
Chapter 100 Messi VS Digan

Chapter 100 Messi VS Digan

In the locker room of the home team at Camp Nou, Messi is quietly sorting his equipment in the corner. He looks very calm, but he is constantly sorting out the shin guards, which still exposes his heart.

Iniesta saw something, walked over, put one hand on Messi's shoulder, and asked with concern: "Leo! How do you feel!?"

In the Barcelona team, almost everyone likes this little brother. He is quiet, humble, and a little shy. The most important thing is his outstanding skills. People stood up and seemed to have become the new core of Barcelona.

Messi smiled: "Me? I'm fine!"

Iniesta sat next to Messi: "Leo! You know what Digan said, right? Don't you feel the atmosphere at all and don't want to fight back his ignorance?"

Messi lowered his head, hesitated for a moment before shaking his head and said: "No! I don't want to. Even if I want to talk, I have to wait until the game is over. There is nothing to say now!"

The name Digan means too much to Messi. He will never forget the scene where his beloved Barcelona was destroyed by Digan alone at Camp Nou two years ago. His brother Ronaldi The helpless look in Neo's eyes after he failed, and the sentence: "One day you will defeat him!"

At that time, Messi was just an unknown person sitting on the sidelines. He was not even qualified to participate in such important games. He could only watch helplessly, powerless.

Now Messi has met Digan again, but the original AC Milan has become the current Fiorentina.

Although he has faintly become the core in Barcelona today, Messi knows very well that compared with Degan, his achievements are still far behind.

The third player in the world footballer, Degan also stood in this position at the beginning, Messi felt very honored, but Degan seemed dismissive at the time.

"That Brazilian is amazing!" Iniesta said seemingly unintentionally.

This sentence seemed to touch a certain nerve of Messi: "The most powerful Brazilian is Ronaldinho!"

Iniesta smiled, a little helplessly, he knew very well that Messi was very angry about coach Rijkaard abandoning Ronaldinho, but if Ronaldinho always stood On the field, Messi can only sit on the bench forever? On the bench, be a little brother watching the big brothers play.

Barcelona vs Fiorentina, Argentina vs Brazil, or more directly, Messi vs Digan!

Although Messi appears to be very low-key, this is a tone that people set for this game.

In the world of football, Brazil and Argentina represented by Degan and Messi are always unavoidable topics, just like the war between Pele and Maradona, which is always entangled in the past, now and in the future, is The epitome of the football relationship between these two countries, known to almost everyone, as two of the best teams in the world.

In many cases, the bickering between Pele and Maradona can often be seen as a slightly childish sentiment between two adults. The two have never fought against each other in history, and there is no historical hatred between the two countries. This is more like Guan Gong fighting Qin Qiong in Hou Baolin's cross talk, or after two children watched "Dragon Ball" and "Saint Seiya", they fought over who is better, Sun Wukong or Seiya, and finally got red in the face.

In history, Brazil and Argentina have played a total of 94 games, Brazil won 37 games, Argentina won 34 games, and 23 games were tied. In the nearly 100 contests, they are only behind by three games, which can be considered a tie.

In the eyes of people in these two countries, their teams are the two best teams in the world. Therefore, as long as they beat each other, it means that they are the best in the world, and the loser means that they are second. As for the other teams, they have all been relegated to a lower tier.

And there is a deeper way of explaining the feud between the two countries over football. Also from the slums, Brazilians prefer to get happiness through football. The book "Football: The Brazilian Way of Life", which describes Brazilian football, once introduced, "I get the ball, you grab it, and I play with you and make you look funny. This is the root of football in Brazil." And this is the exact opposite of Argentine football, where football is a civilian revolution and a means of revenge.

The careers of Pele and Maradona just illustrate this point. Pele is famous for scoring more goals. He has scored 1281 goals in 1363 official games. Goals are the source of happiness for Pele. There is no restraint on this. May I ask, which player besides Pele is willing to take the trouble to score 8 goals in a single game?

And Maradona is a famous football fighter. During the most glorious period of his career, he chose Naples, the weakest club in Serie A, and almost single-handedly led the team against the traditional northern powers of Serie A. Won the Serie A championship. His opponents in the league at the time were AC Milan's "Dutch Three Musketeers" and Inter Milan's "German Troika", almost using one person to fight against a country.

The grievances between Pele and Maradona occurred in the 12th World Cup in 1982. The fledgling Maradona was sent off for kicking down a Brazilian defender. Pele, who is a Brazilian, mocked Maradona for this, saying that he made a mistake that he had made in his childhood.

Bailey said that he was taught by his father off the court because of his small actions on the court when he was a child. Pele's words obviously meant to make fun of Maradona, which also paved the way for the two people to break out in the future. .

As the 21st century is approaching, FIFA decided to conduct a selection activity of "the best player of the 20th century". According to relevant reports at the time, the initial selection results should be voted on the FIFA website by fans from all over the world, but because Maradona's votes were much higher than Pele's, this result made FIFA The senior officials of the Federation felt very embarrassed and uneasy.

Because Maradona had been exposed to many scandals by the media at that time, some people strongly opposed Maradona's election as the "Best of the Century" for his disorderly conduct.

In the end, FIFA officials had to come up with a two-dimensional strategy, deciding to select a FIFA best player, and at the same time set up an online best. This move made Maradona extremely dissatisfied.

Pele was voted the winner by the experts, while Maradona was the leader in the public election. Maradona, who won the "best on the Internet", was naturally very unhappy.

When people gradually began to get tired of the endless bickering of the two uncles, they seemed to have found a successor, Degan and Messi. Although Degan chose to wear the red shirt of Belgium, his Brazilian ancestry cannot be denied of.

So before this game, Bailey said: "Degan is the best player in the world!"

Maradona put it more simply: "Messi will make Digan cry at Camp Nou!"

Messi doesn't want to be involved so much, but in his position, sometimes he can only feel helpless.

Standing at the entrance of the players' tunnel, watching the fans roaring in the stands, they kept shouting in unison: "Barcelona! Barcelona!"

Although this scene has been experienced many times, Messi still feels the blood in his body burn every time he stands in this position.

Or remember that when he first came to this city, he was just a pitiful dwarf, but now, he has gradually grown into a giant.

From the silent neighborhood of Rosario, Argentina, to the giant stadium in Barcelona, ​​Spain, what is the force that changed him.

The world is cruel. Years of drug injections have made him miserable. He even doesn't know whether his football dream can be realized. The world is ideal. Over the years, a positive determination to move forward has allowed him to walk all the way and stand out from the crowd.

Argentina is the kingdom of football, also known as the country of silver, it is the hometown of gaucho and tango, it is a paradise in the hearts of South Americans, but in reality, in more cases, it is very ordinary, especially in other provinces, there are many Resources are concentrated in Buenos Aires.

Driving out of Buenos Aires, you can quickly reach Rosario, the capital of Santa Fe Province, which is the hometown of Messi. There are well-known Argentine teams Newells Old Boys and Rosario Central, but since Messi was discovered, there have been no waves on the court there.

For the entire Rosario people, one Messi is enough!

Many years ago, when the star Aparicio, who participated in the 1970 World Cup, watched Messi play football in the Grandoli block for the first time, he must have felt that the sky was very blue and the sun was very beautiful, at least in his memory. in this way.

Aparicio was born and bred here, and he is already very old. He can be called the "living fossil" of the city.

"I saw a kid bouncing a ball against the wall of the stands." He was looking for someone to come to a friendly for five-year-olds when he saw Messi.

The small place is a society of acquaintances. Soon, Aparicio found himself knowing Messi's family. Messi's house is only a few stops away from the club. Aparicio even taught Messi's two older brothers to play football. ball.

"May I take your young son to play football?"

"No, no, he can't play football, he is too young." Faced with Aparicio's request, Messi's mother Celia immediately refused.

"Why not go, let him play, at least there will be no harm." Grandma, who loves football, expressed the opposite view.

In this way, with the support of his grandmother, only five-year-old Messi took his first step in professional football.

"I put Messi on the right side, so that if he cries or feels uncomfortable, you can find him nearby." The kind coach, in order to make Messi feel at ease, made such a decision. West's style of play and position on the court were thus determined, and they did not change until two years ago.

The legend of Messi was born on this day.

Messi, nicknamed "Shorty" at the time, was recruited to Newell's Old Boys Club, one of the two clubs in Rosario. From a glance, this club is unremarkable, and its infrastructure is very average. The club has only two pitches for young players. But this club still has great influence, and it is by far the football club that has sent the most players to the Argentine national team.

Messi's body is also somewhat similar to the style of this club, short and thin. Not many people think that he has hope to eventually become a professional player, but he is indeed too good.

But at the age of ten, "Little Flea" is still only 1.25 meters tall, 10 centimeters shorter than the average level of his peers. Everyone felt that he was still young, and that one day he might catch up.

For Newell's club management, Messi's short stature does not seem to matter. During the halftime break of professional team games, Messi will also come out to perform.

The program is always the same, with Messi bouncing the ball into the tunnel at the Colosseum, then up the steps leading to the pitch, and finally to the middle circle. Constantly showing off his fancy ball skills and excellent balance. In the stands, the fans thought that the dwarf from the circus was coming, because his skills were so skilled, but it was just a ten-year-old child.

But Messi's height has remained on hold, and everyone is finally anxious. So, the Newells club asked Messi and his family to go to the hospital for an examination.

The doctors were very cautious. After discussion, they reached an agreement and formulated a year-long series of testing plans to decide which treatment to take.

"His growth hormone was deficient, and he needed injections of biosynthetic growth hormone to compensate," recalls the doctor.

At the age of eleven, Messi began to receive drug injections. He had to inject himself every day. It was difficult to give himself an injection, and it was even more difficult to give himself an injection every day. But the little Messi didn't say anything, but quickly adapted to it. this life.

Messi later said: "For me, getting an injection is like brushing your teeth. At first people were always curious when they saw me doing it, but then everyone got used to it. I don't think it's difficult because it's good for my body. The future is important and it's about football, so I take responsibility."

But there are some problems that Messi's bravery can't solve, that is money, the monthly cost is about 1,000 to 1,500 US dollars. In the first two years, the treatment fee comes from the social insurance and mutual insurance of Messi's father Jorge, But then the Argentine economy began to deteriorate rapidly and collapsed a few months later. It is entirely conceivable that if there is no economic crisis, Messi's family may not leave Barcelona desperately to find opportunities.

According to Messi's father, the economic crisis and the Newell's club's inaction forced him to take his son to Barcelona.

"I used my insurance and foundation subsidies to support Messi's treatment costs for two years, but when the economic crisis came, I had to use my own salary to support four children. It was too difficult. When the treatment first started, Newell The Sri Lanka club promised very well that they would help, but it became empty words, we had no choice but to leave."

Messi knows the Camp Nou neighborhood very well, and from the day he came here, his destiny has been closely linked with Catalonia.

Joseph used to be Cruyff's agent, and he was also Barcelona's top agent at the time. He brought Messi to Barcelona: "I rarely recommend players at such a young age to Barcelona, ​​but my Argentine counterparts kept following me. Said it was a genius, and I believed it later, and turned around and pestered the Barcelona managers to arrange a trial training."

The technical director of Barcelona at the time recalled: "We quickly discovered that Messi had great potential. This thin kid played very well, and his speed was much faster than others. I said to myself, 'We need him, we must keep this one. genius'."

It was from that moment that Messi officially took his first step as a professional player. Now many years have passed, Messi has gradually grown from a dwarf to a football giant.

Some people define that Messi is born without forging, but Messi's teammates said that this is not the case. As he grows older, Messi is more and more keen on thinking. After every game, he will watch the video with his brother. Discuss whether it is too early to start, whether there can be other shooting angles, and whether it can be handled differently.

This is an important psychological change, that is, the temperament of a leader is being produced, and Messi wants to take greater and more important responsibilities for the team.

Once upon a time, who is the new generation of football champions after Pele and Maradona has been inextricably contested. Is it Digan, Messi, or Ronaldo? No one has an answer.

In terms of efficiency, field effect and even championship trophies and personal honors, Degan is obviously much ahead, but Messi is catching up.

Messi is humble and low-key, while Digan is arrogant and high-key. Although objectively speaking, Messi's personality may be more pleasing to most people, but Digan's personality has also won him many fans. It can be said that the confrontation between the two is a conflict between two different values.

Fundamentally speaking, Deegan has the character of a born winner. In his eyes, the meaning of victory is far greater than everything else. On the field, what he cares most about is the final result. In order to win, he can drag a broken leg and fight desperately in the World Cup. Out of Degan's desire to win.

In the World Cup final, when Degan watched Belgium lose the game on a stretcher, those cold eyes and suppressed tears were regarded as weakness by those who hated him, but this just showed Degan's desire for victory. And the sense of responsibility to the team.

Compared with Degan's competitive character, Messi's modesty and low-key come from his pure love for football. In Messi's heart, being able to play football is happiness, so even those insignificant games, Messi will also take the initiative to apply to play. He will not refuse some unimportant games because of fear of injury or waste of energy like some players. As long as he is on the field, the little flea is enjoying football.

The pure desire for football, the pure enjoyment of playing football, and the joy of cooperating with teammates are all clearly visible in the little flea.

Because of this, it is rare to hear news about Messi's transfer rumors, because he himself and outsiders know that he can enjoy the purest and most beautiful football in Barcelona.

Degan was born for victory, and Messi was born for football. Different values ​​have created different ways of performance between the two on the field, but everything leads to the same goal. These two personalities make them work as hard as usual.

Degan used to run to the training ground for additional training when he encountered a traffic jam, while Messi disobeyed the order to rest after commercial activities and still went for additional physical training, and this directly created the supernormal relationship between the two. skills.

Messi knows very well what kind of formidable enemy he will encounter today, that is the formidable opponent who defeated his idol Ronaldinho, but Messi also has confidence in himself, he firmly believes that nothing can stop him, no matter what Whether it is an opponent, the environment or an injury, he always firmly believes that he will eventually become an existence beyond the rules.

After the start of this season, as Rijkaard gradually began to put him in the main position, Messi felt better and better. It was so easy for him to score goals, and his state was so stable. His overly fragile body was once regarded as his weakness, but now, he feels like an iron man. He doesn't need to rest, breathe, or refuel.

For Messi, this game is definitely not the end.

Some people say that Messi has no limit. The meaning of his existence is to refresh people's expectations of him time and time again, and to bring surprises again and again.

Although the opponent is strong, Messi firmly believes that he will win the final victory. Beating Digan is not his goal, his only goal, and the only goal worthy of him is the king of the ball, after Pele and Maradona The third champion.

Messi's talent was fully revealed as early as his childhood, but his development was not smooth sailing. At the age of 11, Messi was accidentally diagnosed with developmental hormone deficiency, which would directly hinder the growth of his bones. It's just that the economic conditions at home simply cannot afford the cost of treating small fleas. And at this juncture, a decision by Messi's father changed the entire career of the little flea. At the age of 13, Messi's father, Jorge, took his family to immigrate to Spain. This time the decision undoubtedly proved to be correct afterwards.

The 13-year-old Messi was caught by the famous coach Rexach who was working in Barcelona at the time. Although the little flea was only 140cm tall at the time, the Barcelona club still couldn't wait to sign a contract with him until 2012. The club even arranged for him to receive treatment without hesitation. By now, this genius has grown to 170cm.

As a rare genius, in November 2003, the 16-year-old Messi made his first appearance on behalf of the Barcelona first team in a friendly match, and in the La Liga match against the Spaniard a year later, Messi even replaced Germany in the 83rd minute. Coe made his debut, which also made him the second youngest player to represent Barcelona in La Liga.

On May 1, 2005, Messi scored against Albacete. At the age of 17 years, 10 months and 7 days, he became the youngest player to score a league goal for Barcelona at that time.

In 2005, he not only obtained Spanish citizenship, but also made his Champions League debut in the Champions League home game against Udinese.

However, in the Champions League match against AC Milan in 2006, Messi could only be on the bench, watching Barcelona, ​​led by Ronaldinho at the time, be blocked by Degan from the final.

The sun always comes after the storm. In the 2006/07 season, the 18-year-old little flea finally became the main force of Barcelona's first team. He scored 14 goals for the team in 26 games.

And on March 11, 2007, in the match against Real Madrid, he even performed a hat-trick when he was not yet 20 years old, becoming the first player to score three goals in the Century Derby after Zamorano.

On April 18, 2007, in the Copa del Rey semi-final against Getafe, Messi copied Maradona's goal of the century in the World Cup with five players in a row. In the Catalan derby, he copied Maradona's hand of God goal.

This season, the 21-year-old Messi can be said to have reached the climax of his career. Although he is still regarded as Ronaldinho's little brother, Messi's performance on the field is obviously far beyond To meet people's expectations of him, so far, he has scored 38 goals in all competitions. Although Barcelona is behind Real Madrid in the league, Messi's performance is enough to make people hopeful for Barcelona's future .

In the Argentina team, Messi also began to make his mark in national teams at all levels. In the 2005 World Youth Championship, he not only led his team to win the championship, but also won the top scorer with 6 goals.

In the 2006 World Cup in Germany, the 17-year-old Messi represented Argentina and scored a wonderful goal as a substitute in the group stage.

From the young boy who first came to Barcelona to the core of the team now, Messi has gone through a road that many people can hardly imagine. Until now, Messi still remembers the first few months of his arrival. Everything is very important to Messi. Terrible.

On March 6, 2001, when Messi came to Barcelona, ​​the Catalan Football Association issued a temporary participation certificate for him, but Newell's Old Boys Club refused to issue an international transfer certificate for him. Messi can only represent Barcelona's junior b team in regional competitions, and cannot represent the junior a team in his age group to participate in national competitions, because he is a foreigner. According to the regulations of the Spanish Football Association, he cannot participate in all national competitions.

On April 21, Messi was kicked and broke the fibula of his left leg during the game. This was the first serious injury in his career, and he did not return from injury until June 6.

Only one month after his comeback, Messi's left ankle swelled and he had to rest for several weeks. Messi played only 2 official games and 1 friendly match in Barcelona's first season. The only good news is that the doctors decided to gradually replace growth hormone injections with physical training and diet control to help Messi grow gradually.

In terms of study and life, the Messi family encountered even greater discomfort. Messi was still not interested in studying, but he never bothered his teachers and sat in a corner doing his own thing. The younger sister Maria never wanted to set foot on Spanish soil after returning home from her summer vacation. Parents asked Messi for his opinion whether he wanted to stay in Rosario or go to Barcelona. Messi firmly chose Barcelona. In this way, his father lived in Barcelona with his three sons, and his mother Celia stayed in Argentina with her daughter. , Since then, the separated life across the ocean has become a way of life that the Macy family has been unable to change for many years.

On August 20, Messi returned to Barcelona after his summer vacation. Since the international transfer certificate had not yet arrived, he could only participate in some championships and friendly matches.

Messi can only use his energy in training and friendly matches. This attitude has been affirmed by the echelon coaches. Messi began to transfer from the end of 2001. First, in December, he signed a second contract with the club.

In February 2002, FIFA ruled that the Spanish Football Association could register Messi, and Messi officially played in the Catalan Regional League one year after arriving in Barcelona.

In the Little Masters Cup held in Pisa, Italy from April 27th to May 7th, Barcelona defeated Inter Milan, Chievo, Brescia, drew with Juventus, and finally defeated Parma in the final. Messi began to become a topic of discussion.

Compared with the scenery on the court, Messi's character is too shy.

"At first, we thought he was dumb," recalls Arsenal captain Cesc Fabregas. "It was only later, thanks to life in Italy and playing football games together, that we found out he could talk."

Vazquez, another main force of the Junior B team at the time, said: "Messi came to the locker room every day and sat in his corner, changing clothes, without saying a word, and he only became active in Italy."

Villanova, the coach of the team at the time, also believed that it was life in Italy that allowed Messi to integrate into the team: "He is not shy at all on the field. Watching him play is like seeing Maradona."

The 2001/2002 season was an unbelievable season. Messi and Pique were promoted to the youth a team at the beginning of the season, and Messi completed the jump from the youth a team to the Barcelona c team and then to the b team during the season.

Messi first played on behalf of the Youth A team until Christmas, and then participated in the final of the Copa del Rey for the youth group in May. In the end, he scored 18 goals in 11 games. In the final of the Nerja Championship, he scored a half-time lob against Betis and finally won the championship.

Messi started to play for Youth A and Barcelona C at the same time in November 2001. At that time, Barcelona C had 9 points in 14 games and was on the verge of relegation. Messi scored 5 goals in 10 games after joining and successfully helped the team avoid relegation.

On March 16, 2002, Messi was promoted to the b team. Although he only won 1 win in 5 appearances, he has proved that he can adapt to the big age group competition.

Messi is only one step away from the first team, but the youth b team, which is 3 levels lower than the b team, needs his help. Juan Carlos, the youth team coach at the time, recalled: "If others are asked to be relegated to play games, they will definitely not be able to play. Happy, but not Messi."

At that time, Barcelona, ​​Espanyol and Premia were competing for the 2003/2004 season league championship. As long as the Spaniard beat Barcelona, ​​the championship was just around the corner, but Messi came on the field to equalize and finally helped Barcelona win the championship two weeks later.

At the end of the season, Messi's father began negotiating Messi's first professional contract with Barcelona. The two sides were far apart, but an agreement was finally reached, because Arsenal had already used the confusion of Gaspart's late administration to snatch Fabregas. , Barcelona can't stand a bigger blow.

In order to keep Messi, Barcelona spared no effort. From joining to the present, Messi and Barcelona have signed a total of seven contracts. Messi is called a genius by the media. People compare him with Pele in the 1958 World Cup in Sweden. Compared with Maradona in the 1979 World Youth Championship, compared with Cruyff and Best.

What are the advantages of Messi?

Ramos, the opponent's defender, has a lot to say: "He dribbles the ball well, he's fast, the ball sticks to his feet. It's difficult to defend him, very difficult, especially when he's in good shape. He plays left-footed and right-sided. When he cuts inside, it's hard to defend. He's a real problem for any defender and I don't know any advice for other defenders to defend against Messi."

Although Messi is only a part of Barcelona's glorious history. Before him, this team has produced countless great stars. In the future, there will be someone who will surpass Messi's achievements today, but Messi will undoubtedly be in Barcelona. Leave a strong stroke.

Messi was moving his body gently, and his eyes were inadvertently aiming at Digan, who was standing at the front of the Fiorentina team. This was the first real face-to-face contest between him and Digan.

The last time Degan came to the Nou Camp, he was only a supporting role. Today, he hopes to become the real master of this stadium.

Digan suddenly turned his head inadvertently, and met Messi's eyes, but only for a moment, and quickly moved away.

"That's the future of Barcelona!" Barcelona captain Puyol standing next to Degan suddenly said.

Digan was taken aback, then smiled and said, "The future? It seems that I have nothing to worry about!"

Puyol was also taken aback. He didn't expect Degan to react like this: "Boy! Don't underestimate Leo, be careful he will make you leave Camp Nou crying!"

Puyol also knew that Digan despised Messi before the game, and the captain of Barcelona was also very upset about this.

Digan said indifferently: "Really? I'm really looking forward to it, but I have a question, can you just put all your expectations on a child now?"

Because of Degan's appearance, Barcelona in this world is far from reaching their expectations, especially last season's Champions League semi-finals were eliminated by AC Milan. In the next season, Barcelona not only failed to make a breakthrough in the Champions League, Even the domestic league has been seized by Real Madrid. This season, in the league, Barcelona has always been suppressed by Real Madrid. The only thing that can still fight is the UEFA Champions League.

Digan's words made Puyol annoyed for a while, and the defeat at the Nou Camp two years ago made Puyol also brood: "Boy! This time we will definitely have the last laugh!"

Digan said again: "But you may not be able to smile the best!"

Before Puyol counterattacked, it was time for the two teams to enter the field. Although they were shocked by the atmosphere of the Nou Camp in the player tunnel just now, they stepped on the field at this moment and listened to the non-stop cheers of the Barcelona fans around them. Calling "Barcelona, ​​Barcelona", Degan still felt a little nervous from the bottom of his heart.

It has been a long time since Degan felt this feeling, but today this feeling is particularly obvious.

For this game, Prandelli has hidden a lot of main players in the league and Coppa Italia before. Even Degan has a rare chance to rest. Now the battle is about to start. In this game, Prandelli Deli also sent the strongest lineup.

The goalkeeper is still Frey, and the defense line from left to right is Antonini, Thiago Silva, Kompany and Maggio. Although Kompany has just returned from injury, but after Prandelli considered , Still put him in the starting lineup.

The midfielder is still equipped with three midfielders, Modric, Ledesma and Marchena. The midfielder Prandelli chose Arteta, and the Spaniard returned to his familiar position.

The forward line is Degan and Mutu, a standard combination of one high and one fast. Prandelli's idea is obvious. This game is to play a defensive counterattack, using the speed of Degan and Mutu to attack Barcelona's defense.

For Barcelona, ​​the goalkeeper is Valdes, the defense is Belletti, Marcos, Edmilson and Puyol, the midfield is Xavi, Iniesta and Deco, the two wingers are Henry and Messi, the African cheetah Eto'o is on the front line.

Judging from the players on the field, Barcelona has no reservations at all today. They are all players with excellent offensive capabilities, especially the two wingers, Messi and Henry. Although the winger is not Henry's best position, his Passing, as well as cutting shots, is definitely a great weapon for Barcelona's offense.

Of course, Rijkaard relies most on Messi in this game. Although he is a winger, according to the experience of previous games, after the start of the game, Messi will move towards the center from time to time, replacing Eto'o. Position, to play the center of the accusation.

In terms of offensive ability, Barcelona is definitely stronger than Fiorentina. Any player in the midfield can be placed in other teams and has the strength to become a core player. However, in Barcelona, ​​they all need to serve the whole, and they must also maximize their own abilities. If Fiorentina plays against Barcelona, ​​it will undoubtedly be courting death.

So in this game, Prandelli sent Marchena, a defensive champion, in the midfield. All he did was to stare at Xavi, the offensive hub of Barcelona.

Although in Barcelona's tactical system, Deco's role seems to be stronger than Harvey, but in fact, it is the unobtrusive Xavi who really took over the banner of Enrique in Barcelona.

The role of Harvey is even a bit like Pirlo of AC Milan. Although the position is higher than Pirlo, and the characteristics of the two people are quite different, they have the same responsibility, which is the team's brain and central nervous system.

After the opening ceremony, the game is about to officially start. Degan and Puyol are standing face to face. There are intense sparks in their eyes. Messi is standing behind Puyol. Look at this The taut body of the little man was like a lion cub ready to go.

Digan vs. Messi, the first contest between the two popular candidates for the next football champion, is about to begin!
