
Rematch against the tough opponent part one

Mr.Mink and Selena arrived at the entrance of the mansion four minutes after Unknown defeated Brock. The two of them walk into the mansion and see the entrance in a complete mess. The staircase is completely destroyed, all sides of the room are in bad condition, and there's a giant hole in one of the walls. Selena looks at the condition of the room.

"It seems like a pretty big fight happened here."

"Yeah, you're right, this room is a wreck."

Mr.Mink looks around the room and quickly notices Unknown lying on the ground covered in blood.


"Oh no!"

Mr.Mink and Selena run over to Unknown and start checking up on him.

"Selena, check his brain activity!"

Mr.Mink starts using the sense technique to check on Unknown's OGI flow.

"Ok, he's just low on OGi, and he's still breathing."

"Yeah, and his brain activity seems to be normal."


Mr.Mink picks up Unknown and throws him on his back.

"Ok, Selena, you know where Akira is, so I want you to go and support her if she needs it."

"Ok, and what will you do?"

"I'm going to the roof, where Kage and Nubuki should be fighting. I'm taking Unknown with me since it won't feel right leaving him on the ground."

"Alright, then I'll go check on Akira."


Mr.Mink jumps up to the top of where the stairs used to lead.

"Meet back up at the top of the mansion!"


Selena starts running down the same hallway Akira and Unknown took while Mr.Mink starts running up the mansion with Unknown on his back.

At the top of the mansion, Kage has broken into Nubuki's room. Tota instantly started hiding behind a pillar the second Kage and Nubuki started standing off.

"Kage is alive! Thank goodness. I thought I lost someone else, but did he come here to save me? Because if so, then this is really bad."

Nubuki walks to Kage's front and looks him directly in the eyes.

"So you have returned, but why is the question? Don't tell me you came back to save him, because if you have you would be wasting your second chance at life."

Kage grits his teeth in the face of Nubuki.

"Aye, Tota, I see you back there!"

Tota instantly flinched after hearing Tota call out his name. Tota peaks around the pillar so he can see Kages face. When he sees Kage's face, there's nothing but pure determination on it. So much determination, it kind of looks like Kage is angry.

"I don't know why you're not where Selena said you're going to be, but I have something to say!'

Both Nubuki and Tota look at Kage with curiosity.

"It's time for you to stop being a bitch! Selena showed us your past with her powers, and I know you've been through a lot."

Tota's eyes widen as Kage speaks.

"But you can't let shit like that hold you down forever! Stand up against him, Tota, or you will be his slave forever!"

Nubuki looks at Kage with a stoic expression on his face.

"It seems you speak from experience."

"Not exactly, but I know what I'm saying will get through to him."

"Hmm, interesting, but I will have to tell you this fight can only go one way."

"We will see about that!"

Nubuki clenches his fist and throws a punch at Kage. Kage blocks the punch by applying the flex technique to his right arm.

"I can feel that you have improved your flex technique, but that won't be enough to win."

Nubuki starts to put more effort into his punch and starts pushing Kage back. Kage uses all his strength to keep his feet on the ground, but Nubuki overpowers him. Nubuki punches Kage so hard that he goes flying through the roof. Kage is now high in the sky. Kage starts to descend from the sky.

"Oh shit that punch was strong! Energy je—"

Before Kage finishes speaking, he remembers some words from Mr.Mink.

"You're not allowed to activate level two until Nubuki activates his level two."

"Damn it!"

Kage keeps on falling and almost falls past the roof, but luckily he caught the ledge of the roof before he fell even further.

"Fighting without level two is going to be harder than I thought!"

As Kage pulls himself onto the roof, Nubuki says something to Tota.

"If you truly want to be free, I suggest you listen to him, but you should also know that your life will be in danger if you try it."

Nubuki jumps through the hole he made using Kage's body. Nubuki lands on the top of the roof, and at the same time, Kage climbs onto the roof.

"So no energy beams today?"

"Trust me, you're going to get a whole lot of energy beams soon!"

Kage rushes at Nubukk with the accelerate technique.

"This fight will be the same as our last, I see."

Nubuki pulls out his brass knuckles and puts them on. Nubuki throws a right punch at Kage. Kage ducks under the punch and slides in between Nubuki's legs.

"He's gotten faster."

Kage flips off of the ground and slams both of his feet onto Nubuki's head.

"Take that asshole!"

Before Kage can celebrate too much, Nubuki puts his arm back and grabs Kage by the right leg.

"I see your improvement, but it's not enough."

Nubuki slams his left foot into the ground to avoid falling forward from Kages attack. With the flex technique applied, Nubuki slams Kage's body onto the roof.


Nubuki lets go of Kage's leg and attempts to stomp on Kage. Kage rolls out of the way and punches Nubuki in the chin. Nubuki tries to slam his elbow onto Kage's head but gets blocked by Kage's right arm.

"I see now. You're applying the flex technique all across your body so you can bounce back from my attacks quicker."

"Oh, so you noticed! Well, it won't do you any good!"

Kage punches Nubuki in the stomach but then gets his head grabbed.


With the flex technique applied, Nubuki slams his head onto Kage's head as hard as possible. Nubuki throws Kage to the other side of the roof. With his head bleeding, Kage gets up and looks at Nubuki with a fierce look in his eyes.

"That's not enough to ta—"

Nubuki appears next to Kage with the accelerate technique and grabs him by the collar.

"Didn't I tell you in our last fight that I don't care for your never-give-up speech?"

"And I don't give a fuck about what you care about!"

Kage tears off the part of his shirt Nubuki is holding and backs away from Nubuki.

"You made me ruin one of my favorite shirts, damn it! You're lucky I have many other shirts with the best artist of all time on them!"

"An obsession with another human being—don't you think that's pathetic?"

Kage throws off the rest of his shirt and gets into a fighting stance.

"The only thing pathetic is the fact you don't have an obsession of your own!"

After hearing those words, Nubuki starts to think of the sunset.


Kage starts running at Nubuki with the flex technique applied. Nubuki moves out of the way of his punch and chops him in the neck. Before Kage can fall to his knees, Nubuki catches him.

"You should've mined your business."

Nubuki picks Kage up and slams him through the roof, sending him back into the room where Tota is. Tota flinches and instantly starts hiding behind the same pillar.

"Wait, is that Kage? I knew this would be a bad idea. This is all my fault! And to think I actually had hope."

As Tota panics, Kage, who is currently knocked out on the floor, starts to think back to his training with Mr.Mink.

It's the same day Mr.Mink had his conversation with Unknown, but now it's nighttime. Kage is the last of class one still training with Mr.Mink. Kage is in a focused stance.

"Just stay focused, Kage, and remember that expanding your OGI tank takes a certain level of OGI control."

"I know! I know! It's just this while the OGI control thing is hella confusing!"

"I understand not everyone picks it up right away."

"No! I need to pick it up! Tota has been suffering for long enough! If I had been stronger during my fight with Nubuki, then maybe he would be safe right now."

After hearing Kage speak about how he feels, Mr.Mink starts to think to himself.

"He is extremely determined, but determination won't be enough to defeat Nubuki."

Mr.Mink puts his hand on Kage's shoulder.

"I think what you need, Kage, is some rigorous training. We have one day to get you powerful enough to beat Nubuki. We're going to take this one step at a time. We're going to spend all our time helping you learn how to expand your OGI tank and, after that, get even better.

"Wait, do you mean?"

"Yep, we're going to make you an OGI user that can not only last a long time in battle. I want to make you an OGI user that's a cut above the rest!"

"Haha, you know, Mr. Mink, nothing would make me more happy!"

After remembering his conversation with Mr. Mink, Kage opens his eyes. Kages OGI tank starts to stir up, almost like stirring up soup. Kage cracks a smile as he gets up.

Tota is left in shock after seeing Kage get back up.

"No way he's not done yet."

Kage looks up to the ceiling, and at the same time, his OGI tank expands.

"I didn't go through all that training to lose here!"

Kage jumps up to the roof by making another hole in it. When he jumps, the ground under him breaks. Kage lands on the roof and instantly makes eye contact with Nubuki.

"You are certainly resilient."

"You bet your ass I am!"

Using the accelerate technique, Kage appears in front of Nubuki, and with the flex technique, he punches him with both of his fists.

Nubuki gets pushed back by Kages's attack.

"He's grown stronger!"

Kage rushes to Nubuki's blind spot and kicks him in the back of the knee, causing Nubuki to take a knee.

"Ha, finally, I got your boring ass to make a facial expression!"

Kage attempts to slam his fist into the back of Nubuki's head but gets blocked. Kage backs away and then vanishes.

"He's gotten faster as well."

Kage starts running around Nubuki and hitting him in all his left-open areas.

"You're not moving fast enough, asshole!"

"Don't get cocky."

Nubuki dodges Kage's punch and, with the flex technique applied, hits him in the throat with his shoulder. The attack causes Kage to cough aggressively.

"That was a cheap shot!"

"There are no cheap shots in battle."

"..hehe..I know."

Nubuki attempts to grab Kage with both of his arms but gets dodged.

"Which is why I don't feel bad about doing this!"

Kage uppercuts Nubuki directly in the throat. This attack forces Nubuki to step backward.

"It's not over yet!"

Kage jumps into the air and, with the flex technique applied, gets into a position to punch Nubuki in the face.

"This one will end it!"

Nubuki looks up intensely at Kage. All of a sudden, an explosion happens on Kage's right.


"It will not be that easy."

The explosion sends Kage flying to the left side of the roof. Before Kage can even get up, another explosion happens right in front of him, sending him even further to the left of the roof. This happens three more times until Kage is pushed to the edge of the roof. The entire time that happened, Nubuki was staring at Kage but then stopped to blink.

"Damn, I guess you're a lucky one."


Nubuki looks over to Kage after hearing his laughter.

"What is so funny?"

With his many bruises, Kage stands tall.

"Those explosions and what I just sensed"


With a huge smile on his face, Kage starts to glow intensely.

"I made you activate level two!"

Chapter 72 end
