
Chapter 25

Chapter 25

Beckham is here!

After the MLS game, Beckham took his team to Fiorentina. After signing the contract, he got a No. 32 jersey.

Although it is not yet possible to represent Fiorentina in an official game, Beckham can't wait to train with the team.

When Beckham appeared at the entrance of the Fiorentina training ground in casual clothes, the fans who had been waiting here for a long time surrounded him immediately.

Although Degan is the king here, in terms of popularity, Beckham can definitely beat Degan by two blocks.

Moreover, Degan, who is rampant on the football field and keeps a straight face all the time, is indeed not as eye-catching as Beckham, who is full of sunny smiles.

Came with Beckham, as well as the club's executive chairman Pakinwa, who came to show off his record.

After meeting the demands of the fans, a group of people walked into the training base. The Fiorentina team was training. Prandelli was standing on the sidelines. He couldn't help smiling when he saw Beckham and his group arrive, although Parkin The purpose of Watson signing Beckham is not pure, but this deal is really good.

Thinking about it, Prandelli came over. Beckham naturally recognized Prandley, and offered to shake Prandley's hand and say hello.

Then Pakinwa frowned and said, "Coach Prandelli, I remember I informed you that I will accompany Beckham over today. Now I think we should stop training and come to meet your new players!"

Prandelli was dissatisfied when he heard this, and he still kept a smile on his face: "I'm sorry, Chairman Parkinwa, Rhodes said that there is no need, if David comes, he can directly participate in the training!"

Pakinwa was dissatisfied when he heard the words: "It's ridiculous, we should show enough respect to an outstanding star!"

Just as he was talking, Deegan also came over. Pakinwa wanted to speak, but Deegan didn't even look at him. He walked up to Beckham and sized up the most famous player in the world. .

David Beckham, in the field of football, is not considered the top player of this era, because he has never won the World Cup and the European Cup, he has never been elected as the World Footballer and European Footballer, Beckham The only record that Mu can hold is a European player who has won championship trophies in three completely different leagues.

However, Beckham is an idol that must be remembered in this era. There is no one. He is the first and only football idol who created the era of globalization after the Cold War. The field of football has become a social totem.

The young man from Manchester has redefined the originally pejorative portmanteau of metrosexual, making it not only the most talked about urban masculine trait in the 21st century, but also a mainstream fashion.

Strictly speaking, the current football era of globalization, idolization and commercialization was created by David Beckham at the Korea-Japan World Cup in 2002. Star way to join Real Madrid as a prelude.

In such an era that belongs to Beckham, people's love and hatred for him are also entangled. All the auras he has obtained come from his innately handsome face and the star family chosen by fate.

However, he is not a genius on the football field, without the favor of God, only his silent diligence, his appearance is destined to be infinitely magnified, praised and beautified under the spotlight, and become the darling of the world , was chased by hundreds of millions of fans, but his love for football forced him to be exiled by the cruel reality again and again on the football field under the halo of an illusory idol, constantly becoming an outcast who was insulted and damaged.

Those thousands of magazine covers and hundreds of millions of advertising revenue accurately measure the infinite energy that this idol who brought football into a new era of globalization and commercialization can radiate in the commercial field.

People even have reason to suspect that Beckham's ups and downs and embarrassments on the court are just God's natural exchange for his superiority in the social field. Beckham's youth records the commercial miracle of a popular idol, but also records the suffering and laments of the football-loving heart under the aura of this idol.

Maybe Beckham left people with not many memories on the football field, such as the midfield lob against Wimbledon, the free kick against Greece, and the deadly long pass assist against Irving's long-distance attack.

However, a hundred years later, people may not remember the masterpieces of Rivaldo, Shevchenko, Nedved, Cannavaro, or even Degan. These titles can only be turned into a name in the end.

And David Beckham will not be omitted as a name, he is the key word that interprets this impetuous era, he is even a brand, a classic business case that is destined not to be copied.

Whenever one thinks of Beckham, his life is not divided into Manchester United, Real Madrid, Los Angeles and, of course, Fiorentina now, but rather the legend of No. 7, No. 23 and No. 32 Viola, one that almost certainly will not A jersey sales record that has been broken, and a period of youth that will hardly be caught up or even surpassed.

For Beckham, different people will have different impressions. Some people are obsessed with his handsomeness, some admire his footwork, some marvel at his wealth, and some envy his family.

"I hope that the fans remember me because of my hard work. Before I am a public figure, I am a player first." This is Beckham's own opinion.

It's like Zhou Xingchi insisted that he is an actor in "The King of Comedy".

Diligence, this is the most important quality on the court, but it is also the most easily overlooked quality. However, Beckham knows that his amazing right foot and the elusive arc created by him are the result of hard training day after day. become.

Accompanied by a brilliant career, Beckham is worthy of honor. As a member of the "92 Golden Generation", he has dominated the Premier League six times with Manchester United. After moving to the Iberian Peninsula, he won the title as a member of the "Galaxy Phase I" In La Liga, at the same time, Beckham's performance in the "Three Lions" is not inferior. He has played more than 100 games for the England team and is the player who has won the most "caps" in the non-goalkeeper position.

Despite such a distinguished resume, Beckham's career has experienced too many ups and downs, and he has declared his growth by overcoming setbacks again and again.

In 1996, a shocking lob against Wimbledon made Beckham known from then on. The impulsiveness of the 1998 World Cup against the Argentine team gave Simeone a chance to perform in front of the world, but he also made himself the culprit for the team's elimination. In the final game of the 2002 World Cup qualifier against Greece, he saved England with his trademark free kick at the last moment.

Later, due to the "flying boots" incident with Ferguson, Beckham left for Spain. In the last half of the season in Real Madrid, Beckham, who was sidelined, seized very few opportunities and saved the team again and again. In the middle of the water and fire, this is Beckham, who has suffered repeated setbacks but has become more courageous, which is far more precious than his handsome appearance.

The transformation of Beckham from a player to a star is not the shocking long-range shot. To be precise, it should be after holding hands with Victoria. From then on, Beckham is no longer a big boy who can only play football before. , his hairstyle began to represent a new trend, his commercial value continued to rise, and his name began to appear on the lists of magazines such as "Forbes" and "Vanity Fair". He is the most successful case of combining football and business. Because of this, Beckham reinterpreted the definition of a successful player.

In his debut home team Manchester United, Beckham won six Premier League titles, one Champions League title, two FA Cup titles, one League Cup title and one Toyota Cup title.

After moving to Real Madrid, Beckham also used his performance on the field to prove that he is still a player that Capello cannot ignore, and helped the team win a La Liga, a European Super Cup and a Spanish Super Cup.

As far as the American major leagues are concerned, Beckham's achievements are far from being measured by two championship trophies. His arrival has greatly promoted the development of American football.

In the summer of 2007, Beckham joined the Los Angeles Galaxy. With his arrival, the American Major League Soccer began to attract the attention of the world. In fact, he was not the first star to join the American Major League. Former World Footballer Ma Teus joined the New York Metro Stars that year.

In the United States, people talk more about basketball, football, baseball and even hockey, which are more American sports. And football, until the beginning of the World Cup in the United States in 1994, was not paid attention to by Americans. For a top superstar who plays for top clubs in the top European leagues to play in the American major leagues, it is tantamount to lowering his value.

In fact, Beckham chose to go to the United States this time entirely for his family. Victoria is a woman with dreams. She finally no longer has to endure the garlic-flavored Madrid food, but enjoys a star dinner in Beverly Hills. Watch the ball in the box, and go shopping with Cruise's wife or Brad Pitt's wife. Victoria has sacrificed too much for Beckham. This time, he will make a sacrifice for her.

Of course, going to the United States also has self-evident benefits for Beckham. Beckham, who is developing towards an all-round star, enjoys a weekly salary of US$1 million in the United States. After he retires, he can join Hollywood as a matter of course. For a while, there are even rumors that Beckham will be 007's next candidate.

In the United States, Beckham has his own football school. This not only brought considerable income to the Beckhams, but also made them earn enough local spotlights and newspaper front pages.

Some people predict that in the next five years in the United States, Beckham will receive a huge income of 250 million US dollars, and he is the richest man in the football world.

Far from the classical and rustic life of Manchester and the passionate past of Madrid, Beckham gradually got used to his new life in Los Angeles. It all started with his familiarity with the football environment of the American major leagues.

On May 24, 2008, the Los Angeles Galaxy played against the Kansas Wizards in the American Major League. In stoppage time, Beckham scored a long-range goal from 70 yards from the goal. People seem to have returned to 1996 At Old Trafford, the young Prince of Dream Theater similarly scored a super long-range lob.

On July 16, 2008, Beckham won the annual "ESPY Annual Outstanding Sports Performance Award" initiated by ESPN. On August 3, 2008, Beckham won the honor of "Men's Health", the largest selling men's magazine in the United States. Most Popular Athlete Award.

So far in Beckham's career, he has won a total of 27 championship trophies, which can be described as full of honors. Now, the 33-year-old "heartbeater" has come to Italian football that he has never touched , ready to accept a new challenge.

When he came to Italy, everyone knew the purpose of Beckham. He dragged his 30-year-old body and tried his best to maintain his condition. What was the reason?

It's not just the World Cup in South Africa two years later!

Beckham knew very well that it was his last chance, and this time, he must not miss it.

Degan still remembers the sad tears of Beckham in Germany two years ago. A man's tears are not the most touching. When the tears are always in the corner of his eyes, he still maintains a forced smile and comforts others. The man is the most touching.

It's just that no one expected Beckham to be so moving when England left the World Cup stage two years ago. Some people cry for themselves, some people cry for others.

What about Beckham?

No one knew for whom he shed tears.

From France to Germany, Beckham has participated in three World Cups so far, scoring three key goals, two of which directly determine the outcome of the game.

I don't know if it's because of his outstanding appearance, but for the balance of the world, God will always create troubles for him when the competition is approaching. Beckham's goals can't help the team go further, it seems like a very evil fate.

Beckham's England debut began on September 1, 1996, in the World Cup qualifier against Moldova. He represented the Three Lions in all the 1998 World Cup qualifiers and was selected for the 1998 World Cup squad.

However, the then England coach Hoddle publicly questioned his "not all energy focused on the big game", so he failed to start the first two group matches of the England team. It wasn't until the third game against Colombia that Hoddle gave him a chance. In this game, the "Three Lions" must beat Colombia to advance.

As a supporting role in the team, Beckham had the courage to bear the burden of taking free kicks. In the 30th minute, he staged his exclusive stunt "Bei-style arc". Dragon's ten-finger pass scored his first goal in the World Cup, and this goal also established Beckham's status as England's number one free kick expert.

In the 1/8 final match between England and Argentina, Beckham was brought down fiercely by the opponent's midfielder Simeone, but he lay on the ground and raised his foot unnecessarily, and touched Simeone lightly. As a result, the Argentine seized the opportunity and was very happy. The exaggerated fall to the ground led to Danish referee Nielsen giving Beckham a red card.

Later Simeone admitted that he was acting on purpose, and together with other players put pressure on the referee to send off Beckham. The game was eventually dragged into a penalty shootout, and England was eliminated from the game after a penalty penalty loss.

After the competition, Beckham became the target of bombardment by the British media. Many fans and media reporters believed that Beckham was the sinner for England's exit at that time.

David Beckham has also received death threats after a gallows was erected outside a London pub. He fell into a small slump.

In the 2-3 Euro 2000 qualifier defeat to Portugal, Beckham was abused by his own fans, and although he assisted two goals in that game, he was insulted by some England fans throughout the game.

Beckham also raised his middle finger back at them, which attracted criticism, but the media that had bombarded him also began to call on readers to stop insulting Beckham.

In the 2002 World Cup qualifiers, Beckham led the team to pass the test, especially in the 5:1 victory over the German team in Munich, which shocked the world.

In the last game against Greece, England fell behind 1-2 and time was running out, and the team had to remain unbeaten to qualify for the World Cup.

Sheringham was fouled about 7 meters outside the Greek penalty area. England won a free kick. Beckham scored with his iconic round moon machete, helping the team get a key point in the World Cup. The hero of the team, the shadow of the red card in 1998 was swept away.

Soon, he was selected by the BBC as the 2001 Sports Celebrity of the Year, but it was a pity that he was once again runner-up in the selection of the World Footballer.

Because of his incomparably handsome appearance, Beckham is the number one player in football for his lethality against women, which also makes Beckham infamous as a vase, but in fact, he is a brave man who is always fighting.

In the 2002 Korea-Japan World Cup, Beckham still felt powerless after his comeback because he was shoveled by his opponent in the previous club game.

Enemy's road is narrow, and this time he ran into his sworn enemy Argentina.

In the crucial battle, the two teams relied on a penalty kick scored by Beckham to defeat their opponents and avenge their revenge four years ago. Entering the quarter-finals may be a new starting point for the England team. Unfortunately, their quarter-final opponent was the cup champion Brazil. The score of 1:2 made Beckham feel sentimental.

The England team in the 2006 World Cup was called the most talented team in the past 40 years by the British media before the game. The media are competing to debate whether they can relive the old dream of 40 years ago.

The unusually teasing emergencies have caused a series of bad effects on the England team. The successive injuries of Rooney and Irving, as well as the dissatisfaction of teammates with Beckham, made the team's prospect of winning extremely blurred.

Fortunately, the team advanced to the quarter-finals. If they can go one step further and enter the semi-finals, the England team will break into the championship again after 1990.

Beckham made great achievements in this process. In the group match against Paraguay, he used a free kick to make the opponent score a beautiful own goal.

In the 1/8 final match against Ecuador, Beckham fought so hard that he vomited and was replaced. In fact, before the game, Beckham had already suffered from gastric cancer. However, the sense of crisis made him decide to conceal his illness.

Because after the last match with the Swedish team, Beckham was criticized by Eriksson for his poor performance. In order to ensure that he can continue to stand in the World Cup, Beckham endured physical discomfort and went on the field.

After the game, Beckham said: "The first half felt good, but the second half was a bit uncomfortable."

The doctor's diagnosis was heat stroke with mild dehydration. Regardless, it's yet another example of Beckham's work ethic.

In the 1/4 final against Portugal, in the 51st minute, Eriksson replaced captain Beckham with Lunnon. He was kicked by Valente in a wing breakthrough and injured his left ankle after four minutes. He was replaced because he couldn't hold on to the game.

Sitting on the bench at the Schalke Stadium, Beckham covered his face with his hands and cried. The England team eventually lost another penalty shootout. Beckham ended his third World Cup trip. When Gan watched the video of the game later, he noticed that after being shoveled, Beckham signaled to the coach to continue fighting, which made people's blood spurt.

After leaving the field, Beckham sat alone on the bench, covering his face and sobbing. At that moment, the hard-hearted Digan couldn't help but be moved.

One day after England's World Cup exit, Beckham announced his resignation as England captain at a press conference. This is actually a very helpless choice, because the new coach McLaren is already ready to support Terry.

After the World Cup, McLaren officially became England coach, not only deprived Beckham of the captain's armband, but also abandoned him for a time.

But just like in Real Madrid that year, Beckham gradually won back his position in the team by relying on his form, and returned to the team in the late stage of the 2008 European Cup qualifiers, but the team eventually missed the finals.

After Capello took over, Beckham's long pass, which he was good at, could not find the target after Owen left. At the same time, with the rise of Gerrard and Lampard, Beckham's position in the national team was precarious. This is also what Beckham himself does not want to see.

Although Beckham's position is positioned as a substitute, he may still contribute to the team. In the 2010 World Cup qualifying match against Belarus 3:1 away, Beckham came off the bench in the 87th minute and completed his 107th national team appearance. He also replaced Bobby Charlton as the Three Lions history appearance third person.

Now, in order to continue to break his record in the national team, Beckham, at the age of 33, once again made a decision that surprised everyone and joined Fiorentina.

Although the closest player to Beckham was AC Milan, when Fiorentina contacted him, Beckham changed his decision. In fact, this choice is very simple. In Fiorentina, he can participate in the UEFA Champions League On the stage, continue to show your ability.

Although the media cheered for Beckham's return to Europe, they kept raising doubts. Can the 33-year-old Beckham really be able to kick the full moon scimitar? Is his ability still able to fight in the top arena?

Degan has never doubted Beckham's ability. Everything he has achieved is enough to prove that he is a world-class player, a super player, which cannot be doubted.

Anyone who really understands football should recognize Beckham's talent in football, so why do many people firmly deny him?

Digan probably came because of jealousy!

Because Beckham is not only a player, he is also a super idol. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is the most famous person on earth. He has an extremely handsome appearance, a sculptural figure, a super singer as his wife, and three lovely There are dozens of cars, private jets, private yachts, n mansions, tens of millions of dollars in annual income and so on.

Because of the above facts, many male compatriots, many so-called professional male fans, will naturally look at Beckham with colored glasses.

Just yesterday, Degan also read a report, which is a very rare thing for Degan who has always disliked holding newspapers. That report was written by a very famous football commentator in Italy.

This big brother should be quite important in the Italian football world, but Degan did not expect that this kind of professional football commentary would make people laugh out loud.

He actually said that Beckham is not a world-class player. This is really incomprehensible. Deegan can't figure out that a player who has won countless championships and was named the runner-up of the World Footballer twice is not world-class. So who is it? Is it world class?

What a big joke.

You must know that all big-name coaches in the world will not hesitate to praise Beckham, and all big-name players are full of respect and affirmation for Beckham.

The former head coach of Brazil, the Pereira who expelled Digan once said that Beckham was also the main force in the Brazilian team.

Wenger has long wanted to get Beckham to Arsenal.

Lippi has praised Beckham in public many times.

Milu once asked Chinese players to play like Beckham.

In terms of players, which of Real Madrid's top stars did not appreciate Beckham, and even Ronaldinho, who was playing for Barcelona at the time, spoke highly of Beckham many times.

This man did give some examples, saying that Beckham can't excel, but why does Beckham want to excel?

What is the purpose of being extraordinary?

It is to advance the ball to the front court, or find a better space, and then pass the ball.

But Beckham doesn't need it because he can get the ball where he wants it to go without going over someone.

Why do you have to be extraordinary?

He also said that Beckham has no speed, why don't you need speed?

A famous football star once said that Beckham is the only player he has ever seen who can kick the ball well without passing others.

Figo and Beckham should be the two best right midfielders in the world. They have two completely different styles. It cannot be said that Figo can dribble, but he is much better than Beckham, right?

Who stipulated that dribbling is better than long passing?

In the football world, there are a lot of extraordinary people. Perhaps the only one who can pass the ball as he likes is Beckham! Deegan would be ashamed of himself at this point.

It is even more absurd to say that Beckham has no scoring ability. Beckham has been one of the main scorers of the England team in recent years.

At Manchester United, he scored an average of eight goals per season. At Real Madrid, he scored fewer goals because of different responsibilities. The team needed him to organize offenses, not to score goals in front.

As long as they are real fans, they should be clear. It can be seen that the so-called senior football commentator has no understanding of Beckham's ability on the football field.

Looking at Beckham face to face, Digan didn't have the perverted ideas of others, such as giving Beckham a blow, which is really boring.

While Degan was looking at Beckham, Beckham was also looking at this young man who had become famous in the world football in recent years and had replaced countless people as the world's number one player.


Beckham said a sentence in Italian, just an awkward accent, which was really bad.

"Come on! I can understand English, as can almost everyone here, and you don't need to focus on re-learning a language!"

Digan's tone was a bit teasing, and it seemed that he hadn't become serious because of Beckham's identity at all, yes! Deegan is not necessary!

Because Digan is the boss here, the number one player in the world, and the sharpest knife in world football!

Beckham was stunned for a moment, then laughed. Digan's attitude reassured him a lot, because he had heard many rumors about Digan before, and those rumors were all very bad. In short, the central idea revealed that is.

Deegan is a tough guy!

But now it seems that the facts seem to be completely different!

Seeing that Beckham was still wearing casual clothes, Degan couldn't help frowning slightly: "Mr. Beckham! The training has already started. I think you can't run on the training ground in such a suit! So, go now Change clothes in the locker room, ten minutes later, I hope you will show up on the training ground wearing your No. 32 jersey!"

After Degan finished speaking, he turned his head and walked towards the training ground.

Beckham's agent was a little dissatisfied: "That guy is too rude!"

Pakinwa's face was also a little ugly, and Digan didn't say a word to him from the beginning to the end.

But Beckham smiled: "This is great! You go back first! I think it's time for me to go to training!"

After Beckham finished speaking, he walked towards the locker room.
