
(ACT 04) Snitches gets the stitches

For what seemed to be like a hundredth time in his very short mortal life, William Veil sincerely wishes he has the ability to edit and delete some very specific memories again... because he is pretty sure that he's never ever going to be able to look at his sister and Alastor Nyx the same way.

Ignorance sure is bliss.

He was also sure he had done absolutely nothing wrong to somehow earn this kind of bullshit. After all, William was just here to check on his sister and then go straight home to watch Badanamu to shower his brain with some much-needed pure wholesomeness, okay? What's the harm in that?!


This kind of shit is what he gets after trying to be a good little brother for once! “Nick,” William began, trying and failing to keep his voice even, “...please be honest, have I ever done something bad to you?”

The fucker has the audacity to even look pensive, “Well, other than throwing the wolves to me on my day off... none that I can recall. Why do you ask?”
