
Chapter 2 arriving home

Loki returned to Asgard and Thor was prepared to battle the army. "You ready for a fight brother" Thor called out.

"I didn't mean to bring this here, it wasn't me," Loki told Thor.

"It's ok, I believe you. Are you ready to help me defeat the army? " Thor asks.

"Yes, of course, I can't let my brother face the army alone and risk getting hurt or killed because of the army I brought here," Loki said with a smile.

Thor laughed and charged at the army, with Loki just behind him.The sky rapidly fills with the deafening noise of thunder and lightning, and daggers flying in the air.Thor and Loki managed To defeat the army quickly. When they worked together, there weren't a lot of people or armies who could defeat them.

Thor and Loki headed indoors and started talking about Loki's time on earth.

"What happened to your friend from Midgard," Thor asked.

"I left him there, you know father would never allow him here," Loki told him.

"Asgard is not the place for humans with their short lives, and he would have been the only one," Thor told Loki.

"Yeah, I know" Loki agrees.

Thor could tell Loki was upset at having to leave his friend behind.

"You can find another friend here in Asgard, where their lives are as long as our own," said Thor.

Loki laughed, but it was a humorless laugh.

"Yeah, sure," Loki said.

A guard approached them,

"the all-father has requested your appearance, he needs to speak to you"

"Do you want me to come with you, I'll tell father that I know it was an accident, and you didn't bring it here to hurt us" Thor asks.

"No, it's fine, he won't believe you anyway," Loki told him.

Before Thor had a chance to respond, Loki was gone.

Loki walks into the throne room, and he watches Odin, feeling uneasy.There was only Odin and him in the enormous throne room.

Loki was afraid of Odin, especially when he was in an unpleasant mood,But he would never admit it and wouldn't let anybody know. Odin glared at him, not speaking a word. A guard stood forward and collected the stones from Loki and passed them to Odin. Odin turned to the Norn Stones, broken and in pieces, then back to Loki.

"I shall not ask you what you were thinking," he said slowly, for it was clear that you were not.

"I had a plan," Loki lets out. "It is not my fault that everything has not gone smoothly. Had I succeeded, I would have brought Amora and the Norn Stones to you."

"And instead you bring me nothing but excuses," Odin told him.

Loki wanted to say something, but the words were trapped inside his head and he couldn't get a word out.

"Go to your quarters and remain there. I will decide your punishment and a guard will inform you of your punishment once I've decided what it will be, And be thankful for not being banished." Odin informs Loki.

There were so many things Loki wanted to say, but all he could muster up was

"yes father" before leaving the room and heading back to his chambers.

Loki stood there looking at the four walls for hours till he couldn't stand it anymore, he knew he had to go back for Theo.

He headed to Heimdal and loki hoped that he would be able to help him.

"You'd like to go to Midgard," said Heimdal.

"That is the idea" Loki replied.

"You miss your friend, and you have secret routes to Midgard, so why come to me," Heimdal asked.

"It's quicker and easier to get you to help, also Theo will struggle to travel through my secret pathways with his injury," Loki told him.

"I hope you know. What you're getting yourself into and are ready for the consequences" heimdal tells him.

"Yes, I am. Will you help me? I can't leave him there. I made a promise." Loki said.

"I can get into trouble myself if I help you. What is so important about a mortal?" asked Heimdal.

"I can't leave him there. People hate him, he has no family and no friends, they beat him up and attack him, he deserves more," Loki told Heimdal.

Heimdal was surprised at how emotional Loki was as it was very rare to see any emotion from Loki let alone this amount of emotion and decided to help him.

"I will help you, provided that while you are there, you check whether Amora is really dead or not, I cannot see her." "I know she can protect herself from me if you do that then you keep us safe because if she's alive, she is a danger to us so your journey to retrieve Theo will be put down to making sure Amora is dead," Heimdal tells Loki.

"I agree with that," said Loki.

Loki then makes his way to Earth to find Theo.
