
Chapter Forty

Chapter Forty

It is still against the sky to do evil, but to do evil by oneself is not to live!

When the smoke of the 2008 European Cup qualifiers cleared, people suddenly discovered that this European Cup will completely break the traditional pattern of the past.

If it is still normal for Belgium to qualify for the group, then of course it is not normal for Portugal and England to be blocked from the finals.

For a while, the fans of the two teams lamented loudly, and some even threatened to refuse to watch the European Cup without Portugal or England. Of course, their lamentation or complaints have no effect.

UEFA will never expand the sixteen teams in the finals to eighteen teams in order to take care of the emotions of the fans.

Portugal's exit may be a bit of a natural disaster. After all, Portugal does not have a good striker, and they met Digan who is in hot form. Therefore, Portugal and Belgium should have a 50-50 win rate in that game. In the end, they can only be eliminated. Speaking skills are not as good as people.

But England can only be said to be an idiot, McLaren, the vast majority of footballers in the world have not been able to understand until their death, what kind of outstanding qualities the FA have set their eyes on this guy, and actually entrusted the fate of a country to on him.

After all the calculations, McLaren is not as good as the predecessor Eriksson who was criticized for being bloody. In the autumn of 2003, England also had an away game against Turkey. It was also a make-or-break battle. At that time, Eriksson's team was more difficult. The Lions got the desired draw.

This time, McLaren was not as lucky as his mentor. The four minutes of chaos in Moscow ruined the great country, and when he returned to Wembley, he lost the last bit of dignity in front of the entire nation.

McLaren's one-year reincarnation began with Beckham and ended with a heartthrob, which is somewhat ironic.

When he took office, he cut the captain of England, and then removed James, Campbell and other veterans of Eriksson, and then began to learn how to walk in Handan, making Gerrard play on the right wing and Lennon on the left, and finally found a reform It didn't work, so he quickly recalled Beckham, Campbell and other veterans. Xiao Guicao went back to Eriksson's routine casually, and his back-and-forth approach not only messed up his own rules, but also made it difficult for the public to grasp his thinking.

From the beginning to the end of the class, McLaren has been a reincarnation of wrong marriage and mismatch. McLaren is responsible. His responsibility is that he does not have diamonds, but he still does porcelain work. But the FA is also responsible. Their responsibility is I don't know who I am, and I mistake the stubborn stone for a pearl.

"McLaren will feel very, very sad. He will understand what responsibility he will bear if he does not qualify. If England fail to qualify, I am afraid he will end up in the same way as I did."

The one who said this was the England coach Graham Taylor in 1994. This former Three Lions coach who was called by the "Sun" with a brain like a disheveled head 14 years later, witnessed another tragedy with his own eyes. This time the protagonist is replaced by McLaren.

After the game, the British News Agency published an article "England Repeats the Tragedy of 1994". Although the article is more about reviewing Taylor's criminal history, it is not difficult to find that McLaren has done a lot in the past 15 months. It is not surprising that the Three Lions missed the 2008 European Cup finals because of too many stupid things similar to Taylor.

Both Taylor and McLaren had sweet moments in England. The former defeated France 2-0 in the warm-up match in February 1992, which was considered to be the pinnacle. Opening the scoring, Lineker, who was at his peak, also scored. McLaren started back with Greece and Andorra, and scored 9 goals in two games, which made the media who denounced Eriksson at the time seem to see hope.

But there is a saying in Spanish: a broken clock has two correct times a day.

What followed was not one victory after another, but more and more doubts and reprimands. Taylor's turning point occurred in the European Cup against Sweden, although Pratt scored shortly after the opening. , but Sweden made adjustments to their tactics in the second half. As a result, Taylor immediately showed up and completely lost control of the game. He watched the Nordics equalize and then overtake at the last moment. And in that game, he insisted on replacing Lineker, who had already decided to retire, so that the latter's pursuit of Bobby Charlton's national team goals wasted. Even the former Arsenal star Alan who replaced Lineker in that game .Smith said after the game: I went up to partner with Lineker and help him, not to replace him!

McLaren expelled Beckham from the national team at the beginning of his tenure, which has already shown his inhumanity. After going around, McLaren finally had to ask Beckham to help out. Beckham with high professionalism It's all about personnel, but in the last life-and-death battle, McLaren, who was called "the walking dead" by the "Guardian", nailed Beckham to the bench with a feverish head. He breathed a sigh of relief, but as the so-called general situation is over, this stiff lion is by no means awakened by the former captain of the national team whose number of appearances in the national team is fixed at 99 games, let alone he only has 45 minutes.

The 1993 World Cup qualifier against the Netherlands had left people and the FA completely dead on Taylor, while McLaren's last two games against Russia and Croatia were "final".

The result is the same, being ruthlessly knocked down by the opponent. 14 years ago, it was Koman and Bergkamp, ​​and 14 years later it was replaced by Pavlyuchenko and Petrich.

Of course, Taylor's curtain call performance was a 7:1 sweep of San Marino, while McLaren was a dizzying 2:3. This is why the British media called this game the lowest point in the history of British football.

Since Graham Taylor led the original England team to miss the 1994 World Cup, the Three Lions have not missed any international competition for so many years. Against the background of the thriving Premier League, relying on the hype of the British media, the self-confidence of the English people can be said to be rising, but this time they have stumbled.

Last summer, after the British paparazzi scared Scolari away and the FA bureaucrats made Hiddink retreat, a dubious McLaren came in to take over the flag of the England national team. It has been just three months since Delszborg were swept four goals by Sevilla in the UEFA Cup final.

In the previous match with Israel, McLaren's lack of tactical intelligence has undoubtedly been revealed!

There is no other reason. The chaotic order of the England team on the field makes it impossible to see that they are a so-called strong team.

Perhaps knowing that Hollywood screenwriters are on strike, "Mike Clown" has simply switched to filming suspense dramas in the past month. First, the three-game winning streak made the Three Lions hope to reappear, and then lost the away game to Russia and lost the initiative. Last week, with the help of Israel's assistant, the key word was directly changed to "Lee Felene", but McLaren ended up screwing up the play.

This year's England team had problems from the very beginning. McLaren failed to solve the double virtue problem left by Eriksson. Instead, he called himself "the walking dead" and "a dazed face".

Although Eriksson was scolded, the Swede had a 5:1 victory over Germany during the period of the Swedes to support the appearance. What does McLaren have? Is it a 5:0 thrashing of Andorra?

With this score, it was almost worse than the 7:1 victory over San Marino in the closing game of the recognized worst coach Graham Taylor.

The first defeat at the new Wembley was so costly, with England's exit leaving next year's Euros without a British team. The last time there were no British Isles teams in the finals of a major competition dates back to the European Cup in 1984, but at that time the European Cup had not yet expanded and there were only eight teams competing, which is not the same as today's 16 places.

Taylor failed to lead the Three Lions to the World Cup in the United States in 1993, and now it is McLaren's turn to be the national sinner. It is estimated that the economic loss directly caused by England not qualifying will reach 8 million pounds, and the loss of surrounding intangible assets is even more incalculable.

With England's disappointing exit, the British media suddenly became aware of the crisis. Next year, when newspapers in other countries will report heavily on the European Cup, where will the elites on Fleet Street go to find material to fill the pages?

Scotland was another choice, but another flagship of the British Isles also lost to Georgia inexplicably under good circumstances, and sent Italy to qualify. The Bagpipe Legion is not easy. It has been ranked first in the group with Italy and France for a long time, and double-killed France, which is far superior to itself. The flute blows to the top of the snow-capped mountains in Switzerland.

Northern Ireland, which is recognized as the weakest, was strong until the last round. They changed coaches midway and defeated the top three at home in Spain, Sweden and Denmark, which was enough to shock the whole of Europe. However, even if this is "the best Northern Ireland team in 20 years", it is obviously unrealistic to expect them to beat Denmark and Spain in the last two games. Consecutive loss of points on Latvia and Iceland showed the team's lack of confidence. Although Madrid had a tough fight in the last round, Northern Ireland still had no chance.

If the other teams in the British Isles still supported the face of Great Britain, England severely tore off the last fig leaf. Accidentally, McLaren made a joke with the world. Before the game between Israel and Russia, McLaren complained endlessly that the initiative was not in his hands, but when Israel helped England take the initiative, McLaren staged the biggest joke at Wembley. In a situation where a tie can qualify for the qualifying team, England has self-destructed the Great Wall. The 2:3 makes people relive the "old dream" of France and Bulgaria in the US World Cup qualifiers.

The Three Lions lost their initiative at the beginning of the qualifiers. They drew with Macedonia at home and lost to Croatia in the away game. After the draw with Israel, the team once had a big crisis. They failed to save themselves in the key battle of being a guest in Russia. It is ridiculous that the Russians lost to the underdog Israel and handed over the initiative to return to England, but they were declined by the Three Lions. Under the excellent situation that can appear in a draw at home , 2:3 lost to Croatia, which had already qualified, and lost a good game.

Faced with many accusations and criticisms, McLaren is naturally to blame, but the demise of the Three Lions cannot be controlled by a mere head coach. The Football Association, players, and even the media should bear considerable responsibility for this.

The stubborn FA chose thousands of options. After Scolari issued a statement refusing to succeed, he hastily chose to support McLaren, just because he is a local coach, just to be "obedient and easy to handle".

After losing to Russia, the Football Association said: "Of course we support him. Can we say anything else besides expressing our support for him?"

Thoroughly revealed the pedantry and darkness of the Football Association of England.

The Football Association is stupid, the coach is fucked up, and even the players who have been blown up by the English media are just as weak.

The goalkeeper problem was the direct cause of England's elimination. From James to Robinson, low-level mistakes followed one after another. When it was Carson's turn to fight for life and death, he ruined the team's hope of promotion with a classic shot.

The old captain Beckham was rejected in the previous rounds, and the new captain Terry was plagued by injuries and performed abnormally. The midfielder who should have provoked the backbone of the team has failed so far except for "you are injured and I will come on the field". To solve the problem of coexistence, Barry's turning out to solve this problem to a certain extent, the team played 5 consecutive 3:0 small **, but he was finally excluded from the life-and-death battle with the Croatian team starting lineup. The two golden boys, Rooney and Irving, were also injured again and again. Crouch, who played well at first, just couldn't see clearly and couldn't sit firmly as the main force.

The most unlucky thing is the young goalkeeper Carson, his international competition debut was so ruined, and the price was that England missed the 2008 European Cup finals. McLaren's gamble obviously lost the bottom line.

McLaren was obviously gambling on the rotation of the goalkeeper position before the life-and-death battle. Although Robinson "doesn't work well" and scored an own goal in Zagreb when he received a Gary Neville return pass against Croatia, the British media opposed McLaren's starting rookie Carson.

The legendary goalkeeper Hilton, who played 125 games for the Three Lions, said before the game: "It is obviously a risk to choose Carson who has never played in a big game in such a big game. I was a little scared before the game started."

Not long after the game started, Carson made a low-level mistake. When Kranjca gave a long-range shot in the eighth minute, Carson obviously had a wrong hand shape, and the ball bounced behind his arm and into the goal.

Speaking of it, Carson is a bit ignorant, the grass of the new Wembley Stadium is bad enough today, and a heavy rain an hour ago made the game more difficult.

But these are all objective reasons. The ball should not be thrown. Even if you can't catch it, blocking the ball with your body is the basic common sense that a professional goalkeeper should know.

Immediately after the 14th minute, Carson watched Olic waltz and "walk" past him, and sent the ball into the city he was guarding again.

In the first half, Carson spent the whole time in trepidation. Before the end of the half, Carson still failed to catch Fiorentina teenager Modric's shot. When the midfielder entered the locker room, Carson's face was already livid. .

In the second half, the "rookie" Carson hadn't recovered from the panic, so he watched Olic's shot touch Bridge's foot and hit the lintel and fly out of the bottom line.

Although after that, Olic's header was blocked by Carson with his shoulder, but at most it was considered that the opponent's header angle was too positive.

In the 77th minute, when Petrich gave a diagonal shot from an extremely angle, Carson could only disarm, watching the ball enter the goal for the third time, watching the three lions bid farewell to the 2008 European Cup.

After the game, Carson was given the lowest score of 5 points by the British News Agency, and gave such an evaluation: Liverpool's goalkeeper on loan to Aston Villa had an inescapable responsibility for the first goal conceded, and it looked very good for a while after that. nervous.

Agence France-Presse even used the headline "Croatians and Carson Shatter England's Dream". On the contrary, McLaren insisted that his choice was correct after the game. Perhaps this can only be the last stubbornness of McLaren to protect his face.

In the bleak wind and rain at Wembley Stadium, the England team unfortunately died in a life-and-death battle, while the Croatian team's victory wrote a story of sportsmanship, and at the same time took away the last straw of McLaren.

After the game, McLaren, who knew that he was dead, appeared at the press conference very early, facing many media reporters.

Facing the reporter's question, McLaren refused to answer the question about resignation: "I have to bear the responsibility for the team's loss, but I have not discussed the next step with the FA. We should not have lost today's game. , I don't want to shirk responsibility here, but everyone also knows the difficulties of the England team, the crisis of our forwards, defenses and goalkeepers did not just erupt today."

However, McLaren obviously forgot that it was he himself who arranged for the inexperienced 22-year-old goalkeeper Carson to play in such a major game, and put the experienced James, Beckham, Defoe and others on the field. on the bench.

During McLaren's speech, his old trademark smile was gone, replaced by a numb expressionless face, and his voice was so low that the news crew turned up the volume several times.

At the press conference, McLaren still showed the professional demeanor that a head coach should have. He explained to goalkeeper Carson: "Carson is an excellent goalkeeper. We should also see his wonderful saves in the second half. There are many factors for conceding goals, and more responsibility should be borne by the whole team, and our luck today is indeed bad."

The difficulties of the England team do exist. Owen and Rooney are absent, Terry and Ferdinand are absent, but even so, they should not be scored three goals at home by their opponents. This is a shame for the England team.

Contrary to him, when Croatian coach Bilic came in, he was applauded by the Croatian and Russian journalists. For Bilic, he led the Croatian team tonight full of sportsmanship and opened a new era at Wembley. The history of football in this country has also drawn the former Eastern European brother Russia into the finals. Tonight he is not only the hero of Croatia, but also the hero of Russia.

At the press conference after the game, Bilic also apologized to the England fans in a very gracious manner: "I am very sorry for England's exit, but I can't play negatively. The opportunity is fair for everyone. Today we seized The impatience of the England team, and taking full advantage of the rain, I admit that if we played again, we might lose."

Bilic confirmed the pre-match language with action. He said last week that he would go all out. Unfortunately, the England team took his words on deaf ears.

In his smiling words today, there is clearly a hint of ridicule towards England, but this is not important, and Croatia will obviously not be just a passer-by in the European Cup next year.

Just 11 hours after the game, the FA announced McLaren's resignation. McLaren had been coaching for more than a year, and he failed the first answer sheet he handed in. The process of the qualifiers was difficult and difficult, even if they qualify, it will not satisfy any British footballers or fans. After all, this group is definitely not that dead. In the end, Petritsch's lore completely reduced McLaren. For historical sinners.

The media has reason to question the employment of McLaren: Beckham is in such a good state why he only sits on the bench. No matter how many mistakes Robinson made before, he is still an unshakable main force. Why was he dismissed before the life-and-death battle? As far as I know, only Mai Shuai turned a blind eye, Barry couldn't hold his ground, why didn't he install an iron gate to stabilize the country, Lescott was embarrassed enough in Moscow, why did he have to put it on it when he returned to Wembley .

Although Eriksson has been criticized bloody, at least he has his own set of things in the use of troops, and he unswervingly implements it.

In this regard, McLaren can only be described as sloppy, abandoning Beckham as soon as he took office, and the drastic reforms stopped abruptly after only a few rounds, bowing his head and recalling the heartthrob. In Zagreb, following the advice of the media, he changed his formation and played a three-back, but was repaired miserably. The choice between Barry and Lampard went back and forth, resulting in a life-and-death battle where 451 was arranged for the two to go together, but Beckham was shelved.

Mai Shuai may be the coach who loves to read newspapers most in history. He always memorizes what famous writers write, but he just obeys and has no personality at all.

Israel sent a big gift, but the revived England team played more and more low-level and boring, and the more they played, the more they lost their minds. The home team faced Croatia, which had already qualified before the game, and even the Swedish referee took the initiative to "help with a penalty kick". 2:3 lost to the opponent and stopped at the European Championship.

In such an important game, in the decisive battle where psychological will and competition experience are far more important than strength, McLaren fainted all the way, abandoning veterans such as Beckham and Robinson, but chose Carson and Phillips. Waiting for the young and immature teenager, paid a heavy price.

In the first fourteen minutes, Croatia was easily led 0:2. Such a bad start shocked the world, and it can be called the most shameful record in the history of the England team.

At this moment, if McLaren takes action immediately, there is actually a chance to save his own destiny, changing from the 4-5-1 formation on the field to the offensive 4-4-2, allowing Di to sit on the bench. Fu Lin was ordered in danger, but perhaps he was also stunned by the bad facts of the England team. McLaren did not take any action, and stared blankly at everything on the field with pale and empty eyes.

Time was relentlessly ticking away, and the emotions of the 11 England players on the field gradually began to lose control. After Gerrard fell in the front of the opponent's penalty area, he yelled at the referee needlessly, almost incurring a yellow card warning. Skills and movements are also gradually deformed. Every player on the three lines seems to be afraid of taking responsibility for failure, and one by one becomes afraid to take the initiative to touch the ball.

Under the attack of Croatia's two super saps, the legs of the England players seemed to be as heavy as lead, and they could not form an effective operating system on the field at all. The anxious and silent England fans in the Wembley stands were in stark contrast to the cheering Croatian fans. The occasional singing of England's "God Save the Queen" in the audience also seemed weak.

Throughout the first half, the England team had only one shot from Wright Phillips within the range of the goal frame, and after falling behind 0:2, it was difficult for the entire England to launch an effective attack. Lampard disappeared, and Crouch made headers in the opponent's penalty area time and time again.

The old coach Venables next to McLaren left the field angrily when his team fell behind 0:2, and did not return to the coaching bench until the second half.

When Beckham played, 90,000 England fans stood spontaneously in the heavy rain. The sound of thunderous applause was moving. People were looking forward to the 2001 Old Trafford World Cup qualifier against Greece. Beckham Mu successfully scored a free kick in the last minute, helping the England team catch up with the World Cup in Korea and Japan.

Defoe fell in front of the goal. The referee whistled and awarded England a penalty. From the replay, the Croatian defender's jersey just passed Defoe's shoulder. The penalty was obviously far-fetched. Lampard went to The Chelsea general who missed the penalty kick in the German World Cup semi-final against Portugal successfully hit it this time.

Afterwards, Beckham finally radiated great light and made an excellent cross from the right, helping Crouch to tie the score to 2:2. If the same score is maintained until the end of the game, England will join hands with Croatia to qualify, but At this time, Croatia's defensive counterattack was still relentless as always, and it was incredible to overtake again with 3:2!

At this time, the England team, whose confidence had completely fallen into the abyss, had no fighting spirit for any game, and watched helplessly as the defeat came.

Perhaps England would have been lucky to end the game 2-2 if England's young keeper Carson had avoided that rather amateurish error.

Of course, that can only be if!

After being out of the European Championship, it is inevitable that McLaren, who made an unforgivable mistake in employing people, will leave get out of class, but who can soothe and heal the pain of millions of England fans born for football?

The England team lost at home, 2:3 without any dispute and cleanly lost. Saying goodbye to the European Cup also sent Russia, which was originally dead, to the finals.

The rain at Wembley from pre-match to post-match seems to be sighing for England's poor performance tonight. This game is actually an opportunity won by the Israelis for England, and it is a pity that England squandered it unceremoniously a God-given opportunity. Even in this game, Beckham and Defoe's hard blow once brought England back to life, but judging from the final result, this last vitality is just a flashback.

The England team, which has concentrated many outstanding players, should not have suffered such a disastrous defeat. Now it seems that more problems may still come from psychology and coaches.

After the game, a large number of England fans couldn't believe their eyes. In this game, the England team repeatedly squandered God's kindness, and finally ruined themselves.

It is a pity that there will not be a team from the British Isles in the European Cup next year. However, taking advantage of this opportunity, if the Football Association of England is committed to the construction of the team, I believe this group of players will still have a chance in the World Cup. Opportunity to perform, but the most regrettable thing is Beckham. After missing the European Cup, Beckham may end his national team career.

McLaren did not let Beckham start. In his opinion, the speed and breakthrough of the comeback Wright Phillips are also indispensable for the Three Lions. Beckham, who was unsystematic in training games in the United States, was caught by McLaren. Shuai is used as a back move, a secret weapon when the situation cannot be opened. This is also the first time that Beckham has entered the squad for an official game in the ten years since he entered the England team without starting.

Such a choice does not seem to be a big mistake at first glance. The nightmarish first half of Wright Jr. was the only bright spot. But the Chelsea winger can't connect the whole team, and the support for the striker is not as strong as Beckham.

Before the game, McLaren also admitted that it would be risky not to use Beckham, but at the same time pointed out that the heartthrob had just recovered from his injury in the United States for two months, which was the basis for him "to make a choice".

If it weren't for the 0:2 in the first half that was too dazzling, Beckham might not have walked directly from the locker room to the court. Beckham wearing the No. 17 jersey makes people look weird, but he shows a good competitive state.

"King David" passed the ball very efficiently, but Croatia was very strict with Crouch and cleared Beckham's crosses time and time again. In the 65th minute, the precise Bayesian guided missile finally detonated in the opponent's hinterland. With the iconic 45-degree cross, Crouch inserted a stop and shot, and the combination of Beckham and Gao Lao once again showed their power. , Although Beckham is getting older, the Beckham arc is still the most formidable weapon.

However, the spark that Beckham ignited failed to bless England from catastrophe. Petritsch's goal completely shattered Beckham's European Cup dream.

Next summer, heartthrobs will have to go on a tour with his wife for a show. What makes people sigh is that the European Cup may have been Beckham's last appearance in an intercontinental competition. The man looked helpless and lonely.

Beckham immediately stated after the game that he would not choose to quit the national team: "The Israelis gave us a second chance. The right to qualify had been given to us on the plate, but we didn't take it. We were very disappointed. There is no doubt that I will not quit, as I emphasized before when I was excluded from the team and when I first returned to the national team, I will not quit."

But in South Africa in 2010, can people still see the 35-year-old Beckham?

The magnificent Bayesian arc may only be haunted in dreams.

When the Croatian fans celebrated in the stands, McLaren must be wondering why these Croats would kill their England at this time.

In fact, he himself is the answer to this question. England under his leadership is a weak team.

After losing 2:3 to Croatia, England lost their qualifications, and McLaren will lose his coaching position.

The game has just ended, McLaren has just been ousted, and the selection of England's new coach has already begun.

Shearer is another favorite of the New England coach. As a player, Shearer's dedication to work was once a model for all England football. Now many players in the team grew up watching Shearer play. Some even had the chance to work with Shearer in his final stages of playing for the national team.

Shearer, who has a deep understanding of English football, should have no problem communicating with players. After Shearer retired, she became a football commentator together with Lineker and other seniors. Under the influence of the humorous Lineker and Pratt, Shearer's temper that was easy to get angry at the beginning gradually disappeared, and he often even appeared on the scene. During the commentary, he talked in seconds, and made fun of everyone with his own bad things back then.

Such a Shearer is entirely possible to become the coach of the new England team. The only problem is that Shearer's coaching ability has not been recognized by most people, and he still lacks enough achievements to convince everyone.

Another favorite whose name may embarrass England fans is Hiddink, the current Russian coach who knocked England out of Euro 2008.

Hiddink once coached Eindhoven, Real Madrid, the Netherlands, South Korea and Russia and other teams all played pleasing football in the game. Among them, Eindhoven won the Champions League in 1988 under his leadership, It is a miracle that the South Korean team won the fourth place in the World Cup under his leadership.

With such a brilliant resume, coupled with the attitude of never speaking and working in silence, Hiddink is undoubtedly the best candidate in the eyes of the FA.

However, Hiddink is now the coach of Russia and has just led the team to the European Cup finals. It is difficult to become the coach of the England team in a short period of time. To push England out of the European Cup finals, the English may be more or less in their hearts. The Dutchman also has some resistance, and Hiddink's coaching experience in Real Madrid, the Netherlands and Russia. Although the team played pretty well on the court, it was not satisfactory in terms of results. Whether Hiddink can adapt to English football is still a question.

Allardyce is another darling of the British media. When he was at Bolton, some interesting coaching moves of Allardyce were topics that fans talked about. After leaving the Bolton team, Bolton's performance this season has plummeted, which also reflects Allardyce's coaching ability from one aspect.

In addition, Kubeshley of West Ham United and O'Neill of Villa are also possible candidates. Kubishley has shown good combat effectiveness in leading West Ham this season, and his coaching level is quite good, but before this person has set up obstacles for the player Green in the team to be promoted to the England team, I am afraid that he has turned against the FA. not big.

When O'Neill was contacted for the position of England coach, he publicly issued a statement: "Obviously this is nonsense. I have done a good job in the Villa team and have no plans to leave for the time being. Things have to be done step by step."

Judging from his personal attitude, the possibility of O'Neill taking office is not too great.

There are also several possible coaches, namely Capello who is at home, Lippi and the Brazilian Scolari who has just been fired as the former Portuguese coach.

All three have outstanding achievements in battle. Lippi once said in the early years that he hoped to come to England to try, but after winning the World Cup, the Italian Silver Foxes seemed to have decided to retire at the most glorious time after experiencing great pressure. , when asked by the media several times whether he would return to work, he repeatedly stated that he had no such plan.

Scolari, who had become one of England's favorites before McClaren came to power, but the Brazilian was very annoyed that the FA disclosed the news to the media during his consideration, and angrily rejected the agreement with the FA. Continuing the dialogue, if the Football Association seeks him to coach now, I am afraid it will take a lot of effort.

I hope that the bigger one is Capello. As a famous coach, even when he was spurned by everyone in Spain last season, Capello still brought back a league championship trophy for Real Madrid and won the final respect for himself, but Its conservative style in recent years may become the biggest concern of the FA.

Now the England team is a big hot potato, and it will be a big trouble in anyone's hands. Those who have the ability and the FA's eyes are not willing to come, and those who are not capable are willing to come, and the FA will look at it not on.

In short, because England failed to qualify for the European Cup finals, the FA fell into a dilemma. It is still the same sentence.

England was eliminated early, it was entirely due to the FA, the coach, and some players. This diorama was exposed. The so-called strongest England team in history could not even pass the qualifiers. They went to taste it themselves.

Criticism at home continued, as did abroad. Some people who had nothing to do with this matter also stood up and ridiculed English football.

"England's exit is entirely their own fault. No one else is to blame. First of all, McLaren is to blame. He has good players but doesn't know how to use them. Now that England has missed the European Cup, the careers of those good players in the national team are basically ruined. The rest of them, in my opinion, are at most second-rate Europeans!"

People can never imagine that Degan would come out to criticize England when he was in trouble. Is there a reason?

Degan likes Beckham very much!
