
141 Lore?

141 Lore?

They couldn't believe what was happening before their eyes. Mertesacker, who made a big mistake, collapsed to the ground. The cruel reality made this strong German's eyes moist.

Goalkeeper Neuer lay on the ground, unwilling to get up for a long time. The goal he was guarding for the German team was broken by Digan so easily.

Loew on the sidelines could only shake his head and sigh. He had no reason to blame anyone, because a crazy Digan was simply not something people on Earth could contend with.

Twenty-five goals, Degan has raised his total goals in the World Cup to twenty-five goals, and this is still not his limit.

And just now when the Germans were still cheering for Klose's 13th and 14th goals in the World Cup, Digan responded in this way.

Now it's the Belgian's turn to celebrate. After being depressed for most of the half, now they can finally vent.

There are still fifteen minutes left in the game, but now the situation has begun to develop in Belgium's favor.


Loew quickly made a decision, and it was obviously not a wise decision to go head-to-head with the vigorous Belgium. At this time, he should choose defense to dampen the spirit of the Belgians.

Overtime, even penalties!

If possible, Loew wants to drag the game into the final penalty shootout!

It cannot be said that Love is conservative, he just made the right choice at the most correct time.

The Germans began to shrink their defensive line, and the Belgians began to chase after the victory. After Degan equalized the score, the European Red Devils were completely ignited. Degan has pulled the team back from the cliff, and now they will never allow the team again one fall.

attack! attack!

The European Red Devils started their best ball-handling style of play, rushing towards the German team's defense line with a mercury-like attack.

Leading most of the game, but in the last ten minutes, the score was equalized by the opponent. The morale of the German players was obviously affected, but fortunately, their defense line, after adjustment, was still stable and could withstand it. The Belgian's crazy attack.

As the time passed, the Belgian team attacked more and more fiercely. Obviously, they hoped to solve their opponents within 90 minutes.

But in the end, the referee's whistle blew, the second half ended, and the two sides entered 30 minutes of overtime.

In the 90-minute game, the physical fitness of the players on both sides has basically been exhausted. The 30-minute overtime game will be an unspeakable torture for both sides.

What's more, the rain was getting heavier and heavier. Even the best skills could not be used in such weather. In the first half of overtime, both sides played very flatly. From time to time, players collapsed due to exhaustion.

In this World Cup, the most eye-catching rookie of the German team, Thomas Müller, fell to the ground with cramps at the end of the first half of overtime and had no choice but to be substituted.

For Belgium, Antiiennis also made adjustments, replacing Lukaku with Miralas. Obviously he is preparing for a penalty shootout. In terms of penalty kick ability, Miralas Obviously more reliable than the young Lukaku.

The other players were basically unable to run at the moment, and even Digan seemed very quiet, walking rather than running.

The first half of the overtime game ended, and after a short rest, the two sides re-entered the game.

"It seems that the physical fitness of both sides of the game has been exhausted, and the players on the field are a little unable to run at the moment. A wonderful game may only be decided by a penalty shootout in the end!"

It was a wonderful duel, but in the end, the winner could only be decided by penalty kicks. I have to say that it was a bit anticlimactic.

However, Degan did not agree. Degan, who had rested for fifteen minutes, suddenly exploded after the start of the second half.

"God! Deegan still has strength. Deegan, who almost disappeared in the first half of overtime, suddenly exerted strength in the second half. Deegan took the ball and broke through. His speed was as if he had just entered the field. The German team is in danger! Mu rushed forward and was easily shaken off by Digan, but Ram did not give up, and quickly caught up, sticking his body to Digan!"

A direct dialogue between two captains!

Degan's speed is very fast, but the desperate Ram is not slow at all. He wants to stop Degan and buy time for his teammates to return to the defense, but his small body is in front of Degan. Totally not enough to watch.

Degan's sudden exertion made the Belgian team feel as if they had been given a shot of stimulants. Under the leadership of Degan, they pressed all the way.

"Defend! Defend! Back up!" Loew didn't care about his image, and rushed to the sidelines, letting the heavy rain pour down on him, turning him into a drowned chicken.

Antiiennis also stood nervously on the sidelines, his fists clenched tightly, his eyes fixed on the suddenly changing stadium.

Rhodes! It's up to you now!

The heavy rain made the Mandela Bay Stadium a little muddy, and the football rolled on the ground a little slowly, and it was unknown where it would roll in the next second.

Degan could only do his best to protect the football, looked up, and was close to the shooting range, but in front of him, Mertesacker was already in full swing.

Before he had time to think about it, Digan suddenly stepped on the football with his foot, and stopped suddenly. Unprepared, Ram rushed forward a few steps, and opened the gap with Digan.

This is the time!

Degan gently pushed the football forward, and then ran two steps forward. Although the heavy rain prevented Degan from fully displaying his skills, it also facilitated his shot. The football stopped firmly. On the court, Degan can grasp the angle more easily.

Rahm mustered up the last bit of energy in his body, rushed over, and stretched his legs to block, but Digan had already completed the final preparations before he stretched his legs.


Exhausting all his strength, the football roared towards the goal of the German team like a shell. In the heavy rain, Neuer's vision was seriously affected. In addition, Digan's shot was too sudden. Not mentally prepared.

By the time he found out that the football was flying towards him, it was too late to react!


The Germans at the scene looked at the Belgians who were celebrating crazily on the court with a blank face. They had a premonition that this game was hopeless.

When the referee's whistle blew, it kept telling the running German chariot to fall to the ground. The Mandela Bay Stadium, which was raining heavily, and the young and handsome German team finally fell down.

This team, led by Loew, who is the most handsome man in a scarf in the world, was so close to victory, but in the end they couldn't beat fate and were excluded from the semi-finals.

Watching the German team in black jerseys leave the stadium sadly, one cannot help but think of how beautiful they were when they landed at the South African airport a month ago, wearing black suits and walking across the tarmac. One realizes how lackluster this World Cup would be without this young squad.

The Mandela Bay Stadium, with the "lotus" blooming by the water, and the one-month World Cup schedule, makes it look a bit devastated. Those mottled stadiums with one piece of green mixed with one piece of earth color are branded in the past month. There are traces of fighting here.

This was the sad place for the German team. In the group stage, their only loss was a 0:1 loss to Serbia here, but after 0:1, it was a 4:1 victory over England in the 1/8 finals, but this time, They fell 3:2 again in this place, and the European Red Devils had the last laugh.

As many people have said, the youngest team in German history in the past 74 years has only reached the quarter-finals of the World Cup, but they are still so young and they have plenty of time.

Only one month into the World Cup schedule, the world remembered Thomas Muller, a 21-year-old boy who only played for the national team for the first time in March 2010. With three heavy goals, the surname "Muller" was continued. new legend.

The big-eyed Ozil and the increasingly mature "Little Pig" Schweinsteiger also let the world know that the German team without Ballack has even more terrifying possibilities.

Podolski with a sunny smile, Mertesacker who is "not stupid is a treasure", and Kisling who has the title of top scorer in the Bundesliga have attracted the world's attention to the future of the German team.

Two years later, see you in the European Cup two years later. This German team will realize Lineker's famous saying: "Football is 22 people running for 90 minutes for a ball, and finally the Germans win the game."

Although the German team only ended the World Cup as the quarter-finals this time, the youthful storm caused by this young "German chariot" in the South African arena made all opponents feel "terrified" and even subverted the fans' traditional beliefs. Impressions of German football.

The average age is less than 25 years old. The German team is one of the youngest teams in this World Cup. For such a young German tank, before the start of the World Cup in South Africa, it was not favored by outsiders. Some media even predicted that the German team would be very The team may not be able to qualify.

However, the process and results of the competition proved that the German chariot without Barak, Kahn, and Kuranyi, the veterans, not only did not slow down. On the track of South Africa, there is no doubt that the future structure of world football is bound to undergo tremendous changes due to the "rampage" of young chariots.

The young "German Chariot" still has a chance and a future, but for Klose, a German veteran who has participated in three World Cups, South Africa may be his farewell stage in the World Cup, as long as he scores another goal , Klose can tie Ronaldo's total goals in the World Cup and become the second place in the World Cup's total scorer list, but the World Cup has no assumptions, no ifs, everything ends with the referee's whistle, two goals For the ball, Klose has done well enough, no one can criticize him anymore.

In front of many "talented" strikers, Klose's diligence and hard work even seem a bit "mediocre", but this is precisely Klose's success rule.

With 52 national team goals and 14 World Cup goals, Klose has proved the meaning and value of a striker with his dedication and pursuit of football.

Although Klose failed to rewrite history and create miracles in South Africa, for Klose, his mission has been completed. He accompanied the German team through the darkest trough and led a group of young people to the light In the future, as a veteran, he can finally retreat behind the scenes with peace of mind.

Leave the sadness to yourself and the future to the team.

This is Klose's football belief. At this moment, the so-called "World Cup total score list" has become insignificant.

When everything has been settled, for the brand-new "Germanic Chariot", there is only one last suspense left, and that is the fate of the German coach Joachim Loew.

When the curtain fell on the German's World Cup in South Africa, Loew's contract with the German Football Association has also expired. Regarding whether he will continue to serve as the coach of the German team, Loew said in an interview with the media that he has not yet communicated with the German Football Association. , because he needs a period of time to calm down and think seriously.

Loew has the highest winning percentage among the 10 coaches of the German team since 1908. Loew led the German team to a winning percentage close to 70%, reaching 69.2%. Although he failed to help the German team "take the throne" in this World Cup, his coaching ability, employing ideas, and the new style of play that he injected into the German team won new glory for Loew, and he was also rewarded. More industry recognition and praise.

Loew took over the head coach from Klinsmann in the midst of doubts, but no one thought that after only four years of coaching, Loew became the first "constant victorious player" in German football in the past 100 years. General".

The 69.2% winning rate led by Loew surpassed the legendary coach De Waal's 65.7% and ranked first, overwhelming the "football emperor" Beckenbauer by 18 percentage points.

If it hadn't been for the flourishing Belgium, Loew would probably be the most successful head coach in German history. Although Loew said that he is still not sure whether he can stay in the post, there has been news from the German Football Association that Loew will continue. Served as the coach of the German team until the end of the European Cup in 2012. Regardless of whether Loew stays or not, he will be the most "handsome" coach in the history of German football.

Leading a young team to break out of the siege all the way to the quarter-finals of the World Cup without being favored by others, Loew and the young German team's World Cup journey must not be said to be a failure.

The future is still bright!
