
Chapter 103 Who should I support?

Chapter 103 Who should I support?

Park Ji-yeon in the stands was worried even before the game started. What she was worried about was who should she support?

On one side is Park Ji-yeon's homeland. She and her sisters came to South Africa this time to film a reality show about the South Korean national team. As Koreans, it is natural to support their national team.

But on the other side is Belgium, where her boyfriend is. Based on Park Ji-yeon's understanding of football, it is a matter of course for Belgium to win. She hopes that Degan will win, but she does not want Degan to win South Korea.

Before entering the field, Park Zhiyan hesitated for a long time, and finally sat with a few sisters on the side of the Korean fans. To Degan, she could only say sorry.

"Jiyan! Don't worry about it, isn't it good to be an ordinary fan?" -r's captain Han Enjing didn't know how many times she persuaded her, but seeing Pu Zhiyan's wrinkled face, she I know, this sister still hasn't thought about it yet.

Park Zhiyan stared blankly at the two teams warming up on the court, and said worriedly: "That's what I said, but what if PP finds me here and is unhappy?"

When the other girls heard the words, they were all helpless in an instant, and looked at each other.

This girl is poisoned!

At this time, Degan also came out. He did not play, but talked with Antiiennis on the sidelines. Regarding the opponent South Korea in this game, Degan does not have to worry at all. As long as off-court factors are not considered, South Korea The probability of defeating Belgium, or even scoring points on Belgium, is very small, basically negligible.

In fact, Degan and Antiiennis were discussing their opponent Argentina in the next game. As for South Korea, they were silently ignored by the two.

"Aren't you going to keep counting your goals? Don't forget that the German behind is chasing very closely!" Antiiennis laughed.

Digan knew that Antiiennis was talking about Klose, and Klose has scored 11 goals in the World Cup.

Digan smiled: "You know, I never pay attention to those things!"

Seeing Degan leaving, Antiiennis smiled and said, "Do you really not care?"

Digan paused: "I just don't care a little bit!"

After Digan finished speaking, he walked directly to the side of the stands. When he came in just now, he found Park Zhiyan.

Seeing Digan approaching, Park Jiyan panicked for a while, and subconsciously hid the South Korean flag behind her back, looked at Digan who was smiling at her, and whispered: "pp! That~~~~~"

Digan laughed and said, "Don't cry any more later!"

South Korea lost 1:4 to Argentina in the last game. When Park Ji-yeon called Digan, she couldn't help crying.

When Pu Zhiyan heard the words, the apology in her heart disappeared in an instant: "PP! The competition hasn't started yet! It's not certain that you will win, maybe you will be the one who will cry later!"

Digan will not be affected by this low-level provocative method: "Then see you on the field, but if South Korea is eliminated, are you going to return to South Korea immediately!? Or wait until the end of the World Cup Let's go later, when the time comes, let's go on vacation together!"

Pu Zhiyan was dissatisfied with Digan's tone of ignoring the Korean team: "Hmph! If Belgium is eliminated, you are not allowed to leave, and you have to watch the World Cup with me!"

Belgium is eliminated by South Korea, sorry, that possibility basically does not exist.

Digan said with a smile: "Okay! But I'm afraid I will disappoint you. Everyone enjoy the game, I'll go first!"

After Digan finished speaking, he waved to the girls in the stands, and turned around to leave.

"Republic of Korea! fn!"

Digan turned around and saw Pu Zhiyan was raising her head, shaking her fist at him in a demonstrative manner. Seeing Digan turning her head, she snorted and turned her head to the side.

Seeing Pu Zhiyan's arrogant appearance, Digan couldn't help laughing.

But for today's game, looking at Degan's current appearance, he knew that it was really easy, and he didn't have the slightest psychological burden at all.

At this time, the warm-up was over, and the Belgian players flocked over. When Digan went to see his girlfriend, they all saw it.

"Hey! Rhodes! I realize that I'm going to be jealous of you." Fellaini put his arm around Digan's shoulders, "It's the first time I've realized that Asian girls are also cute!"

Digan glanced at Fellaini: "Marouan! Didn't you always like that kind of big meatballs before?"

Fellaini blushed because of Digan's choking: "Rod! The ideal type of a man is constantly changing, hey! Rhode! The girl next to your girlfriend is also very beautiful, how about introducing it to me if you have a chance? ?"

Degan knocked Fellaini's hand off: "Fix your afro first!"

Fellaini was taken aback when he heard the words. He was very important to his hairstyle: "If that's the case, let's forget it! But, Rhodes! Today our opponent is your girlfriend's motherland. I'm a little embarrassed to step down!"

Degan heard the words and turned to look at Fellaini: "If you really think so, I think I can suggest the coach to let you take a good rest!"

When Fellaini heard this, he quickly waved his hands: "No! Rhodes! You can't do this, don't worry! I will show the Koreans the strength of Belgian men!"

As Fellaini said, he had to show off his muscular muscles. He didn't want to be artificially suspended by Digan because he wanted to please Digan's girlfriend.

Digan didn't bother to talk to Fellaini, and waved his hand: "Go faster, even though the opponent is South Korea, you should prepare well, and besides, Mr. Courtois!"

When Courtois heard this, he hurried up to Degan. Young people like them all regarded Degan as their idol. In fact, Degan was only twenty-five years old this year.

"You must not concede a goal in today's game, understand!? Otherwise, you know exactly what the consequences will be!"

Courtois was originally a little relaxed because of the relaxed atmosphere of the team. Hearing this, he immediately became nervous and clenched his fists: "Don't worry! They don't want to find any opportunities in front of me!"

When others heard this, they couldn't help but feel surprised. Isn't South Korea the motherland of Digan's girlfriend?

It's really puzzling to see Digan's appearance as if there is some deep hatred.

All right!

Digan would not tell them that in his previous life, he had a strong attribute of an angry youth, but he had never had a good impression of South Korea, the head of an angry youth.
