
A golden entrance

Over at Grava Academy stadium, Doctor David and Aurora have arrived at the stadium with all of their injured comrades held on their backs, with Skylar following close behind.

The second the group was let into the stadium, they rushed Lex, Kai, Blaze, Liz, Dexter, and Wayne to the resting area to be treated.

"Let the other doctors take care of the rest of the kids, but I need to treat Wayne immediately!" David screams in a serious tone.

All the other unconscious students are put into beds, and extra doctors begin treating them, but in Wayne's case...

"Hey Doc, I heard you returned. What's going on? Mr.Brown screams as he rushes into the recovery room.

"Before you speak any further, be mindful!" David whispers.

Mr.Brown looks at the operation table in front of Mr.Brown and sees Wayne on the operation table with the broken Excalibur still in his stomach.

"That's Wayne! This must be from the battle with Hunter," Mr.Brown thinks to himself.

"He's going pale with a cold sweat, and from what I can see, he's struggling to breathe. Damn it, all that blood lost from his battle must be in the fatal category by now," David says as he observes Wayne's condition closely.

David ignites green flames in his left hand and throws it onto Wayne's body. The green flames completely engulf Wayne's body, and after a few seconds, David absorbs the flames back into himself.

"Ok, diagnostics done, and it seems like damn near everything is broken. how is this kid still alive?" David thinks to himself.

David begins to look around the room.

"Damn it, this is bad. I need to pull that sword out of his stomach and quickly pour as much yellow flames as I can into the wound to heal it, but there's nothing here that can help me pull out the sword in a perfect manner! Damn, I wish I was back at Grava Academy."

As David speaks, someone walks up behind him.

"Hey, I can be some help with that!" the voice says in a playful tone.

"And who the hell are you?" David asks.

"Chika, of course, Doc!" Chika exclaims.

"Oh, it's just you. well what exactly do you have to offer?"

"With my wind manipulation, I can use a circulation of wind to carefully and safely pull out the sword with no problem," Chika says confidently.

"Hey! This kid is already at death's door! One wrong move and everything is over for him! Get that? life over, and no patient of mine is dying on my watch." David says in a stern tone.

"Yes, I fully understand, Doc! I'm ready to be of help!" Chika says ecstatically.

"Uhhh. Well, look, I have no choice; that wind manipulation of yours better be as good as you hype it up to be," David remarks.

David ignites a massive yellow flame in his right hand.

"Just a few more seconds, kid, just keep holding on!" David says with a determined expression.

Chika begins to circulate wind around the handle of the sword in Wayne's stomach and begins to pull it out.

"Aargh!" Wayne screams in excruciating pain.

"Wait! Don't pull it out yet! It might not look like it, but Wayne is going between consciousness and unconsciousness right now! If we pull it out, he will squirm around too much, causing even more damage to his insides." David exclaims with a concerned tone.

"Then what do we do now?" Chika asks.

"For fuck's sake, does this place really have no anesthesia?" David asks Mr.Brown.

"No, sorry, we only had enough for the tournament, and even our extras have been used up after Death's zombies invaded the stadium.

"Damn it all! This isn't looking good at all; we need him to stay still, or he will die for sure!" David says in a desperate tone.

"If you need him to just be calm, I can help with that."

Everyone in the room looks to the side of Wayne's bed where the voice came from. When they look at the bed, they see Selena standing up with a calm expression on her face.

"Selena! Aren't you still recovering from that mind acceleration you used against Paul? According to Aurora, your mind should take at least five days to fully recover." David says with a confused expression.

"Yes, you're correct, but I have sorted out enough of the overloaded info in my brain. I should be of great help," Selena says as she suddenly drops to her knees.

Selena breaks into a cold sweat, the muscles in her forehead begin to pop out, and she grabs her head in pain.

"See, I knew it! Don't try to play all tough, Selena! You still haven't fully recovered!" David yells in an aggravated tone.

"Don't worry about me; my brain is still sorting things out. I will fully recover in a few days but I can at least do this much," Selena says as she struggles to get up.

Selena walks over to the unconscious Wayne and places her hand on his head.

"Mind manipulation: dreamy calm," Selena whispers with a soft tone.

David instantly notices the change in Wayne's facial expression.

"Chika, pull it out now and remember, slowly!"


Chika slowly pulls the broken sword out of Wayne's stomach, and the second it is out, David throws his yellow flames into the huge wound with intensity. The flames instantly begin to heal Wayne's wound.

"There we go. I will heal the rest of the wounds soon but he should be out of the woods. He'll probably awaken in a few months. How did you get him to calm down," David asks Selena.

"I distracted his mind from the pain with a dream state of pure bliss," Selena says softly.

"What could possibly be so blissful that it would distract him from a sword in his stomach?" David questions.

"A happy picnic with all his friends and family," Selena responds as she removes her hand from Wayne's head.

"Damn, what a simple kid. Well, alright, smoke break time!"

"Wait, we still have so many injured people to heal!" Mr.Brown exclaims.

After helping to save Wayne's life, Selena walks over to a row of seats at the side of the room and takes a seat next to Akira. When Selena looks over at Akira's face, she sees nothing but despair.

"Hello, Akira. I see this attack on the city hasn't treated you well," Selena remarks in a caring tone.

Akira slowly turns her head towards Selena with a blank stare on her face.

"Hey, Selena, I have a question."

"Go ahead; you know I'm always listening," Selena says in a caring tone.

"If you found out that you hated yourself, what would you do?" Akira asks as her voice shakes.

"Well, that's a question with almost infinite answers, but for me, I would just love everything else even harder," Selena answers in a calm tone.

Suddenly Akira hugs Selena tightly with tears filling her eyes.


"Yes, I know it will be ok. I'm right here," Selena says as she hugs her tightly as well.

As many people return to Grava Academy Stadium to recover after multiple battles, the action at the center of the city continues.

With Killer now facing Mr.Mink, Jason, and Seth, Killer throws one of his Uzis to the ground and pulls out a butcher knife.


"Ok, Jason and Seth, I will be taking the main stage on this one, so just stand by and back me up when you can.

"Right!" Jason yells.

"Well, I don't usually take the back seat, but I'll let it slide this one time," Seth remarks.

Quickly Killer begins shooting at Mr.Mink with his Uzi. As the bullets speed toward him, Mr.Mink activates the accelerate technique.

"I see these first shots are just to test my speed, and not only that, he pulled out a short-range gun with a short-range melee weapon. He must have overheard Nisugi say my feared legend name. He knows I'm a close combat fighter," Mr.Mink says as he dodges every bullet.

Killer jumps back, throws up his knife, pulls out a bomb, and throws the bomb at Mr.Mink.

"This guy right now, all he's doing is assessing the extent of my abilities. He must consider me a threat to take this approach," Mr.Mink says to himself.

Mr.Mink rushes forward and catches the grenade.

"Sorry, but I won't make it that easy," Mr.Mink says with a dead-focused look in his eyes.

Mr.Mink with swiftness, tosses the grenade back at Killer.


Once Killer sees the bomb next to him, he uses the accelerate technique to run back, but Mr.Mink appears behind him.


Mr.Mink pushes Killer back into the radius of the bomb and then vanishes, leaving Killer to take the full brunt force of the explosion.

After taking the explosion, Killer stands back up and instantly begins looking for Mr.Mink.


He looks to his right and sees nothing, then to his left and sees nothing.

"You know if you plan on throwing a bomb, you should wear better protection," Mr.Mink says from behind Killer.

Killer instantly turns around and shoots at Mr.Mink but he's gone once again.


Suddenly Mr.Mink appears on the right of Killer and socks him on the cheek with great force.

"Got our first solid hit in already. you're not looking much like a killer Killer," Mr.Mink remarks with a calm tone.

As Killer gets sent flying back from his punch, Mr.Mink notices about thirteen red and white targets all across his body.

"I see you're always thinking about your next move, kind of like me," Mr.Mink says with a focused expression.

All the bullets Killer shot while he was trying to pinpoint Mr.Mink's location shift their direction and begin to chase after Mr.Mink.

"This must be the power Kage and Unknown were telling me about. It doesn't matter if I dodge them; they'll still follow me until they hit their mark."

Mr.Mink begins to run away from the pursuing bullets.

"I guess there's no point in wasting any of my movements," Mr.Mink whispers to himself as he begins to chase after Killer.


"Did you really think I was going to let you off the hook just because of a few bullets? You're going to need a little more than that!" Mr.Mink exclaims as he appears in front of Killer.

Mr.Mink and Killer both begin vanishing and reappearing with the accelerate technique as they continue clashing.

On the sidelines of the battle, Jason and Seth are putting all their effort into the sense technique.

"That guy says to give him support when we can, but we can't even keep up with their movements," Jason says with a smile.

At the same time as this battle, Kage and Nisugi are going at it not too far away.

Kage is currently flying through the sky with energy jet while Nisugi is down below.

"All she's doing is avoiding my energy beams with her speed. I need to switch up the damn flow already!" Kage remarks as he stops using energy jet and begins to descend.

"This child. I believe this is the child of Elio Frost the boss has been referring to as of late. It looks like he creates and controls energy. He's of no threat yet," Nisugi thinks to herself as she watches Kage descend.

As Kage descends, he begins spinning at great speed.

"Energy meteor shower!" Kage screams.

Giant energy beams begin to rain down from Kage toward Nisugi.

"Take this!" Kage yells.

"Hmph, more futile energy beams to dodge," Niaugi remarks.

Nisugi begins to evade the giant energy beams, but she quickly realizes something.

"They're tracking me down!" Nisugi says as the giant energy beams begin to chase her.

"Ha! How do you like that? Not so stoic anymore!" Kage yells with a cocky tone as he drops to the ground.

"Fine, you leave me no choice," Nisugi remarks as she clicks a button on her suitcase.

Nisugi stops moving, and all of the energy beams hit their mark.

"Got ya! Wait, what the hell!"

Once the dust clears from the explosion of the energy beams, Kage quickly sees the blue barrier around Nisugi.

"Wait, is that your level two power? A barrier?" Kage asks with a curious expression.

"No, of course not. this barrier is being emitted from my suitcase. Technology created by Solomon I guess it is pretty useful maybe he wasn't talking out of his ass," Nisugi says as she looks at the stability of the barrier.

"I have no idea who the fuck Solomon is, but why don't you stay in that barrier? it makes it easier!" Kage yells with a smirk.

Kage rushes forward with the accelerate technique, and once next to the barrier, places his right palm on it.

"Energy shot!"

Kage releases a focused blast of energy from his palm and instantly cracks the barrier.

"Hmm, not as stable as I thought. Damn Solomon!" Nisugi whispers in a ticked-off tone.

Kage shoots a blast of energy from his left hand to destroy more of the barrier.

"Rahhh!" Kage exclaims.

"Like always, I can't rely on anyone," Nisugi says in an irritable tone.

Nisugi points at Kage's incoming energy beam with a serious expression.


Suddenly Kage's energy beam vanishes out of thin air.

"What was that!" Kage screams.

"Now paste," Nisugi says in a serious tone as she points at Kage.

From Nisugi's right index finger, an energy beam blasts out, breaks the barrier from inside, and hits Kage. Kage smacks the energy beam to the side.

"I see, so it won't work against you."

"Yeah, sorry, energy beams don't really work on me, especially when they're my own. I'm just wondering how you managed to use my attack," Kage says as he gets into a fighting stance.

"I'll make sure to let you know before I kill you," Nisugi remarks as she points her gun with a silencer on it at Kage.

As Kage and Nisugi's battle continues, Mr.Mink and Killer have gotten quite far from the other battles.

As Killer and Mr.Mink are rushing around each other with the accelerate technique, Jason and Seth are lagging behind.

"Damn, these two are moving so damn fast Killer didn't move this fast against me and those other two," Seth says with an annoyed expression.

"Yeah, because we're students. It's simple to understand people with statues, like feared legends, don't take us seriously because they don't see us as a threat. We're just kids to them!" Jason exclaims in a conflicted tone.

"Well, that's demeaning, isn't it?" Seth asks.

"It is, but my parents always taught me never to let anyone disrespect you so they won't underestimate us for long!" Jason shouts.

As Seth and Jason catch up to Mr.Mink the battle between him and Killer escalates.

As they both run around, Mr.Mink begins to think to himself.

"Is he pulling me away from the other battles on purpose? That shouldn't matter with Seth and Jason still following close behind, so what is he playing at?"

Mr.Mink kicks Killer in the arm but then dodges a blade swing. Killer then stabs his blade into the ground and, from his back pocket, throws multiple knives at Mr.Mink.

Mr.Mink catches each knife by the handle swiftly and drops them each.


"Oh, I see you've noticed that the bullets that you sent after me earlier have disappeared," Mr.Mink remarks.

Mr.Mink picks up a rock off the ground and shows it to Killer.

"With the targets all over my body, the bullets wouldn't stop following me until they hit me. They even went around entire buildings to track me down, so I just let them get close but threw a rock in front of the targets at the last second. An interesting solution to the problem, isn't it?" Mr.Mink explains as he itches his chin.


With Killer's silence, Mr.Mink's facial expression gets serious, and he rushes forward.

"Also, you left some blind spots that I've taken notice of during our exchange," Mr.Mink says in a casual tone.

Mr.Mink applies the flex-charged technique to his right arm and uppercuts Killer directly in the stomach, sending him flying into the air.


Killer stays silent as he coughs up blood through his mask.

"What will be your next move, killer?" Mr.Mink asks as he jumps up to begin a follow-up attack.

As Killer flies up from the punch, he pulls out a compact grenade launcher with a huge muzzle. With pure silence, Killer instantly pulls the trigger.

"Wait, I've seen that gun before! That's a mini-nuke launcher! Damn it, he wanted me to send him into the sky! That also must be why he led me away from his allies."

With Mr.Mink in the air, he looks down below him.

"This would be no problem for me, but I'm not the only one here!"

Below Mr.Mink, he sees Seth and Jason, who have just caught up to the battle.

"The nuke is going to go off! I don't have enough time to save them!" Mr.Mink yells with a conflicted expression on his face as he tries to think of a way out of this situation.

The mini nuke goes off and begins to destroy everything below it.

"Damn it!" Mr.Mink shouts in anger.

"Hey, auctioneer, dispel that mini-nuke right away, and don't even show me the price," a mysterious figure from the shadows speaks.

Suddenly the mini-nuke vanishes, and instantly everyone looks to the new presence that has entered the field.

"Tch! Now you decide to show yourself, damn show off," Seth remarks with a distasteful tone.

On top of a roof near the battle, Alexander, the number two of class four, and Seth's childhood friend, has arrived with auctioneer floating at his side.

"Hey, you know I heard that! You should be grateful, you damn brokie!"

Chapter 189 end
