
Chapter 158 Diplomatic Rhetoric

Chapter 158 Diplomatic Rhetoric

Although the World Cup is approaching the biggest, people's enthusiasm is gradually fading.

what is the reason?

There is no suspense in the final!

With a world-class team led by a world-class coach on the one hand, and Si Qiongao, who has lost his core players, is there any doubt as to who will win the Hercules Cup in the end?

The World Cup is the biggest hotbed of unpopular births, but this hotbed does not include the finals!

Four years ago, the German old man reached the final like a teenager, but what happened? Ronaldo's brave state fully reflected the aging of the German tank.

If Degan can play, maybe this game is still a little bit clear, but now there are all signs that Degan's World Cup final can only be spent in illness.

But when the Italians were pleasantly surprised like diabetes insipidus, and the Belgians were depressed like dead fathers, Degan was actually discharged from the hospital, and he came out by himself, not in a wheelchair.

After being discharged from the hospital, instead of rushing to the airport, he went directly to the training base of the Belgian team in Stuttgart. What did he do?


forget it! The world will still spin without you, and Belgium will still lose. Why don't you just get out of here?

Didn't I hear that your old man was discharged from the hospital, did Lippi's hair turn black?

To be kind, one should not frighten the elderly!


No matter how people speculate, Degan came back anyway. As soon as he arrived at the playground of a local university in Stuttgart, he was immediately surrounded by reporters waiting outside.

Mr Deagan! Are you here to say goodbye to your teammates and coach?

bid farewell!

Digan was puzzled, and showed a smile that made the reporters tremble. Every time they saw Digan smile like this, they had to be prepared to be scolded, and of course this time was no exception.

The World Cup is not over yet, why should I bid farewell to my teammates early, is your head stuffed with poop? Or do you think you're God, now?

? It can be concluded that we lost! ?

The reporter who was scolded by Deagan blushed suddenly, and was even more annoyed in his heart: Did Mr. Deagan think that Belgium has a chance of winning without you! ? Or is there a secret weapon hidden on the bench of the Belgian team! ?

Digan snorted disdainfully: I really suggest that you go to the brain department, what's in your head is not poop, but nothing, it's empty! Immediately disappear from my face now, even if I say a word to you, I feel that my IQ has been lowered!

The reporter turned purple from Degan's disfigured face, and blocked Degan's way: You haven't answered my question yet! ?

Digan frowned: Who stipulated that I must answer your stupid question! ?

The reporter was taken aback, and immediately said: I have the right to interview!

Digan pouted: Then I also have the right to tell you to leave and keep silent!

After Digan finished speaking, several security guards at the door came over, separated from the crowd of reporters, and escorted Digan into the training ground.

Although Degan only made an appearance on the training ground, the result immediately caused an uproar in the outside world. The media and those who had their feet bound before can only sell their mouths, and the so-called famous football stars who live for nothing are slapping the table one by one. , Said with a wide eye, 10,000% of the Italian team will win their fourth championship trophy on the World Cup stage, because Digan was injured and missed the game.

But now that Digan is back, it seems that there is no chance to play!

Those famous football figures who emphasized Degan's role before are still showing face to others at the moment, and those who continue to ignore Degan, just from the so-called rational analysis secreted from their rigid heads, and concluded that Belgium will definitely lose are all dumbfounded now up.

This kind of thing is easy to say on others, but Digan~~~~~~~~~

Just think about what he has done in the two years since his debut!

The scoring record in a single season, the scoring record in a single game, the fastest hat-trick, and of course the record of scoring 13 goals in a single World Cup that just caught up with Fontaine.

With his huge number of goals, a small Atlanta can be praised as the double champion of Serie A and Coppa Italia, leading Belgium, which is not weak, to defeat Italy and become the champion of the World Cup. It seems nothing. impossible.

But can Degan really play?

People are skeptical!

The left leg has been continuously injured. Even after the injury is healed, it is still unknown whether the body can be restored to the best condition. What's more, it is only two days since the match against Portugal. How far has Degan's injury recovered? No one can tell.

So what if he returned to the team, maybe Antiiennis' Master of Psychology was playing tricks.

I don't think Degan's physical condition has reached the standard for playing. Of course, I can understand a young player's desire for the World Cup finals, and I can also understand the Belgian's yearning for honor, but what I want to say is that Degan is still very good. He is young, and his career is still very long. Mr. Antiiennis should think about his future. Of course, Degan must be sober, and don't do anything stupid!

It was still Tardelli, listening to his tone of voice, he seemed to be Degan's nanny, afraid that others would not know his concern for Degan.

But looking at his nationality, you can tell that this old thing is clearly saying: Digan! You bastard, you'd better take a rest honestly! Don't ruin Italy's championship feast!

If it was said that Tardelli was meddling in his own business, a person who had a close relationship with Digan also jumped out.

I think the Belgian Football Association's approach is very immoral. They are overdrafting Degan's sports life. I simply hate this kind of thing. Players take the salary offered by the club, but they have to play for the national team unconditionally. When the time comes After being injured, those Football Association officials can pat their butts and leave, and the clubs whose interests have been lost are indeed unfair. I think they should think about the health of the players instead of being full of unrealistic ideas!

The person who spoke was Galliani, of course he is qualified to say these words. After all, Digan is still a player of c Milan and has already been injured. If the injury is added, who will pay the responsibility? At that time, the unlucky ones will not be Milan. They must unconditionally support Digan and treat Digan's injuries, but the Belgian Football Association only needs to say a few cheap words and it will be ok No, there is no such cheap thing in the world.

I hope that the Belgian Football Association can stop this absurd behavior immediately, or in other words, in their eyes, interests are more important than the health of players.

When Galliani said these words, everyone could feel that he was out of breath. It's no wonder that he was injured before. Nesta had already been injured. If Digan gets injured again, then the new season~~~~~~~~~~~

What makes Galliani even more unbearable is that after Degan was injured in the match against the French team, he sent a doctor from Milanello's laboratory to Germany to make a comprehensive diagnosis for Degan. The result was that the old injury recurred, and Degan was unable to play at all, but Degan not only played, but also played the whole game against Brazil. After that, he was defeated by Maniche again in the match against Portugal. Attacked the same location.

After Galliani condemned the Belgian Football Association, he immediately called Degan, but after the call, Galliani's face became even more gloomy. Obviously, Galliani and Degan are not the same. parted ways.

Galliani was upset, and Degan was equally upset. What annoyed him the most was Galliani's politician-like emphasis. Later, when he was interviewed by reporters, Degan also said: Whether I can play or not will have to wait until tomorrow's game , to decide according to my physical condition, and this is my business, and I am the one who makes this decision. As for other people, they have the right to speak, but it is best not to point fingers at me!

As if he had eaten gunpowder, Degan threw a piece of hot pancake directly on Galliani's face.

If Milan is not willing to take this risk, they can trade me away now!

The reporters who interviewed Degan were stunned when they heard him say this. Degan will leave c Milan. Before that, when c Milan chose to renew the contract with Ancelotti, people concluded that Yes, Degan's time in Milan will not be too long, but at that time, it was the critical moment for Milan to compete for the championship, followed by Telephone Gate and the World Cup, and people's attention was diverted.

Knowing what Degan said, they remembered that Degan and C Milan seemed to be inseparable. To be precise, Degan had no objection to C Milan, and he also hoped to play for a giant like C Milan, but he and C Milan There is no way to reconcile the contradictions between Ancelotti.

Degan and Ancelotti, two people must go one, since c Milan has chosen Ancelotti, even if Degan wants to stay, the door has been blocked.

After hearing Degan's words, Galliani did not make any response, but fell into silence, making it unclear what kind of attitude C Milan has towards Degan.

In fact, Galliani also has a lot of helplessness in his heart.

It was actually not his idea to choose to renew the contract with Ancelotti, but Berlusconi, of course not the chick, the leader of the party, but Berlusconi's big princess Barbara!

Because of Degan's appearance, history has been biased. Barbara Berlusconi, who would have participated in the management of C Milan a few years later, appeared in the decision-making circle of C Milan earlier.

Old Bei is now passionate about politics, so he naturally pays less attention to c Milan, and there is still a family business to take care of. It is impossible for him to devote most of his energy to football like before. Old Bei My younger brother originally hoped to inherit this aspect of things, but that guy is so muddy that he can't support the wall, and he can't count on it at all. Lao Bei's sons are all playboys. Now the only one who expresses interest in football is Baba. Her Majesty the Princess Bara.

Barbara is not a law-abiding master. She knows very well that besides her father, Galliani is in power in Milan now. She will not cooperate with Galliani. Galliani is in Italy Although she is well-known in football, in her eyes, she is also a senior wage earner of the Berlusconi family.

Since she wants to develop in football, of course Barbara is not willing to stay under others for a long time, and naturally wants to develop her own power in the team.

Although Ancelotti was invited by Galliani at the beginning, Barbara believes that if Ancelotti is smart, he will know how to stand in line, so she encouraged Berlusconi to continue with Ancelotti. After renewing the contract, Ancelotti also properly expressed his kindness to Barbara, which can be regarded as a win-win situation.

As for Digan, the only one who was unlucky in this matter, in Barbara's opinion, he was completely ungrateful.

The reason why I say this is because Miss Barbara has taken a fancy to Digan. Speaking of which, apart from his bad temper, Digan is really a very good boyfriend candidate. He is tall, handsome, and has outstanding skills. , young and rich, it is a matter of course to be able to attract Princess Barbara's heart.

During several team gatherings, Barbara hinted at it openly and secretly, but Digan sneered at Barbara's expression of love.

What kind of virtue is Barbara? Digan, who came from later generations, knows it very well. A few years ago, she was exposed by the Italian media because of the pornographic incident. If Dou was the Prime Minister of Italy, she might be able to spell the title of a stamp collector.

Perhaps in the eyes of others, becoming the son-in-law of the Berlusconi family is a great thing, but Digan was not interested in it at all, not to mention that Digan had just established a relationship with Avril Lavigne at that time, so he had no time to take care of any female man.

A heart was regarded as shit by Digan, Barbara was very hurt, and her love was gone, this strong woman started her career, and since she got the permission of Lao Bei, she has continued to expand in Milan Due to his own influence, the first person he took down was Degan's nemesis Ancelotti in the team.

Now Digan doesn't intend to endure this anymore, there is no place to stay here, but a place to stay!

Digan knew what Galliani was worried about. It was nothing more than that if the injury was serious, it would affect the quality of his goods.

Now that Milan has made his debut, Degan wants to see if he, a crippled man, is still a hot commodity in the transfer market.

These things are naturally handled by Mendes. What Degan has to do now is to play hard in this last game, so that the whole world can see clearly that he is the most powerful one on the court!
