
The Prince Of The Tides [Part 1]

As Illumina led the charge against the Fomorian Armies, the Four Chieftains briefly exchanged glances with each other and made their move.

Instead of fighting Illumina head-on, they all charged at Ethan with the intention of taking him down first.

The Black-Haired Man and the Purple-Haired Lady cast a spell on the One-Eyed Giant and the Two-Horned Giant, allowing them to run across the water as if they were on land.

The four of them were the strongest fighters of the Fomorian Army, which was why they were chosen as the leaders.

Illumina, who saw this, was about to help Ethan when the young man told her telepathically that he could handle everything just fine.

The Kraken, whom the Prince of Atlantis was standing on, unfurled its tentacles and swung them at the approaching Chieftains.

The Two-Horned Giant didn’t dodge and met the tentacle with a slash of a sword, slicing it in half. The Kraken’s blood started dyeing the sea.
