
Chapter 163 Legend

Chapter 163 Legend

Although Degan's shot missed, it also shocked the Italian team into a cold sweat.

Before the game, although Lippi had repeatedly emphasized the need to pay attention to his opponents, especially Degan, but after seeing Degan playing, some people in the Italian team could not help but feel contemptuous of him.

After all, Digan was injured, and it was still on his leg. Even if he insisted on playing, he would be dragged down by the injury, and how powerful he could be.

However, after this shot, the Italian players must have to think carefully in their hearts. The members of the Italian lineup are all from the Serie A field. They have played against Digan before. With all the miracles that came out, they also had to be afraid of the underestimation of the enemy just now.

Especially Materazzi, it can be said that he was indeed negligent just now, but who would have thought that Degan would use his injured left leg to shoot. He only cared about blocking Degan's right side, and the left side was completely blocked. He let it go.

"Marco! Get in his position, don't let him shoot easily!" Cannavaro was also quite dissatisfied with Materazzi's defense just now. Juventus and Digan's team fought two times. During the season, he himself has played against Degan four times in total. He has the most say in how good Degan is. A slight negligence can be caught by Degan and turned into a goal.

And judging from previous games, as long as Degan's team scored first, he has never lost.

Materazzi did not speak, and walked away with his head down. In his heart, he looked down on Cannavaro, and it could even be said that he was jealous. Navarro was replaced by Juventus with a substitute goalkeeper, but he became the main force of Inter Milan, but even if Cannavaro left as a loser, his reputation is still bigger than himself. At the beginning, Materazzi was full of dissatisfaction.

Even now, although Cannavaro is the captain of Italy,?

? In the eyes of Materazzi, so what?

Materazzi disapproved of Cannavaro, but resented Degan. In the locker room, when Lippi said that Degan would be handed over to him for the game, he was very excited. I just want to use this game to step on Digan and let the whole world know that he, Marco Materazzi, is the best central defender in the world.

What Thuram, Lucio and others failed to do, he did!

But Digan's performance just now made Materazzi sober. It seems that it is not easy to completely guard against Digan.

But it can't be prevented under normal circumstances, but it doesn't mean that it can't be prevented under abnormal circumstances!

The alarm in Materazzi's heart has been raised several levels. Of course, these are not what people care about. Apart from caring about who will be crowned the World Cup champion, people are most concerned about whether Degan can break Fontaine's World Cup success. Goal record.

In the previous match against Portugal, Degan has already tied Fontaine's record of scoring 13 goals in a single World Cup. As long as he can go one step further, he can surpass the legend and achieve a new myth.

Before the game started, people were still lamenting Degan's injury. If Degan couldn't make it to the final, it would take many years to break Fontaine's miraculous record.

Although people hate Degan and his arrogance, they still look forward to the birth of a new record.

Degan did not disappoint those who hated him, and he was also hated by the way. In the finals, when Degan was running, although his speed was not as fast as in the previous games, he was still the daunting one whenever he had the chance. killer.

"Just now Degan's shot was very beautiful, Buffon was powerless, but it was a pity that he was rejected by the goalpost, but those who were worried about Degan's state before can rest assured that as long as he is on the field, he can threaten the opponent. goal!"

The Belgian team missed the attack, and the Italian team immediately launched a counterattack. Buffon kicked the ball into the midfield. Rota's reaction was quick, and he got the ball before Bufer, and then handed it to Pirlo immediately.

Now this Italian team, although Lippi has repeatedly emphasized that there is no core and they want to play team football, but in fact whenever the Italian team attacks, the football will concentrate at Pirlo's feet.

Pirlo can definitely be regarded as a milestone midfielder in the development of world football since the new century. His "front midfielder and rear" style of play started in AC Milan has driven the evolution of world football trends. Silence Andrea Pirlo, who is as elegant as an art college student, always hides behind those scorers. Although he does not seem to be as good as those players who attack the city, he is the current Italian team on the field. The absolute core and center of the tactical system.

Pirlo has the elegance and elegance of Redondo and the hard work of Emerson. He is one of the few technical midfielders in today's football.

In fact, Pirlo was originally born as a front midfielder, which allowed him to practice delicate footwork, but he has always been frustrated in Inter Milan. For a simple comparison, there is a big difference between Pirlo and Rui Costa of the same era, and Kaka after that. Although Pirlo can make a threatening pass, his aggressiveness is actually It is not as strong as the latter, the speed is not so fast, and the confrontation is relatively weak, so when it is placed in the front midfielder position, it is very disadvantageous when facing the opponent's midfielder. Well, easy to snag.

However, Pirlo also has his own characteristics, such as accurate passing, strong organization and scheduling ability, and wide vision. Therefore, after transferring to AC Milan, Ancelotti put him in the midfielder position, slightly behind, in the middle circle On the side of the goal, in this way, besides him, there are two purely fighting or defensive midfielders who can protect, such as Gattuso or Ambrosini.

In this position, the opponent is usually the front midfielder, and occasionally the forward or midfielder comes to fight, and Pirlo can also have the help of his companions, and it is smoother to get the ball.

Under the protection of his teammates, Pirlo can give full play to his ability on the midfielder, and his wide vision makes the choice after getting the ball more, directly to the front midfielder, or to the left and right sides Points, and even a direct long pass to find the striker. The clarity and accuracy of this long pass is more threatening than a direct kick from the back line.

In the position of the midfielder, Pirlo plays like a midfielder, but passes the ball more, and the quick kick often makes the opponent exhausted. He has naturally become the team's real playmaker, and is often the first starting point of offense. His graceful free kick has also become an important means for the team to score.

After Pirlo got the ball, he looked forward sleepily, followed by a long pass over the top.

When Lippi on the sidelines saw this scene, he couldn't help clenching his hands tightly into fists. What he wanted was this kind of attack, which didn't require complicated delivery and was fatal with one blow.

Before coming to Germany, Lippi once said in an interview with reporters: "People have too many negative impressions of Italian football. When I hear people talking about Italian football, they are full of defensive words. Negative point of view. I think the current Italian squad has shown that Italian football is changing and that it is not the same now."

Big-name coaches are somewhat rebellious in their bones. The media says east, but he leans west. He insists on using this to prove that the whole world is wrong, and I am the only one who is right.

The current Italian team is in an unprecedented shortfall period, and the 90s generation is about to withdraw. After them, there will be either young people who have no experience in international competitions and just emerged from a small team, or the "Four Elites of Palermo" A player of this quality.

It's no wonder that in the late 1990s, Serie A gradually declined. After three years of unbearable European recession, the good times of the mid-1990s, when new stars sprung up like mushrooms after rain, are gone forever.

However, after all, the Italian national team relied on the 90 generation to support two World Cups and two European Cups. The impact of the three-year Great Depression on the reserve talents was not obvious at the time.

Today, a few years later, the sequelae are slowly showing up. The lack of particularly outstanding players during the depression period has been reflected in the Italian team today, which is the lack of Mesozoic players with considerable strength.

For the current Italian team, the main lineup still depends on the veterans of the 90s generation, and the substitutes are almost all from the middle and lower reaches of Serie A. In a sense, Lippi's national team is digesting the throes of the Great Depression for three years.

As a traditional aristocrat in international football, the Italian team has always been regarded as a team with the strength to win the championship. Especially in the three World Cups in the 1990s, they showed a certain aristocratic status after all. However, in the current Italy, there are obvious weaknesses in the position, and the candidates are not satisfactory. In Lippi's hands, perhaps the Italian team with the least star flavor in history.

But Lippi firmly believes that he has the ability to turn decay into magic. Don't people all look down on him?

I just have to prove that I can!

Pirlo's pass accurately found Toni on the front line. The latter leaned on Kompany's header to return. Totti followed up in time and got the ball forward. Take a shot with your foot.

Proto's reaction was very fast, and he pressed the ball under his body with one hand.

Although he can't compare with Buffon in terms of fame, the young Proto also has his own advantages, and his goal-line skills are outstanding.

Lippi on the sidelines also frowned when he saw the ball missed. Totti kicked the ball just now, and it was obvious that he was still not in his best form.

Proto got up and threw the ball directly to launch the attack. The Italian team played fast, and the Belgian team played faster. After the football passed the feet of Kompany, Gour, and Bufer, it reached the feet of Digan.

Materazzi did not go directly to grab. He is very clear about Degan's foot skills. He has never taken advantage of the previous Serie A matches.

Digan saw that Materazzi deliberately slowed down his advancing speed to give the other Italian players a chance to return to the defense. A sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth. During the process of advancing with the ball at high speed, he suddenly came to the sideline and pretended to break through to the left. When Materazzi saw this, the center of his body shook subconsciously, but before he could take up his position, he was shocked to find that the football did not move with Digan, but remained in place.

Heel on the right foot, the toe hurt on the football, and at the same time, the left foot stepped on the ground, leaning forward, and rushed over. Materazzi wanted to keep up, but unfortunately his center had been shaken by Degan. , can only watch Digan dribble the ball and walk away.

"Opportunity! Degan broke through Materazzi's defense, he has entered the penalty area, Cannavaro rushed over, beautiful! Degan! Actually made a beautiful Marseille maneuver in the Italian penalty area, not good! He's going to collide with Grosso, oh my God! It's unbelievable, another Marseille round, Degan is literally dancing on the football, it's hard to imagine, he is a player with a broken leg! Unbelievable, incredible!"

While the Belgian narrator kept repeating the disbelief, there were bursts of exclamations from countless studios around the world.

Facing Cannavaro's defense and Grosso's assisting defense in place, Digan actually made two consecutive Marseille maneuvers in Italy's penalty area. The entire defense line of Italy was completely played by him between applause. .

When Degan faced the goal again, there was no one in front of him, and Buffon was still rushing towards the near corner of the goal. Unfortunately, Degan obviously would not give him this chance.

The arch of his right foot pushed the ball forward, and Buffon pounced, but it was too late, and the ball went under his armpit and rolled directly into the goal.

Deegan scored!

"The goal is scored! The goal is scored! The goal is scored! Degan scored a goal! This is his fourteenth goal in this World Cup. Countless players dream of scoring a goal on the World Cup stage, but It has never been possible, but Degan scored 14 goals in the six games he participated in, and his World Cup is not over yet, and he can continue to score goals! The whole world has proved that he is the best striker, no one, he is the best! He surpassed everyone, he surpassed countless superstars, and now he is a legend, he broke Fontaine's thirteen goals ball record, he is now a legend!"

"It's hard to describe how I feel now. Fontaine is the pride of French football. He is a talented shooter. Now his record in the World Cup has been broken. The one thousand yuan bonus he set up at the beginning finally has an owner." , the record belonging to the French is occupied by a Brazilian-Belgian, I should feel sorry, but I can't let myself express that feeling, because Degan is the treasure of the football world!"

"I think Pereira should reflect on it now, why such a good player will be expelled from the Brazilian national team, but we have to endure Adriano's poor performance, all the glory should belong to Brazil Yes, but Pereira and his beloved Adriano teamed up to ruin everything. After they drove away Pele, Romario, Ronaldo, the best talent in Brazil! I think there is no reason for Brazilian fans to go now. What are you blaming? It's not that Degan betrayed Brazil, but Brazil abandoned Degan! Apart from regretting, I can only bless Degan. I hope that Degan can lead Belgium to win the championship, at least so that Brazilian elements can appear in the On the podium of the World Cup champion!"

"Unbelievable, this is simply a miracle. Degan has accomplished an impossible miracle. It is hard to imagine why such an outstanding player was unknown before. I can only say that Brazil has so many football talents that Let them have the luxury of pushing a talented shooter like Digan to the Belgians!"

"The Brazilian scored a goal. It was Degan who scored. The Italian team's defense just now failed completely. Materazzi was as clumsy as a bear in front of Degan. There is also the world's number one central defender." Cannavaro, he was also completely defeated by Degan, Lippi should think of a way now, find a way to hold Degan, otherwise, this game will be dangerous!"

Lippi should really think of a way. The tactics he arranged before the game were all based on the premise that Degan couldn't play, or even if he played, he couldn't fully perform. But now, look at the full field,* *The celebrating Digan, how does he look like a wounded person?

At this moment, no one will think about what Lippi is thinking. Except for the Italian fans, the stands are already jubilant. The Belgians are celebrating their lead in the World Cup final. The champion is in sight, and the neutral fans are watching for themselves Cheers to the birth of a great record.

The Belgian fans in front of the TV were also crazy at the moment. They never thought that Belgium could score the first goal in the final. Now that the team is leading, does it mean that the championship is not far away?

It would be crazy if Belgians fantasized about winning the World Cup before, but now they have Degan, everything is different, Degan brings goals, wins, everything, why Can't bring a golden Hercules Cup! ?

Digan is running to his heart's content, and no one can stop him now. He really didn't care about the things he recorded before he scored the goal just now, but when the football went into the net, Digan's mind was instantly occupied by excitement.

What a greatness, what a legend, what a world record!

Now they are all stepped on by Lao Tzu, only Lao Tzu is the king of the world, only Lao Tzu is a unique legend!

Let Fontaine go to hell! Now it's Deegan!
