
Chapter 81

The grand throne room is shrouded in shadows, lit only by the flickering flames of torches. The vast chamber echoes with the sound of Merlin's boots against the stone floor as he strides in. At the far end, Memnon stands, a menacing figure, his eyes blazing with fury and scowling.:So, you're back, Wizard?"

Merlin, calm and composed, offers a sly smile."Cassandra has issues with you, Memnon. As her protector, I'm here to resolve them."

Memnon's face twists with rage. He slams his fist on the armrest of the throne snarling."She guarded her chastity like a precious gem—only her 'diamond' was nothing but glittering glass!"

Merlin's eyes flash with disdain as he steps forward, his voice dripping with sarcasm."Perhaps she simply didn't want to bestow it upon a fool."

Memnon's anger boils over. He rises from the throne, drawing his swords with a swift, practiced motion and roaring."Fight me without your cheap magic tricks!"

Merlin's smile widens. He raises a hand, and with a surge of energy, Excalibur materializes in his grip.

The fight was about to start, but for Merlin, time seemed to decelerate the moment his fingers wrapped around the leather-bound grip of Excalibur. The engraved characters at the base of the blade ignited with a brilliant blue hue, casting an eerie glow that matched the intensity of Merlin's eyes and blade glowing with a mystical blue light.

Merlin replies,"Of course."

Memnon splits his swords, dual-wielding them with deadly precision. He lunges at Merlin, the swords spinning in a deadly dance. The clash of metal on metal echoes through the hall as their blades meet.

Memnon is a whirlwind of steel, his attacks a blur of speed and skill. But Merlin moves with supernatural grace, parrying and dodging Memnon's strikes with ease.

Time seems to slow for Merlin. Each movement is deliberate, his eyes glowing with an otherworldly light. Excalibur's blade hums as it cuts through the air, creating shockwaves that ripple through the room.

Memnon's attacks grow more frantic, his breath ragged. With a powerful swing, Merlin sends Memnon crashing back, tumbling down the steps of the altar. He collides with a flaming brazier, sending embers flying.

Memnon groans but refuses to admit defeat. His eyes dart around, spotting a fallen lamp. With a desperate move, he dips his blades into the blazing oil, igniting them and breathing heavily."This isn't over, Wizard!"

Merlin watches, his expression calm and unwavering, as Memnon rises once more, his swords now ablaze.

Once more the warlord's swords danced with fire, and he charged Merlin, the whirling swords spinning, the flames a dazzling, blinding array of skill as the warlord slashed forward, sending spitting oil spraying onto the Merlin's arms.

The oil droplets jumped to flame, and now—as if dealing with a warrior of Memnon's skill weren't enough—the assassin was having to take time to shake flames from himself, as if throwing off biting insects, a distraction that aided the warlord in backing Memnon up to the edge of the precipice that lined one side of the elevated courtyard.

But the warlord ducked the blow, and swung his leg around, the toe of his boot sinking deep into the Memon's side, doubling him up in pain, just in time for that same foot to kick again, catching his jaw.

That straightened Memnon, only to send him staggering backward, until he crashed into a table alongside the altar steps, Memon was dazed, barely conscious, but was not ready to give up and yelled,"Why I am the chosen one, I am stallion who mounts the world?"

Memnon in some stupid daze yelled"Hear me, gods! I am Memnon— son of Osiris, ruler of the world! And you . .. will obey!"

Merlin was annoyed at this and muttered"Shut up." and with swing his sword created a shockwave.

As the Great Teacher— Memnon, so called king of the world—was blown off his altar, he went sailing over the wall, down toward the city street, the warlord was like a falling star his freed subjects might make a wish upon.

Below, Isis and her fellow arrioes— whose eyes were bright, faces wide with smiles, as thry were not far away when Memnon's body hit with a sickening impact. The soldiers who'd been advancing on Isis and her warriors —recognizing the form of their commander in chief—fell back, in horrified, lead-erless disarray.

In the courtyard, Merlin walked to the edge of the precipice and stared down to view the broken, body below.

Isis and her warriors, and even the former soldiers of Memnon, were witness to an image so impressive, so indelible, all would carry it to their graves. As they looked up, the figure of the Wizard stood by a huge, approving moon, the glowing orb seemingly emblazoned on it.

Just then behind him, Merlin spots portal opening up and Cassandra coming out from it. With Gandalf and Philos coming behind her.

Then Cassandra ran to his side, and Merlin took her into his arms, held so tightly they were as one; her adoring gaze was matched by his own. Cassandra smiled an said,"I saw vision of the battel ending."

By this time, Balthazar had found his way to the courtyard, and as he limped toward his brother in battle, he watched with amazement and pride as the remaining soldiers of Memnon's army dropped their weapons and knelt before the wizard, staring up at him in awe—a legend was unfolding before their eyes, and they would spread the word.

Merlin and Cassandra were still gazing down at the fallen, torn remains of the warlord when the Nubian limped up to them, saying, "By tolling bell and thunder's swell..."

Cassandra remember her prophecy and smiled at the hobbling giant, then looked up at her own giant, and added."Flaming stars falls from the sky."

And on the palace steps, as Queen Isis, at gazed up through smoke and fire, captivated by the image of the godlike figure of the Wizard, framed against the glowing moon, the remainder of Memnon's soldiers also threw down their weapons and fell to their knees."By a full moon's glow," Isis said, "A New Emperor shall rise..." "Kneeling men bow to the king on high," Philos said, finishing the thought.


Following the demise of Memnon, his men, bereft of leadership and overwhelmed by the prowess of Merlin, surrendered en masse. The once formidable cities under Memnon's control fell swiftly to Merlin's expanding empire. Among these were:

Qarth, a pivotal city known for its trade routes and strategic importance.Lhazosh, located in the Lhazar region of Essos, southeast of Hesh and southwest of Kosrak. The trade routes from Lhazosh stretched southeast through the formidable Red Waste, making it a crucial hub for commerce.Hesh, another significant city in Lhazar, northwest of Lhazosh and west of Kosrak. Hesh commanded the trade route through the Khyzai Pass to Meereen, further enhancing Merlin's control over the region.In addition to these, the fortified cities of Bayasabhad, known as the City of Serpents, and Shamyriana, positioned on the Stone Road in the eastern Bone Mountains near the Great Sand Sea, were also subdued. These cities, notable for their strategic locations and defensive fortifications, were brought under Merlin's rule by his formidable commanders, Isis and Balthazar.

Merlin's conquests did not end there. His marriage to Cassandra, the powerful sorceress, cemented his control over the Red Waste, a region rich in the coveted resource, Melange. His unique ability to control the fearsome sand worms facilitated the harvesting of Melange, greatly enhancing his influence across Essos.

However, Merlin's burgeoning power aroused the suspicion and wariness of the three great Ghiscari city-states—Yunkai, Astapor, and Meereen. The Great Masters of Astapor, the Wise Masters of Yunkai, and the Great Masters of Meereen watched with increasing unease as Merlin's dominion expanded, fearing that their own cities would soon fall under his sway. Their concerns would later prove justified as Merlin would soon conqueor their cities because of his disgust for slave trade. But this would only happen a century later( At time of Maegor Uprising), where two of students Dastan, who is considered Prince of Qarth and N'Jadaka a former slave, who vowed to end slavery in Essos.

Excerpts from "Legend of Merlin" by scholar George from Tower of North.

