

'Steroids…' George had been repeating himself for what felt like an eternity to the academy pharmacist. He was frustrated, convinced that if anywhere had what he was looking for, it would be here. 

"I'm sorry, I don't really understand what you're asking for," the pharmacist replied, clearly confused by George's persistence.

"Come on, steroids. Steh-roids. *Steroids*," George insisted, scratching his head in frustration, trying to think of another approach.

'Wait,' he thought, 'Maybe they *do* have it, but it's called something different. Maybe I need to specify.' He turned back to the pharmacist. "How about Anadrol?"

She shook her head, "Never heard of it."


"What's that?"




"Still no."

George was losing patience. "Okay, testosterone—you've got testosterone, right?"

The pharmacist frowned, puzzled. "I've been working here for six years, and I've never heard of any of those things," she replied, starting to wonder if George was imagining things.

Defeated, George sighed and walked out of the pharmacy, heading back to his dorm. 'No steroids, no testosterone... Great,' he thought, already revising his workout plans in his head.

Once in his room, he sat at his desk and scratched out the detailed notes he'd written for his original workout regimen, all based on the assumption that he'd have access to performance-enhancing drugs. 'If I can't get any stronger in time for the competition, I'm doomed.' He needed to fix his fragile body, and fast. Without steroids, his plan had crumbled.

Pulling out a pocket watch, George checked the time. "Three hours until the night lecture... Perfect." 

He ripped a piece of paper from his notebook and scribbled a revised workout plan:


Calisthenic Workout Plan:

Push-ups (Until failure)

Squats (Until failure)

Door pull-ups (Until failure)

Leg raises (Until failure)


It wasn't as ambitious as he'd hoped, but it was the most effective bodyweight workout he could manage without equipment. He learned from his high school P.E. classes back on Earth that the key to building muscle wasn't just exercising but pushing his body to failure—forcing it to grow stronger with intensity.

'Push yourself to the limit, then rest. That's how you grow,' George reminded himself as he dropped to the floor and started his workout.

He cranked out 32 push-ups before collapsing. Next came squats—108 of them until his legs burned with fatigue. The door pull-ups were harder. He hung from the top of his door, struggling to manage even five before his grip failed. Finally, he attempted leg raises, pushing himself until he hit 21 and couldn't lift his legs anymore.

Breathing heavily, George flopped onto his bed. 'Rest is just as important,' he thought, his body already feeling the strain from the short but intense workout.


Later, George found himself wandering back into the academy's library. The librarian raised an eyebrow, watching him return for the second time that day. It wasn't often that students visited more than once in a single day—especially on their first day at the academy.

George had his nose buried in a book titled *"How the Weak Win,"* his mind racing. He needed every edge he could find, and strategy was his only hope.

'Strength won't be enough. I'll never win in a straight fight.' He scribbled notes in his journal:



- Lack of strength

- Fragile

- Low power


He flipped through more pages of the book, recalling the trial with the other nine students. 'I may be weak, but I'm not without advantages.'



- Fast

- Agile

- Explosive movements

- Stamina


He had outrun the barbarians during the trial, and even managed to carry one of them while running. His strength wasn't traditional, but it was enough for short bursts. 'I just need to use what I've got,' George thought, closing the book. 'Strategy will be my weapon.'

His thoughts were interrupted when he realized the time. "7:50," he muttered, closing the book and heading for his lecture.


On his way to class, George passed a group of senior students in the courtyard. They were throwing large, smooth boulders in a game of strength, seeing who could throw the farthest.

While most students would've walked by without much thought, George paused. 'Wait a second...' Watching them, he felt a surge of inspiration. 'That's it!'

Thanks for reading! Give me suggestions on how I can improve my novel.

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