
Get Away From Her!

Samantha tried to move her feet, but she was inexplicably held down by the force Marius had created. The only thing she could do was blink and make multiple expressions on her face, whilst he found solace in her helplessness, enjoying how she gave up after trying for the past few minutes. He found it wiser that she had stopped, because if she didn't, her energy would be drained from daring to overpower the constraints of his powers. 

A wise step that eventually ruined his moment.


A shaky gasp tore from Samantha's lips when her knees moved on their own, automatically sending her to the cold ground. Her mind was still trying to process the image of Alain in a cage, wondering if what he had shown her was true. If it was… but how can that be? How did he manage to get hold of Alain, how did Alain end up there? What was happening?
