
Attack on Grava Academy Part Two

Mr.Chad has arrived to give some backup to Mrs.Doja, who is fighting multiple clones of the hooded man. Mr.Chad has his katana at the hooded man's throat.

"Oh, you said you're tired. Well, how about you just let me go, and we can both go home?"

Mr.Chad yawns as the hooded man speaks.

"Hey, are you even listening to me?"

"I do want to go home and just go take a nap, but unfortunately I have responsibilities."

The hooded man looks at Mr. Chad's katana.

"Wow, you're using a katana. You must be brave to have one of those, especially with that feared legend, Wrath, running around."

"Hmm...you bring up a good point. I don't want someone like him disturbing my sleep."

"Do you only think about sleeping?"

"But I still have a job to do."

"He's ignoring me!"

"Hey, I want to figure all this out before that lady over there finishes fighting. I don't want to be forced into a conversation with her; she's so tiring. So tell me who you are and what you are here for."

Two more clones appear behind Mr.Chad but instantly get crushed by a mysterious force.

"Can you stop trying to attack me with your clones? I have gravity manipulation, so they'll never get a chance to attack me."

"Damn it, are all these people crazy strong?"

As the battle between the hooded man and two Grava Academy teachers continues in an unknown area of the school, which is completely made out of metal, a familiar face enters through an air vent. Exploiter the same woman who outsmarted Luthor not too long ago seems to be the one behind this entire operation. After coming out of the vent, Exploiter looks around and sees the abundance of technology in the area, but the biggest thing in the room is the giant TV on the wall.

"To think all of this is just under the school. I wonder if this place is used at all, but that's not important right now. I need to get in and out before our distraction gets old."

Exploiter starts looking throughout the area in search of something. At the entrance of the auditorium, Mrs.Doja has finished off all the hooded man clones but is left with a few bruises.

"Wow, that was a pretty good workout, but where's the real one, I wonder?"

Mrs.Doja activates the sense technique. Her ear starts to glow, and with that, she can hear Mr.Chad confronting the hooded man.

At Mr.Chad's location, the hooded man still refuses to speak, even with his life in danger.

"Can you please stop being so tiring? Answer my question, or I will have no choice but to kill you."

Mr.Chad points his Katana closer to the hooded man's throat.

"I see you're dead serious."

"So tiring"

From behind Mr.Chad, Mrs.Doja appears and instantly jumps on his back.

"Mr.Chad! I had no idea you were here! Have you been avoiding me lately? You know that's rude, right?"

"Hello, Mrs.Doja It has been a while, but can you please get off of me?"

"Not until you answer my question!"

Mr.Chad looks back to where the hooded man is and realizes that Mrs.Doja jumping on him caused him to accidentally push the tip of his Katana into his throat, in turn killing him.

"Oopsie, it seems you killed him."

"Uh, can you please just get off of me? Your muscles are a little heavy."

"You're so boring; can't you just have a little fun?"

"You know what sounds fun?"

"Yeah, what is it?"

"Some sleep"

Mrs.Doja hops off of Mr. Chad's back and slaps him extremely hard on the head.

"So tiring"

Mr.Chad looks back at the hooded man's body and sees that his stomach is expanding.

"Wow, it seems it's another clone."

"What a tiring power!"

Mr.Chad puts his katana back into the sheath on his back. Both of them jump away from the body before it explodes. The body explodes, leaving them both lost as to where the real-hooded man has escaped.

Under Grava Academy, Exploiter has spent ten minutes looking for something but has had no luck finding it.

"Is it really not here? I thought out of all places in the world, this advanced school would have it, but I guess my hunch was wrong. I need to find one of them fast before he gets access to all of them. If he gets his hands on all of them, the world won't be ready for the storm he will bring upon it. I just hope that dumbass Luthor doesn't do anything dumb because he won't hesitate to kick his plans into action early."

Exploiter opens up a file from the file cabinet she's searching for and sees a picture of three boys who look like they are in their teenage years.

"Who knew it started here, and now it has escalated way past what any of them would think? Even now, I wish we could just go back to those days."

As she stares at the picture, someone else enters the room. Exploiter quickly pulls out a gun with a silencer on it and points it at where she heard the sound come from. When she looks behind her, it is the same hooded man whom Mrs.Doja and Mr.Chad were fighting earlier.

"Aye, calm down; it's just me!"

"Oh, it's you, Ketsu, so is this the real you or a clone?"

"The real one, of course. Can you please put the gun away?"

Exploiter puts away her gun and continues flipping through files.

"What's the situation upstairs?"

"I did what you told me to do, but two really strong teachers came out of the school and overwhelmed me, and not only that, but the school's power came back instantly. Sorry."

"It's fine I don't expect you to win any fights or do anything crazy; all I needed you to do was buy time, which is what you did. Good job."

Ketsu scratches the back of his head in embarrassment.

"Oh, you're giving me way too much credit, you know."

"Please, will you send out your clones throughout this entire area and look for the item?"

"Yes, mam!"

Ketsu sends out twenty clones to look throughout the entire underground, which is as big as the school.

Up above them, Mr.Chad and Mrs.Doja are still looking for Ketsu until they're disrupted by David, who has finally come out of the building.

"Hey, Mr.Chad, did you figure out that whole power outage situation?"

While walking, David notices Mrs.Doja walking behind Mr.Chad.


David instantly turns away and attempts to walk away.

"Hey, isn't that the doc!"

Mrs.Doja rushes at David and attempts to jump on his back, just like she did to Mr.Chad. David instantly becomes annoyed and dodges her.

"Didn't I tell you to stay away from me, you crazy lady! Mr.Chad, could you just tell me the situation?"

"A hooded man is running around here, and he is very tiring."

"Yeah, he makes a bunch of himself, and when you kill them, they go boom boom!"

"I swear you're more of a child than your students, and if there was that much of a problem, wouldn't your powers be an easy way of taking care of them?"

"Oh yeah, I forgot to use that!"

David and Mr.Chad smack themselves in the forehead simultaneously.

"Maybe I should've come out here to help you two, but I think I'm more suited to be a healer than a fighter."

While the three of them converse, Principal Nixion walks up to them with a stern expression on his face.

"So you decided to stay back instead of helping your fellow staff? Is that what I'm hearing, David?"

David flinches from hearing Nixion's deep voice.

"Oh, hello, Principal, how's your evening?"

"Me and you both know that you could be a great asset in battle, so I don't see why you choose to sit back, but enough of that, I got an alert on my phone that there was a break-in."

"Yes sir!"

"Alright, you three can go home. I'll go take care of it."

Mr.Chad looks at Nixion with a weird expression.

"Are you sure you don't need backup? We can't even find him right now."

"No, I will be fine."

"Perfect. I wanted to go take a nap anyway."

Mr.Chad walks away from the group with a happy expression on his face.

"This night was so tiring, but at least I can sleep now."

Under the school, Exploiter and Ketsu's search seems to be over. Exploiter looks through one more cabinet before she gets an update from Ketsu.

"My clones can't seem to find anything."

"Ok, then it's not here. Let's get out of here before those teachers you were talking about find us."

The two of them run out of Grava Academy's underground through the same air vent. They make it out of the air vent successfully and seem to be on their way out of Grava Academy, but while on one of the roofs, they are met by Principal Nixion.

"I've been waiting for you for a while, hooded man, but I didn't think you would be occumpined by the feared legend Exploiter."

Both of them stand still as the stern principal, Nixion, stares them down.

"What do we do now?"

"Don't worry, Ketsu, we're not out of the fire yet, but trust me, we will get out of here alive."

"Hey you two!"


"Now that I have your attention, tell me what you're doing on my campus before I have to take extreme action."

Chapter 54 end 
