses reassured him, "By analyzing the language, people, clothing, and other aspects, I can make some rough guesses." Eyses then opened a small compartment on its lower part, revealing a storage space. Eyses, a block-like robot with rotating arms and small feet for mobility, had this storage section just above its feet.

"The watch I have here will allow you to access me even if my body isn't with you. It can do many things, from scanning to giving suggestions. It will also help analyze the information about this world, such as its language. The thin strap can change your voice to match the common language here. The earbud will transmit AI words and others' languages into a language you understand," Eyses explained, pointing to the different items stored within its compartment.

Jack found the collection of items intriguing and eagerly equipped himself with the watch, strap, and earbud. "This starter package should help me in this world," he thought. "Even though I'm still upset, I have to face the challenges ahead. It's better to keep moving. The sooner I complete the mission, the sooner I can go home."

With his mind made up, Jack wasted no time. He began unpacking the boxes, carefully examining their contents and selecting what he needed before burying the rest. Luckily, there was a shovel in the truck, allowing him to work efficiently.

He consumed the food and water provided in the truck, keeping his energy up as he worked diligently to bury all the boxes. Once finished, he covered the truck with a thin plastic coat. The cover was cleverly designed to mimic the shape of a large rock, making the truck blend in with its surroundings when viewed from a distance.

Even if someone happened to notice the truck and tried to move it, the most crucial items, the boxes containing the guns, were hidden away underground. Jack understood the wisdom behind the AI's suggestion to conceal them.

The following day arrived, and Jack had completed all the necessary precautions to the best of his ability, following Eyses's suggestions, despite feeling a bit rushed.

"Now it's time to explore the area. Eyses, do you have any suggestions on where I should go?" Jack inquired.

"To get a good view of the entire landscape, it's recommended to go somewhere high," Eyses replied.

"But I don't see any hills around here," Jack observed, scanning the surroundings before his gaze fell upon a nearby tree. "Should I climb the tree?"

Knowing that it could be troublesome if he got stuck in this unfamiliar place, Jack made the decision to ascend the tree and survey the area from above. Though not accustomed to climbing trees, he managed to do so with some effort. When he reached a vantage point among the treetops, he couldn't help but be mesmerized by the view.

The sun had just risen, casting its golden light upon the world below. Its radiant beams created a dazzling reflection, making it appear as if there were three suns gracing the sky. Jack couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and longing. He had never had the chance to admire such a breathtaking sight back on Earth.

Taking a moment to appreciate the scene, Jack sighed contentedly before scanning the surroundings. Endless trees stretched as far as the eye could see, giving him a fleeting sense of hopelessness. However, his attention was drawn to a small gap between the trees in the north, offering a glimmer of possibility and intrigue.

"Hmm? A gap between the trees that stretches from left to right... If it's like that, there might be a river or a road there. How lucky!" Jack grinned, knowing exactly where he should go next.

Once he climbed down from the tree, he turned to the robot and asked, "I'm planning to head north. Will you come with me? Won't it look suspicious?"

"Eyses will stay here and watch over the truck. You can still reach me through the watch," Eyses replied.

"What about the battery? Will it suddenly run out of power?" Jack inquired.

"No need to worry. The watch has a small solar panel to recharge its energy," Eyses reassured him.

"Alright then," Jack nodded. Making sure he had everything he needed, he set off towards the north, curious about the things and people he might encounter in this new world. It seemed luck was on his side that day.

As he reached the gap in the forest, Jack's eyes widened. Before him lay a road made of compacted soil. Two groups appeared to be on the verge of a clash. Jack couldn't help but mutter, "Oh, boy."
