
Chapter 28

The next Danuja was on the school rooftop before the gate was even open.

It was painfully easy to leave a message on Mr. Touma door, jog with Dad towards the school and jump over the gate of the building. The school guards where nowhere near the rooftop, all of them being at the from gate getting distracted by Dad and his silliness.

  Danuja wasn't sure how it happened and she didn't see her house too see the state of her door or window but Dad was out of the house on his own and didn't seem to have any problems with other people.

It was enough for Danuja to see him fed and happy while she waited for the bell of the first period. She closed her eyes and waited.


Before going to class Danuja checked her injuries in the bathroom and maybe it was foolish and just generally dumb but she had no restrain when Danuja begin to scratch at her cuts making them bleed again before washing her face roughly.

After that it wasn't the first time she entered the classroom without a backbag or anything school related. The teacher stopped pointing it out at some point but Danuja never paid them enough attention to begin with.

Seeing Kana after almost an entire week, Danuja breathed easily and let herself fall on her desk relaxed with her head turned to the girl. Kana was dutifully witting whatever the teacher was droning on, her long hair falling into a low ponytail, covering her shoulder. Her form was a little hunched and her legs were pressed tight together.

Danuja blinked startled before shifting a little in her seat, hissing when the huge bruises on her ribs touched the desk.

  She is tense  Danuja thought narrowing her eyes before smoothing her features  actually... all of them look tense  she thought looking briefly at the other students.

All of them were looking tensely ahead with pursed lips and trembling fingers. Most of them were not even writing to begin with, just stayed unmoved in their seat while avoiding Danuja.

'' Oh.'' Danuja said quietly, her eye twitching when the closest student flinched away from her before she lowered herself back on her desk, her eyes looking around her classmates, a bubble of anger forming in her mind

All her classmates were looking scared out of their lives. And they were scared of her.


It was unspeakable relief when Danuja found Kana on the rooftop smiling gently at her. 

'' I'm sorry.'' Danuja begin as a greeting taking off her jacket and making Kana seat on it. The words almost scratched her throat making her grimace.  '' I'm late.'' she said lamely

'' It's alright, Danuja-san. ''  Kana said instead tiredness around her eyes. She took out the small first aid kit before taking out the disinfectant, cleaning Danuja new cuts  '' Must have been a tough fight.'' she said almost teasing

  '' I sleep a lot.'' Danuja said leaning on her hands shamelessly, sighing when Kana giggled softly  I missed you  she thought

'' How have you been?'' Danuja asked instead, her sharp, golden eyes catching the slight tenseness in Kana shoulders before she relaxed again 

'' It was pretty quiet without you around.'' Kana said pursing her lips  '' There was a student that searched for you on Tuesday, though I'm not really sure what he needed from you.'' Kana said putting her first aid kit away, covering her legs with what remained of the jacket

'' What did he look like then?'' Danuja said lifting her knee up, putting her chin there

'' Black hair and he was an year older I believe.'' Kana mused  '' There were a lot of boys after him as well and oh! There was a green strike in his hair.''  she said not seeing how Danuja tensed up still too busy remembering all the details  '' Um, he didn't show up again after that.''

There were some minutes of silence, Kana finally observing the foul mood Danuja was in while Danuja was trying her hardest to not get up right then and there to search for Ryota.

'' Say Kana-''  Danuja said instead some piece of the puzzle mashing together.  ''- those guys. They didn't bother you did they.''  Danuja stated observing how Kana tensed up and looked wide eyes ahead 

'' Not really.'' she whispered 

Maybe it was frustration, the feeling of hopeless climbing in her mind before falling down, down back in her belly. Maybe it was how Kana fingers were trembling harder than usual and she tensed up even when Danuja was beside her.

That suffocating feeling of not being good enough returned back to Danuja, smashing in her like a clean jab bursting her mind open.

'' That so?''  Danuja said gently, trying to change her approach. She couldn't exactly snatch Kana chin and force her with eye contact. Danuja did not have enough faith that Kana will still follow her after that.  '' Still won't you tell me? I did miss days of school and I couldn't see you either. ''  she coaxed her

'' They don't do anything really.''  Kana retorted waving her hand  '' Though, if they did, would you deal with them for me?''  Kana asked sweetly, Danuja mind already away

'' Always.''  Danuja said finally catching up with Kana words before getting up  '' Come on.''  she said, Kana getting up as well taking the jacket in her hands following her.

Carefully, to not bump in any teacher Danuja guided Kana on a more secluded area that at some point was the place where the older students would gather for a smoke. Since the fire escape accident such thing wasn't possible anymore.

It was also the place where Dad would wait for Danuja and where she was guiding Kana.

'' There he is.''  Danuja said pleasant, letting Kana go first, Dad ears going up upon seeing her  '' It's alright, he won't do anything. This is Dad, he stays here till I need to go back home. ''

'' Hello.''  Kana murmured quietly at the dog, letting Danuja make her seat on the cloth 

'' Stay here till break it's over, I finish it shortly alright?''  she said not really waiting an answer, her anger growing a little too much. 

''  Are you going to deal with those boys for me?''  Kana asked instead looking up at Danuja making her swallow heavily at the sight below her

Danuja did not respond, just grinned amused before running away to her target. She wondered how much could she damage Ryota to drive him in the hospital again.

I wrote this while listening to 'Blues Saraceno - Grave Digger'.

Today I eat a sandwich with cheese and tomatos, also I found some awesome fics with 'Peter Parker in DC Universe' that I read in class.

What's the most interesting fanfic you read till now?

Have a great meal today!

Michiko_Bcreators' thoughts