
Chapter 150 Semifinals

Chapter 150 Semifinals

Germany was eliminated 2-0 in overtime, and the Italian team completed a task that was considered impossible by others, and successfully entered the World Cup finals. When the phone gate incident intensified and people were panicking, the Italians used their own methods to complete the task. redemption.

This is also the best counterattack to those who hold the view that "Italian football is ugly". Facing the host German team, the Italians showed their advantages in all aspects. If we say that in the previous knockout rounds, the two opponents Italy encountered If the strength is too weak to explain the problem, then the German team, which has been strong since the World Cup and once eliminated the favorite Argentina team, should be regarded as a real touchstone.

At the post-match press conference, Lippi said in response to reporters' questions: "We have the advantage of possession in the audience."

This is not Lippi's wild words after the game, the data fully supports Lippi's statement.

In terms of the number of "shots" on goal, the Germans only had two shots in the game, while Italy had six times, Italy had twelve corner kicks, and Germany had only four. The pass success rate was 79.7% for Italy and 72% for Germany. The success rate of Italy is 82.4%, and the possession rate of Italy is 54.6%. As Lippi said, this is a complete victory. Although the Germans also have opportunities, Italy has more opportunities.

Li Pi said before the German-Argentine match that it would be better for Italy to meet Germany, because both Argentina and Italy are technical teams, while the German team relies on strength, and technology can restrain strength. The law confirmed by the altar was once again confirmed in this game. The two exquisite assists by Pirlo and Gilardino are the best concentration of Italy's technical advantages.

In terms of the overall statistics of this World Cup, Italy is also proud. It scored 11 goals in 6 games and only conceded 1 goal. The goal conceded was an own goal by Zacardo. The top 32 is second only to the Belgian team, which shows that the Italian team has achieved a high degree of balance in terms of offense and defense.

The data is dominant, the absolute opportunity in this game?

??Italy also had the advantage. In 90 minutes, the two sides were basically evenly matched, and there were not many opportunities in front of the goal. The Italian team had two single-handed goals by Perotta, which were destroyed by Lehmann's attack, while the German team Podolski A short-range shot from a small angle in front of the goal was shot by Buffon, and a header before the end went wide, there is also a chance. ?? Stadium Maniac 150

But in the 30 minutes of extra time, the Italian created more chances, Gilardino and Zambrotta hit the crossbar in the opening period, and before the goal, Del Piero also had a goal on the penalty area line. Strong shot, Lehmann had given up defending at that time, but it was a pity that Del Piero's shot was slightly wide. After that, Pirlo's long-range shot was saved by Lehmann, and the German team only had Podols base A shot in the penalty area was pushed out of the crossbar by Buffon. In fact, the German team's defense was already crumbling before it was broken. Just like Lippi said after the game: "If you can't win in 120 minutes, it's really a pity. "

In fact, judging from the performance so far this year, Lippi's team did not do badly. The game against Ghana was called "the most beautiful game since the start of the game".

Against the Czech Republic, the first 20 minutes were not successful, but the subsequent game became difficult to test due to Italy's early goal and the Czech Republic being sent off in the first half. Against Australia, the Italian team controlled the situation in the first half. In the second half, we switched to anti-counterattack with one less player. We had less possession of the ball, but the statistics did not suffer. Against Ukraine, Lippi called it a "technical victory". Watching all the games, even Argentina, Brazil, France, Portugal, and the dark horse Belgium have all played ugly games. Who can maintain a stable state in the intensive tournament system?

Lippi's team has obviously done a very good job. People who say Italian football is ugly are just reading history in their heads with their eyes closed.

Italian football has indeed undergone great changes in recent years. Zoff and Trapattoni, who represented the defensive football back then, have all withdrawn from the Italian first-line football. Moratti wanted to see more "sexy" football. Let Marshal Mancini replace the conservative model Cooper who brought two or two championships to Inter Milan, the new generation of coaches Prandelli, Spalletti, and even Ancelotti, who is called conservative by some , have brought people a more active and technical football, and Ancelotti's conservatism is more about using people than playing.

Italian football has become more attacking, with more goals scored in Serie A this season than in the Premier League and La Liga, as evidenced by the evolution of player characteristics.

In the past, Italian football was rich in excellent central defenders and defensive midfielders, but now Italy is rich in forwards, wingers, and organizational central midfielders. Traditions cannot remain traditional forever. Coaches and players are changing. Italian football is also changing.


Finally, in the semi-finals of the 2006 World Cup, Italy successfully defeated the most popular host team, Germany, and advanced to the final.

The 90-minute game was spent in a tug-of-war. In the 90 minutes, Lippi only used one substitution. Gilardino replaced Tony. It seemed that Lippi was already ready to exert his strength in overtime.

Italian football has always given people the impression of being conservative, but Lippi's approach in extra time was surprising. He first replaced midfielder Camoranesi with striker Iaquinta, followed by , it was Italy who got chances on the right side one after another. Gilardino and Zambrotta's shots hit the goal frame one after another. Then, in the 14th minute of overtime, Del Piero replaced Perotta. In other words, in the last 16 minutes of overtime, the Italian team had four forwards on the field, Totti, Gilardino, Iaquinta, Piero!

"Gazzetta dello Sport" said after the game: Now, this is already a very 'offensive' Italy.

It is obvious that Lippi, especially the replacement of Iaquinta, is a stroke of genius that caused such a big change in Italy. The mediocre Udinese striker has become an important surprise player in the hands of Lippi.

In the past, Italian football was known for being conservative, but Lippi's bold scheduling at critical moments allowed Italy to be rewarded in a positive way. In fact, compared with Zoff, old Maldini and Trapattoni in the past, Li Pi Pi Yuan is not a conservative coach. When he was at Juventus, Lippi was known for his changeable tactics and rational play. He emphasized balance.

In the 28 games of coaching the Italian national team, Lippi used 27 different sets of main lineups. In the qualifiers and warm-up matches, he used to test players, and in the World Cup, he used them for rotation. Italian captain Cannavaro pointed out: " Lippi's rotation system allows the players to save energy in this kind of game."?? Court fanatic 150

So we can see that Lippi's players are still running all over the court when the Germans, who are good at physical will, have already lost their movements in overtime.

So far, under the leadership of Lippi, the Italian team has been unbeaten in 24 consecutive international games. Compared with the past Italian teams, this team has more relative balance of offense and defense, and more risks when necessary. Lippi Injecting new things into the Italian team, Lippi chose 6 forwards in the allocation of 23 players this time, the most among all teams.

Who says Italy is conservative?

As Reuters commented after the game said: "Italy won the offensive bet."

In addition to Lippi, among the players, one of the biggest contributors to this game is the great Italian left-back Grosso.

Previously, after the 2-0 victory over the Czech Republic, the Italian media once had such a comment: "The Italian team is like a perfect team, except for the sand of Grosso."

However, it was this left-back, whom the Italians didn't particularly trust, who became the biggest hero in the match against Germany, kicking Germany to Stuttgart with an impeccable shot, while the Italian team held their heads high to Berlin.

Before this World Cup, Grosso can only be regarded as the last player of the Italian team. Indeed, look at how many heroes have been produced in Italy in this position. Cabrini is far away, and Maldini and Gianluca Gianlutta are close.

Compared with them, Grosso, who made his Serie A debut at the age of 25, can only be regarded as a small role.

But who said that small roles cannot accomplish great feats?

In the game with Australia, Grosso has already surprised people once.

His breakthrough at the last moment won a penalty kick worth a fortune. Don't discuss whether it was a dive or a misjudgment. Grosso did it, and Totti scored a penalty kick. On Maldini's birthday, Grosso's name was branded on Italy's left-back position.

Going back to the match against Germany, the Italian may not have expected that at the last moment, it was the Sicilian who was about to transfer to Inter Milan who used his deadly trump card.

In the 118th minute, Pirlo received a corner kick from outside the penalty area and then dribbled the ball horizontally. Grosso, who was about to fight for the header, did not stop the ball at all. Lehmann's fingertips entered the net.


Remember this time, the time left for the Germans to tie at this time, or only two minutes before Italy marched into Berlin.

It would be inappropriate to laugh at Grosso's position and defense today. Throughout the 120 minutes, except for Schneider's chance to shoot in the 27th minute of the first half, Grosso's defense was impeccable.

Even though Klinsmann was replaced by Odonko, Grosso did not let him go astray. After two hours, Grosso made 4 long passes, 3 tackles and 2 successes. The important thing is that he still has 9 That's a pretty high number for a full-back.

All those doubts about Grosso disappeared in the game against Germany. If he was still a "grain of sand" for the Italian team more than ten days ago, then today he is the "sand" that puts the finishing touches on the Italian team. Perhaps the sentence in the Italian media can be reversed, "Italy is like a A perfect team because of Grosso's grain of sand."

Counting the penalties created against Australia, Grosso has saved Italy twice at the last moment. The last time such a character appeared was 12 years ago. In the World Cup in the United States, Baggio beat Nigeria in overtime in the 1/8 finals, and ended Spain in the 88th minute of the 1/4 finals.

Grosso was even a little incoherent in an interview after the game: "I can't describe it in words. We said from the beginning that we are a great team with real team spirit. To my wife, my family and all my friends."

Four years ago, the Italian team bid farewell to the World Cup due to Maldini's mistakes. Four years later, a new left back helped the Italian team reach the final. Remember his name: Fabio Grosso.

In Italy, which values ​​team football, there cannot be only one hero. Grosso defeated the will of the Germans at a critical moment, and the goal was made by the Italian team who scored the first goal of this World Cup Pirlo, it is said that 4 of Italy's 11 goals in this World Cup so far are related to Pirlo. The goal against Ghana, which caused Iaquinta's goal, Cufrey's mistake, also came from Pirlo In contrast, today's assists are more beautiful.

In the 118th minute of extra time, Lehmann hit the corner kick from Del Piero. Pirlo took the ball on the penalty area line. Ballack and Schweinsteiger were the most outstanding. Pirlo did not find the space to shoot. He even had no room to swing his legs after taking two steps. The opportunity was lost. Almost everyone thought that he Will pass the ball to Del Piero who returns to the right line after taking the corner. Pirlo's eyes looked in Piero's direction, and his feet were also in Piero's direction.

But the moment he touched the ball, it suddenly changed. The ball passed through the gap of more than half a meter between Ballack and Schweinsteiger, and just slowed down in front of the unguarded Grosso's left foot. Rosso hits the far corner with a comfortable shot!

It was this goal that tipped the balance of the game.

The chronograph clock stands at 118 minutes.

"The presence of Pirlo has raised this team to a higher level."

This is what Lippi said in an interview with the media after the game. Now the Italian team recognizes Pirlo's core role. In this game, Pirlo made 105 passes and 4 threatened passes, the most in the game. There are even 6 tackles, a perfect performance with perfect data.

Milan veteran Albertini called Pirlo a genius, but a genius is also achieved under the premise of hard training. In his youth, Pirlo practiced his skills and ball skills in a cruel way, lying **Bounce the ball with both feet until you feel sleepy and fall asleep.

The foundation created by this kind of training allowed Pirlo to turn left and turn right to get rid of the Germans' multiple sieges in today's game. However, after coming to AC Milan, Ancelotti thought that he needed to strengthen his strength, so the Milan laboratory made a plan for him to practice jumping in the water to strengthen his strength, and it was very effective.

Pirlo also likes to study various passing methods on the field. In the last game against Ukraine, he took a free kick in front of the penalty area. His arc crossed the wall and fell in front of Grosso in front of the goal behind the wall. Unfortunately, Grosso Suo didn't stop the ball well, otherwise it could be called an incredible cooperation, but this time, Grosso finally turned his assist into a goal.

The official best selected after this game is already the second time that Pirlo has won this honor in this World Cup. In this World Cup, Pirlo responded to all doubts with his performance.

You know, Pereira only chose two Italians who can play the main role in Brazil, Pirlo is one of them, and Nesta is the other.

Pirlo and Grosso made Italy's first goal. When the balance of victory began to tilt towards the Italians, the Italians did not habitually choose defense, but offense.

When the match between the Italian team and the German team reached the last moment of overtime, Italy led 1:0. At the feet of Gilardino, the young man from AC Milan formed a one-on-one with Metzelder, but the German defender ignored a man, ignoring the leather who had been rushing from the backcourt in the counterattack and rushed directly into the German team's penalty area. Hierro.

Gilardino made a covert pass to Del Piero. Del Piero and Lehmann formed a one-on-one. He was full of confidence and did not stop the ball. He directly raised the ball to the upper corner with the arch of his right foot. Lehmann Stretching out his hand, he gave up defending, Piero's confident shot defeated him.

The ball went in!

The German players in white in the front court and the back court fell to the ground. Del Piero went crazy. He rushed to the billboard, yelled at the auditorium, and waved his fists continuously. Ferrara rushed up and hugged him. They also rushed up, Piero was still yelling, maybe he wasn't yelling at the audience, he was yelling at himself, an illusory self, the past self.

Time went back to eight years ago, the World Cup in France, when the high-spirited "Golden Boy" replaced Baggio and became Italy's first-selected striker, but his performance was disappointing due to injuries. In the game eliminated by France , Baggio's playing almost let the Italian win, but the old Maldini left him too little time, so the finger pointed at Del Piero.

The European Cup six years ago was a disaster. Like today, Del Piero, who came off the bench while leading 1-0, missed two consecutive golden opportunities in the frontcourt, which was considered "suicide" Sexual mistakes failed to seal the victory for Italy, which eventually led to Wiltord's last-minute equalizer and Trezeguet's golden goal in stoppage time.

"I am a sinner." Del Piero said after the game.

Six years have passed, as Del Piero himself said: "Time has changed me a lot."

Del Piero is more able to withstand the pressure and is more tenacious. In Juventus, he has actually been played by Capello as a substitute, but he has repeatedly contributed key goals when he came off the bench. When Juventus lost at home to Arsenal, the scene where all the fans shouted "Piero" when Ibrahimovic took the ball is the best reward for his dedication.

In fact, the pressure on Piero to be selected this time is no less than in the past. Against the US team, Keller's miraculous save delayed Piero's goal. Against Australia, Piero's Totti scored the winning penalty. , The criticism of the media again came against Del Piero.

In the next game, Tony, Gilardino and Iaquinta played one after another. Piero seemed to have no chance, but at the critical moment against Germany, Piero was in danger again.

Time went back to the present again six years ago. Del Piero got some chances on the court. In 110 minutes of the game, Piero got the ball in front of the goal and was "forced" by Lehmann. He knocked back on Iaquinta on the right, but Yaquinta Quinta did not choose to pass to Totti in front of the empty goal, but hit the goal himself and was blocked.

Three minutes later, Totti, Iaquinta and Gilardino made a beautiful uninterrupted cooperation. Lehmann lost his position, but facing Gilardino's ball, Del Piero shot with his right foot. The door misses the far post.

But in 120 minutes, Piero finally did not miss the opportunity. In almost the same position and angle as against the French team six years ago, Piero's shot buried himself six years ago.

Lippi said with a smile after the game: "On the coach's bench, I said Del Piero would score. When he was warming up on the sidelines, he watched his teammates play on the field. From his eyes, I saw He's on the floor as if he's there, you can see his desire to play, and I'm sure that makes a difference."

Piero also confirmed after the game: "Yes, I warmed up on the sidelines for nearly an hour. While warming up, I watched the progress on the court. I have accumulated enough energy and am waiting to be released on the court."

After the victory, Piero faced a choice for the future. In fact, he had already made a choice to stay at Juventus, even if he was relegated. Without Capello, Piero could justifiably become the banner of the club, and the new The senior club executives also reserved a senior position for Del Piero after retirement, which is the best reward for those who are persistent and loyal.

After a lapse of 12 years, Italy entered the World Cup final again. Lippi is only one step away from repeating the great achievements of the pipe coach Bearzott 24 years ago. Coach Vicini.

Bearzot hugged his golden boy Rossi emotionally after a shock defeat to Brazil 24 years ago, the magical Juventus striker scoring a hat-trick at the most crucial moment to send the proud Brazilian home. After that game, the golden boy was like a god possessed. He beat Poland 2-0 in the semi-finals.

24 years later, the Italians are looking for their golden boy, and a familiar face comes into view.

Buffon, the great Juventus goalkeeper, played a major role in Italy's progress to the final. In the 6 games leading to Berlin, Buffon did not allow his opponent to score a goal. The only thing that could "keep" him was Zacardo's weird own goal.

In the game against the German team, Buffon once again blocked the opponent. Klose's one-handed breakthrough was blocked by him, and Podolski's close-range shot was also defeated by him.

Before the semi-final, Juventus team-mate Zambrotta praised Buffon's performance, saying he deserved the Ballon d'Or. According to statistics, Buffon saved a total of 21 shots from his opponents in the 5 games before the semi-finals, making him the most goalkeeper in this World Cup. In Italy's goalkeeper, there have been magical performances similar to the possession of gods. In 2000, Toldo taught the Dutch in one game, and in 2006, Buffon continued the magic for six games.

Some incredible coincidences also linked the fate of Rossi and Buffon together. The 1982 World Cup witnessed the myth of the "resurrection" of the golden boy. Before the competition, Rossi was suspended for two years on suspicion of manipulating the game, and he did not return until April 1982.

In the season before the 2006 World Cup, Buffon was also involved in the Juventus scandal investigation, and after a long-term injury, he was in a downturn for a while, but the miracle of "resurrection" was repeated in the World Cup.

24 years ago, Rossi, 24 years later, Buffon, it was like a great legend, the striker became the goalkeeper, "Rossi" put on the gloves and stood in front of the Italian goal, but still the same calm, the same key .

90 minutes and 0:0 draw with the German team, but at the last moment of overtime, the Italians defeated the German team 2:0 with their tenacious will, and entered the 2006 World Cup final with a great victory. At the press conference afterward, Lippi said happily that he was too excited to speak now.

"I am very satisfied, we deserved this victory, Italy dominated the field, the performance of the players was great! They played what they should play, they completed a fantastic game, this is Team win, a strong team."

Lippi said that from the scene, Italy really deserved this victory: "It would be a pity if we didn't win the game. Maybe we wouldn't win if we went to a penalty shootout, but our performance on the field was really good. For the German team. We pressed them at halftime in front of tens of thousands of German fans. The fatigue at the last moment caused the opponent to create danger in front of our goal, but not many. In terms of strength, the two sides are almost the same , but we showed more enthusiasm and the players should be proud of what they have done. At such a moment, I admit that I am a little less talkative and more happy. I would say that the players kept the pressure on each other , although we had a risk in extra time, but Buffon made a great save, I am very satisfied to reach the final, and now, I hope to draw the perfect picture for this World Cup in Sunday's final period."

Some reporters asked Lippi to rate his players, and Lippi smiled and said: "Is it a 100-point system? Then I will give 300 points."

Asked whether he would like to play against Belgium or Portugal in the final, Lippi said: "If I say who I choose, then I am a fool, and then another team will definitely say, look at our performance."

After the World Cup, Lippi's contract with the Italian Football Association will automatically expire. Will he renew his contract?

For this question that has been answered thousands of times, Lippi repeated his answer thousands of times in the past: "I said that we will discuss my future after the World Cup. This is what we will do. Look at what we did this time. The performance in the World Cup, I think we'll have to wait."

Compared with Lippi winning praise after the game, Klinsmann got more sympathy. Klinsmann was once a famous player, and whether he can be promoted to a famous coach depends on the contest of key games. If you only look at the semi-finals against Italy, the former "Golden" Bomber still has a long way to go.

In this encounter with Italy, Klinsmann changed the lineup that had been insisted on for many games before. Frings was suspended, replaced by Kyle, then took Schweinsteiger and switched to Borowski. On the surface, the skeleton of the team did not move, it was just a personnel crossword puzzle , but the actual effect is not the case.

Borowski has a strong body, can attack and retreat, and can defend. Klinsmann uses him to defend the combination of Zambrotta and Camoranesi, who are more capable of assisting, and can also protect Lahm for assists. But he didn't play at the same level as against Argentina. Not only that, he brought down Totti behind him and received a yellow card, so he was the first to be replaced in the second half.

Ballack should also be criticized. In order to ensure the connection and offensive deterrence of the midfield, Klinsmann did not withdraw Ballack to the midfielder, but replaced it with Kyle for protection.

But in actual combat, Ballack rarely had the chance to face the goal at the front of the Italian penalty area. All three shots were off the mark, and the power of the header was not shown. Kyle got a few chances, but his feet can't compare with Frings.

In addition, Klinsmann's three substitutions also lacked new ideas. If Odonko can still be called a "secret weapon" in the last game against Poland in the group stage, there is no secret at all in the semi-finals of the Berlin Fast Horse. In the 37 minutes he played, he was basically frozen by Grosso, and he lost his aim in several crosses. The long shot before losing the ball exposed the essence of his rough footwork.

As for Podolski, who has repeatedly replaced Klose, and retaining Podolski will only waste opportunities, this is also something that Klinsmann can't understand.

Kroos' answer to this was: "Maybe the coach thinks there is something wrong with my running."

But in fact, the several threatening breakthroughs of the German team were basically made by Klos, and Podolski could only scratch his hair in annoyance after repeated failures and lost shots.

Another point, and the most important point, is that Klinsmann did not arrange someone to defend Pirlo of the Italian team, which caused the rhythm of the game to be basically in the hands of the opponent. Pirlo passed the ball more than 100 times in the game. It is better to say that Klinsmann did not get the goal of Italy if he said that Ballack was not good at defense.

Of course, Klinsmann brought out a united and upward German team, introduced American-style physical training methods very effectively, and improved the defense system. These are all his contributions to the German team. But when it comes to training and using troops on the spot, Klinsmann does have something to learn.

Italy defeated Germany and entered the World Cup final for the sixth time. This game also became the first defeat of the German national team in the history of Dortmund's "magic home". Lippi's team ended ruthlessly.

Dortmund Westfalenstadion is one of the three unbeaten places in Germany at home. Except for the team's draw with Wales in the 1970s, the other 13 games remained unbeaten. There will always be some strange things happening on this stadium. For example, in a European Cup qualifier in 1999, Chigurh actually staged a hat-trick.

From the perspective of the number of goals scored, no one can compare to Muller, who scored 6 goals in two games that year, but there are also some active players with good results. Ballack's four goals surpassed that of Klinsmann, Wolves Seniors such as Leer and Rummenigge, super substitute Neuville also scored three goals here.

From the perspective of opponents, Germany did not face many strong enemies in Dortmund. The Netherlands, which had Koeman and Gullit in 1986, could be regarded as a team. The foundation of the Korea-Japan World Cup.

In addition, the 2003 European Cup qualifiers are also quite interesting. Wöhler led the German team to defeat Scotland led by the predecessor Vogts 2:1.

Tonight's World War One is the highest-level match that the German national team participated in in Dortmund. In this peak duel, the German striker failed to show his power, but Italy's magical left back and substitute veteran Del Piero changed everything.

From the perspective of the Germans, they lost the semi-finals but did not lose hope. The strength and potential of this young German team in the World Cup have been recognized by people.

"Football Emperor" Beckenbauer's first thought after the game was to keep Klinsmann. He has already set his sights on the European Cup two years later, and even the World Cup in South Africa.

The main striker Klose also thinks that the young German team is full of hope. He said: "We can be proud of this team. We have many young people. I think we have a very good future."

However, four years later, will the German team's World Cup prospects be as bright as this year's?

As the host, the German team occupies the right time, place and people in this World Cup. No matter which city they are in, they enjoy an excellent home atmosphere, including being more familiar with the venue than their opponents, and the number of fans far exceeds that of the visiting team. In addition, they are also the team with the least traveling distance among the World Cup teams, waiting for work at leisure, saving a lot of energy.

The above are all advantages on the table, and there are some potential benefits that cannot be ignored. For example, when the lottery is drawn in the group stage, they may not be able to escape the death group, and another example is the referee factor.

In other words, all these host advantages will no longer exist for the German Legion four years later.

It is said that the current German team is a young team, but after careful analysis, at least the current main lineup of the German team is not young. The number one goalkeeper, Lehmann, is nearly 37 years old. By 2010, he will pass the 40-year-old threshold. Kahn is 5 months older than Lehmann. Whether the two goalkeepers can support them until 2010 is still unknown.

Kahn has become the past tense of the German team, Lehmann is worthy of deep regret, 118 minutes, lore, 120 minutes, seal the victory.

Lehmann's World Cup journey stopped within these two dramatic minutes, and maybe a few more minutes, and he will once again play the hero in the 12-yard game, just like he did with the game a few days ago. The game in Argentina is the same.

However, the Italians, who were always vulnerable before the penalty kick, showed such strength that they collapsed the Germans at the last moment of overtime. Grosso, Del Piero and Lehmann were doomed to be sad in front of them.

For Lehmann, this was an almost perfect game. Although the performance of his teammates was quite normal, Italy's advantages in technology and overall strength still allowed them to turn away and win more opportunities.

Two minutes, old age, although there is not much to criticize about Lehmann's performance this night, and the goalkeeper is also the most acclaimed part of the German team in the media's post-match ratings, but Berlin's dream has come to an end.

After experiencing the disappointment of the opening game and talking about the glory of Argentina, Lehmann returned from the end to the beginning this night.

Westfalen, a very familiar stadium when he played for Dortmund, he experienced unprecedented tragedy here this night. Compared with Lehmann, Buffon, who is facing each other at the other end of the court, is undoubtedly equally good, but he is also more fortunate. Podolski's two shots were resolved by him one by one. Without experiencing other more tests, Lehmann may not become a loser in this goalkeeper dialogue, but he is the out-and-out loser.

In the midfield, the top striker Klose is 28 years old, and four years later, he will be 32 years old. This age means that the career of a striker is coming to an end, and his physical strength and competitive state have begun to slip from the peak. The 33-year-old Neuville, who scored the winning goal in stoppage time against Poland, is basically unable to go to South Africa as a player.

The captain of the German team and the soul of the field Ballack is 29 years old this year, and he will be 33 years old in four years. He may play the role of a master like Zidane this year, or he may be too heavy to support the overall situation. His midfield partner Frings is 30 years old this year, and Schneider is 33 years old, more "dangerous" than Ballack.

Four years is a long time. No team can move forward smoothly and steadily. The 2008 European Cup and the 2010 qualifiers include the friendly matches in these years. Any game may bring great changes to the national team, such as the change of the coach.

In the four years, there are also various factors such as the alternation of the old and the new, the design of the game and the changes in the opponent's situation, which will have a major impact on the German team's impact on the World Cup championship.

Therefore, the loss of the World Cup championship at home is definitely a heavy blow to the German team. At least from now on, German football has not yet emerged its own Wright Brothers, and whether Podolski can become the new Klinsmann , still need time to verify.

In addition, there is another heavy burden on the Germans. Since they defeated the England team 1-0 in October 2000, they have not won a "strong dialogue". The German team is either a draw or a loss.

The elimination of Argentina in the World Cup semi-finals was a penalty shootout victory. In 120 minutes, they drew with their opponents 1:1. The third and fourth place finals, whether against Belgium or Portugal, are the best chance for the German team to end this embarrassing record.

With a winner out of the semi-finals, it was up to Degan and his Belgian team.

"Berlin! That's a good place! We should go for a walk! As for the Portuguese, if they avoid us next time, they might have a chance!"
