
Her Majesty's Death!

"In a world full of bold lies and desires, she chose violence. And she fell in love with it-"

Before Jane could read any further, she was interrupted by a loud, obnoxiously annoying voice.

"Your Highness, what should we do with the witness?" The voice lowered, sensing Jane's irritation. "I mean... You asked to... request after five minu-"

"Do whatever Aaron thinks. He's in charge, so he should know. I'm trying to read a book here, for God's sake. Lock the door on your way out, please," Jane replied smoothly and focused back on the book she was holding.

Seated on her bed, Jane held a romance novel in her hands. It wasn't her typical choice of reading material, but she had picked it up on a whim.

She had heard that it was a tragic story about a young woman who married a scumbag and suffered at his hands before he eventually killed her to inherit her wealth.

However, in the end, the villain was poised to take revenge on the male lead of the story.

It wasn't the kind of book Jane would normally enjoy, but she had to admit that the villain in the story intrigued her.

He was described as handsome, with the best abs that was ever described in a book. The author's vivid portrayal made Jane feel desire and forbidden thoughts. "The author was really something else," Jane thought for a moment.

Yet, thoughts of men also made her feel lonely.

Jane was the forty third queen of Kingdom Veridonia—the heir after Queen Isadora, her lovely mother.. Kingdom Veridonia ran with a line of powerful queens. And the kings existed merely to grant the future throne. And just like how her mother taught her, she never grew up to desire another man.

Because as the sole heir to the throne, her mother's ideas and remarks always surrounded her: "You don't need a king!" "A king would only make you feel weak!" "Power is a strong attire! It's better if you don't share!"

Thus, she suppressed all the love she had to give and focused solely on her kingdom, Kingdom Veridonia.

Shaking off her thoughts, she turned the pages of the book. With every word she read, she found herself becoming more engrossed in the story.

Jane continued to follow the struggles of the female lead, Seraphina Rose, which kept her on her toes.

Hours passed by as she delved into the book. She read each letter and word, not wanting to miss anything, until she reached the downfall of the woman in the story.

"Ahh! This villain!" she thought to herself once again when he appeared. He was everything a romance novel villain should be: charming, handsome, and dangerously alluring. Dangerous in ways that one couldn't even imagine.

Jane suddenly found herself wishing that he was the hero of the story instead of the despicable character the hero was.

But for now, she could lose herself in the world of fiction. Turning the pages with care, she savored every word until a knock at the door brought her back to reality.

"You're never to be forgiven, Damian! I despise you with every single-"


"Jane, are you in there?" It was her mother, Isadora who yelled, bringing her back to the real world.

Jane quickly closed the book, feeling guilty for being caught. But Isadora only smiled indulgently. She noticed her shimmering gown and smiled back at her.

"Have you been reading the whole time?"

"I needed a break from politics," Jane replied with a grin. "How was your nap?" she asked from her mother.

"It was refreshing," her mother acknowledged and looked at Jane with compassion in her eyes. The bond between them ran deep.

"This young woman needs to go out and have some peace. Let me," her mother said with a smile, taking the book. Jane welcomed the opportunity to have some time to herself and immerse herself in her reading.

"You were always the interesting one, indeed," she heard her mother speak as she left the room.


As soon as Jane stepped outside, she was immediately captivated by the beauty of nature. The lush greenery filled her with excitement and a sense of tranquility.

Making her way to a secluded part of the garden, she sat on the ground and felt a childlike happiness wash over her. Contentment spread across her face in a serene smile.

However, as she sat on the ground, a lingering feeling of being watched tugged at her senses.

The rustling of the bushes heightened, causing her heart to race. Jumping to her feet, she called out, "Who's there?" but received no response.

With caution, she approached the bushes, her senses on high alert. Suddenly, a hand shot out, gripping her wrist and forcefully pulling her into the foliage. She struggled to break free, but the hold on her was unyielding.

Fear coursed through her veins as she realized she was now alone with a stranger in the secluded part of the garden.

Jane stood frozen, eyes wide with terror, as more figures emerged from the shadows, encircling her with malicious intent. Clad in black attire, hoods obscuring their faces, they exuded a menacing aura.

The attack caught Jane off guard, especially within the supposedly secure confines of her own palace. Memories of her disrupted coronation day flooded her mind. Could these be the same assailants who had caused chaos on that fateful occasion?

Her eyes fixated on a symbol engraved on one of their swords—the image of a raven. The haunting memory of that day remained etched in her very being.

As the assassins closed in, Jane sensed that their arrival was no mere coincidence. They harbored deep-seated grudges and sought retribution for some ancient transgression.

Their coordinated movements and calculated actions spoke of a dangerous level of organization. Has their strength grown over time?

Though fear gripped her, Jane summoned her inner resolve. She would not succumb to the darkness that threatened her. Drawing upon the determination that propelled her to the throne, she vowed to confront this threat head-on.

The queen within her would not be easily defeated, for she carried the indomitable spirit of those who came before her.

As the leader of the thieves advanced, Jane snapped out of her shock and reached for the sword she kept by her side.

Her book lay forgotten on the floor; her sole focus was now on the band of thieves.

And before she could unsheathe her sword, one of the thieves lunged at her with a knife, aiming for her stomach.

Reacting swiftly, she sidestepped the attack, spun around, and delivered a powerful kick to the thief's back, sending him tumbling to the ground.

The remaining thieves charged towards her, but she was prepared. She deftly evaded their swings and countered with precise strikes of her own.

Her sword danced through the air as she spun, thrust, and parried, incapacitating one thief after another. Nevertheless, their numbers seemed endless, and their assaults relentless. They appeared to attack from all angles, quickly overwhelming Jane.

She fought with all her might, her body moving with practiced grace and precision. Yet, she knew that she couldn't hold out much longer. The thieves were growing more cunning and coordinated with each passing moment.

Just as Jane began to feel overwhelmed, a commanding voice rang out from behind the thieves. "Hold it right there, scum!"

Immediately recognizing the voice, Jane realized it was one of her most trusted guards, Aaron. He had brought reinforcements, who were swiftly closing in on the thieves.

Momentarily taken aback, the thieves hesitated before attempting to flee. Before they could escape, Jane lunged forward, delivering a devastating blow to their leader, causing him to collapse in pain.

The remaining thieves scattered, desperately fleeing for their lives. Jane and Aaron stood triumphant in the garden, their breaths ragged and adrenaline coursing through their veins.

"Are you alright, Your Highness?" Aaron asked, concern etched on his face.

"I'm fine," Jane replied, though she knew she was far from it. She had never felt more vulnerable than at that very moment.

"Let's get you back to the palace," Aaron said, extending a hand to help her up.

Jane reached out to take his hand, but before she could grasp it, a knife swung from behind, striking her with full force. It was the leader of the thieves.

The blade pierced her stomach, causing excruciating pain as she choked and gasped for air. The assailant didn't stop at a single stab but continued to plunge the knife into her abdomen repeatedly.

"Hail Kingdom Veridonia!" the man declared proudly, withdrawing the knife from Jane's abdomen. Satisfied with his brutal act, he swiftly fled without looking back, the weapon still in his hand.

"Catch that bastard!" Aaron commanded urgently, while holding onto the queen's waist. Guilt flashed across his eyes, realizing he had failed in his responsibility and the oath he had sworn.

"P-put me down, A-Aaron!" she said as he slowly lowered her to the ground. He was dumbfounded by how quickly everything had unfolded.

"Hang in there, Queen! The medics are on the-"


She couldn't hear what else Aaron was about to say as she closed her eyes. The image of the kingdom's flag flashed before her, and she squeezed her eyes shut even tighter, hoping to escape into darkness.


"Wake up! Wake up!! Sera! Wake up!"

Someone shook her, rousing her from her deep slumber.

"Wait... Sera?"

"Sera?" the woman questioned in return.

The woman before her was beautiful in every way. She had a petite frame, but her beauty was captivating. Yet, she looked worried.

"Who is Sera?"

"You're Sera. Seraphina? Seraphina Rose. I'm sorry, but there's no time for your games, Sera. He's coming! And he's looking for you!"

Jane, or rather, now Sera, was taken aback by what she was hearing. Who was this woman? Seraphina Rose? Why did the name sound familiar? Hadn't she just been killed? Where was she now? What was happening?

"What? He's going to be here soon! You slept!" the woman complained.

Slowly, Sera rose to her feet, her attention focused on her surroundings, seemingly ignoring the woman in front of her.

The room was constructed with stone walls, and a small wooden desk and chair were the only furnishings. A flickering candle on the desk provided the sole source of light, casting eerie shadows on the walls.

Sera shook her head, trying to make sense of her situation. She suddenly remembered the attack, and she unintentionally clutched her stomach, feeling a lingering pain.

"Am I dead? Am I hallucinating? Where the hell am I?" she questioned herself, grappling with the numerous uncertainties. She ventured towards the right side of the room, still absorbing her surroundings.

In a nearby mirror, she caught a glimpse of her reflection.

She gasped as she saw that her once long black hair now flowed in golden waves, and her eyes were emerald green. Her full lips were painted in a bold red shade, highlighting the elegance of her high cheekbones. A sense of confidence showed from her small, delicate nose, slightly upturned. She wore a fitted emerald green dress that accentuated her curves, complemented by a pair of strappy gold heels. Intricate lace details adorned the dress, adding a touch of femininity to her overall appearance.

However, the dirt and modest surroundings clashed with her extravagant attire. Her entire appearance looked mismatched for the setting. In fact, she felt overdressed.

"Who the fuck am I?! Seraphina... the woman with golden hair and... Oh, f-!" she whispered to herself, deepening her frown. She grasped one thing but found it hard to believe that it was truly happening to her.

"No! No! No! No! This can't be true! It just can't be-"

She glanced around with fearful eyes, shaking her head in disbelief. Her eyes landed on a small table in the corner of the room. Resting on top of it were a quill, an inkwell, and several sheets of parchment.

It looked as though the previous occupant had been engaged in writing.

With much curiosity, Seraphina approached the table and examined the parchment. To her astonishment, the words written on it were in English, the very language she had been reading in the book.

The writing exhibited an elegant and flowing style, detailing the daily life of a commoner.

She marveled at the meticulous attention given to even the smallest aspects, from the vivid descriptions of the royal banquets to the intricate portrayal of the king's throne room.

As she dug deeper into the writing, a sudden realization hit her. This was no ordinary book she had been reading.

She had been transported to a whole new world, a world where she was the main character, and her entire life was at stake.

"Damian is coming! Right now!" the woman yelled once more, snapping Seraphina out of her thoughts.

"Damian—Damian?! The antagonist...?! What part of the story is this?" she whispered to herself, her mind racing with questions as the door to the room swung wide open.

"God forbid..." she muttered under her breath, locking eyes with the woman who mirrored her horrified expression.

"They're here..."
