
Harmony's triumph

With Death's appearance on the beach, Mr.Mink, Unknown, and Akira are left in a predicament. Hands start to rise from all around the beach.

"Hehe! Hehe!"

As Death laughs, Mr.Mink, Unknown, and Akira jump away from the hands rising out of the ground. Akira, seeing the hands rise from the ground, starts panicking.

"What the hell is going on?"

One of the hands grabs onto Akira's leg.

"Ahh, get off!"

Akira slams her foot onto the hand's arm. Completely snapping into two.

"Ahh! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that!"

As Akira screams, many men and women wearing tattered clothes pop out of the ground. The men's and women's bodies are decaying and have barely any flesh, which allows their bones to be visible.

"Hehe, let me introduce you."

With a creepy smile, Death spins around like a ballerina.

"Say hello to my zombies!"

The beach is now swarming with Death's zombies. On the left of Death Unknown is avoiding all the zombies running towards him.

"So her powers have something to do with zombies? Well, luckily, zombies are known for being pretty slow."

A zombie jumps out of the crowd of zombies and lands right in front of Unknown. He dodges the first punch, but then gets kicked in the face by the zombie. The kick sends Unknown flying into the water. Unknown quickly jumps out of the water with an angered expression.

"Why the hell is that zombie moving so fast?"

Death quickly answers Unknown's question.

"It's really simple. That zombie right there used to be a martial artist master, so he's much stronger than the others."

"Tch, of course I have to fight the strong opponent!"


Death looks down at her chest and notices that Mr.Mink has punched a hole through it.

"You're pretty good at sneaking around, and your level two power seems to be pretty annoying, but there's not much you can do when your dead feared legend Death. You should've stayed out of my sight."

Mr.Mink pulls his fist out of Death's chest, causing blood to splatter all over his clothes.

"Dang, and this suit was expensive."

Death's body falls to the ground. Mr.Mink starts checking Death's pulse.

"Yep, she's definitely dead."

Mr.Mink looks around him and sees that multiple zombies are starting to swarm around him.

"Then why the hell are these zombies still running around? Her power should have stopped working by now."

Mr.Mink uses the accelerate technique and starts punching a hole through each of the zombies' heads. It takes him three seconds to put a hole through all of their heads, but he quickly notices that the zombies are getting right back up.

"I should've guessed it wouldn't be that easy, especially when you're dealing with a feared legend."

As half of the group continues fighting Death's zombies on the beach in the underwater sea cave, Kage, Selena, and Tota go through their own struggles with the ghost knight. Kage and Selena have put their all into avoiding the knight's attacks since every time they try to hit him, their attacks phase through him. Tota is still hiding behind the tree. On the right side of the room, Kage is running away from the knight, trying his best to avoid all of his attacks.

"You're not worthy!"

"For fuck sake, shut up about that stupid, not worthy shit! Selena, have you found out how to beat this thing?"

Kage throws multiple energy beams at the knight, but they phase right through him.

"You're not worthy!"

The knight swings his sword at Kage and cuts him multiple times in the leg.


Kage jumps away from the knight, but the knight gets into a strong, striking position and attempts to shove his sword into his chest. Kage dodges the attack and throws another energy beam, but once again, it phases through him.

"Come on! Selena, hurry up with that plan!"

While Kage and the knight fight each other, Selena, who has been out of action after taking many slashes to the body, gets up with many cuts to her body.

"Sorry, Kage I had to sit down to think some more."

"It's fine; just figure out how to beat this man!"

Selena puts her back on the wall and starts thinking to herself.

"That writing on his back said, "Only three are needed," but what does that mean? That must be some type of clue. Wait a minute on that glowing floor we stood on in the first hallway before we got to this room. It only lets us get down here once the three of us step on it. Of course, that's the answer!"

Selena gets up and starts running to the tree Tota is hiding behind.



"Calm down; it's just me."

"Sorry, you just came out of nowhere, so I got spooked."

"OK, but we need to move quickly. I found out how to beat this so-called ghost knight."

"Wait, you did!"

"Yes, I figured it out by remembering one of the things we had to do in the first level. To get down here, we needed three of us, so I'm guessing to beat this knight, we need three of us as well. Look at that knight's chest."

Tota looks at the chest of the knight, just like Selena said.

"It says unity."

"Yes, and unity means to join together."

"So that means."

"Yep, we need to punch that knight together!"

While Selena and Tota are talking, Kage gets thrown past them. Kage quickly jumps back up with many bruises and cuts on his body.

"I can't stand this stupid ghost knight!"

Before Kage can run back over to the knight, Selena stops him.

"Kage I've found a way to beat the knight."

"Oh, about time, so how do we beat it?"

"All three of us need to hit him at the same time, including Tota."

After hearing that, Kage smiles.

"Finally something I can work with! Come on, Tota!"

Kage grabs Tota and starts rushing toward the knight. Selena, seeing this, uses the accelerate technique to quickly get behind the knight.

"Ok, Kage, this has to be at the same time."

"Right! Are you ready, Tota?"

"Umm, I don't kn—"

Kage quickly throws Tota at the knight.


As he screams, Tota looks down and sees the knight.


Tota clenches his fist and points it towards the knight. As Tota quickly descends towards the knight, Kage and Selena use the accelerate technique to get right next to the knight.

"Kage, make sure you hit it at the same time as Tota!"

"I know!"

Tota finally hits the knight in the helmet, and at the same time, Kage and Selena punch the knight. Tota hits the ground instantly. looks up at the ghost.

"He's not moving anymore; I think we did it!"

The second Tota finishes his statement, the knight throws Kage and Selena off of him.

"You're not worthy!"

The knight screams so loudly that it hurts Tota's ears.


The knight takes his sword and attempts to cut down Tota, who is on the ground, screaming in pain. Kage quickly rushes in and grabs Tota before the knight kills him. With Tota in hand, Kage rushes over to Selena.

"Selena, what the hell happened? I thought you said that would work."

"I don't know Kage; that caught me by surprise as well."

As the ghost knight quickly starts pursuing Kage, Selena starts to think to herself.

"I don't get it; we hit it at the same time, and there are three of us. What are we missing?"

Selena starts to focus once again on the unity written on the chest of the knight.

"Wait unity!"

Kage prepares to go back into battle with the ghost knight, but Selena steps in front of him.

"I'm sorry for the mess up earlier, Kage. I misunderstood one of the clues."

"Oh, so do you have the answer now?"

"Yes! The unity on its chest doesn't stand for teamwork; it stands for harmony. We need to punch that knight with the same amount of power as each other."

"Wait, what do you mean?"

"Tota is weaker than us, so we need to match his strength."

"Oh, I understand what you mean! Tota, get up; we get to go again!"

"You aren't going to throw me again, are you?"

"I will if you keep sitting there!"

"Ok, ok, I'm getting up!"

"Alright, you two walk to the knight slowly. I will try to keep the knight's attention on me."


Selena rushes towards the knight, and the knight instantly starts attacking her, just as she planned.

Kage and Tota slowly walk over to the knight, and when they are a good distance away from the knight, they signal Selena with a hand wave.

"Good job, you two!"

Selena rushes over to the two of them.

"I've memorized the knight's movements, and I found out they are full of repetition. When he gets over here, duck under his sword swing."


"I will try!"

The knight walks to the front of the three of them.

"You're not worthy!"

"Duck now!"

The knight swings his sword at all of their heads, but all three of them duck under the knight's attack. Then all three of them punch the knight in the stomach with a punch so weak it's more comparable to a first bump. While sweating because of how stressed he is, Tota looks up at the ghost knight.

"Please tell me this works."


"Ahhh, no, please don't kill us!"

After making that terrible noise, the knight backs away from the three of them and starts shaking. The purple aura around him starts to fluctuate.

"You're worthy!"

The purple aura around the knight disputes, and the armor of the knight falls to the ground, completely hollow on the inside.

Kage and Selena look at each other in shock. Their shock turns to excitement.


Both of them jump in the air and fall to the ground.

"We beat that stupid knight's ass!"

"Hehe, well said, Kage!"

Selena looks over at the same wall she was suspicious of earlier. She sees that the wall has opened up and leads to a small room. In the room, there's a dagger with strange writing on it floating on display. Selena gets up and starts walking towards it.

While she does that, Kage walks over to Tota. When he gets over to Tota, he sees that he is once again writing in his journal while analyzing the armor of the knight.

"Are you interested in that armor, Tota?"

"Yeah, I'm actually going to take it with me to bring it back to the surface."

"Haha, of course you're Mr. journalist."

"Hey, don't call me that; it's embarrassing."

"Haha, let me help with the armor."

"Thanks, dude!"

As Tota and Kage pick up all the pieces of the armor, Selena grabs the floating dagger.

"This dagger looks weird; it almost feels like it's made out of rock instead of metal. Maybe some more analyses will help me understand what the wording on it means."

As Selena analyzes the dagger, the entire sea cave starts shaking. Selena and Kage look around in confusion while Tota screams at the top of his lungs.

"What the hell is going on, Selena?"

"I have no idea."

Selena looks at the dagger in her hands.

"Could this be the reason?"

The sea cave starts crumbling. The roof starts to cave in, and at the same time, Tota cannot keep a cool head.

"Ahhh, we're going to die!"

Tota looks at his body and notices that he is glowing.

"What is this?"

Tota looks around and notices that everyone else is also glowing. Selena once again looks at the dagger.

"I guess getting this dagger was the only reason for this sea cave."

The three of them, including the knight's armor, disappear without a trace. The underwater sea cave completely collapses on itself, completely destroying it.

Chapter 80 end
