
Chapter 67 The King

Chapter 67 The King

The game is over, and Spain, which was supposed to appear in the World Cup in Germany, was finally blocked from the door of the World Cup because of the small variable of Digan.

When the final whistle sounded, Degan instantly woke up from the state of excitement, stood unsteadily, and sat on the ground. Just now, his left leg felt numb, but now he felt severe pain. , He couldn't help frowning.

"how do you feel?"

The old captain Gul came over and wanted to help Digan up, but Digan refused.

Seeing this, Gul immediately became nervous: "Is there something wrong with my leg!"

Digan nodded and said, "It's okay! It shouldn't be very serious!"

After Digan finished speaking, he tried to move and stood up. Although it was still painful, he still persisted: "Let's go! I don't want to celebrate victory on the enemy's territory!"

The game was over, and Degan didn't have to worry about showing off in front of the Spaniard. In his opinion, this was just an ordinary game, no big deal.

The winner cheers, the loser dejects, football is what it is.

Raul is comforting his teammates. He is not young anymore. This may be his last chance. If he misses this chance, he does not know whether he will be able to appear on the international stage.

Degan doesn't dislike Raul, although I can't say how much he appreciates it. During the game, he will do everything to win. After the game is over, at least Raul's personality is really attractive. No wonder he has so many fans , When he left the Bernabeu in the future, he even aroused the excitement of the fans.

Gur helped Degan off the field, and as soon as he walked to the sidelines, he saw Raul walking over, taking off the wet jersey and holding it in his hand, Gur saw it in Degan's ear After saying a word, he left first.

"It was a wonderful game!" Raul walked up to Degan with a smile on his face. Although he was disappointed, Raul was still trying to maintain his demeanor.

Digan nodded and said, "It's really exciting!"

With helplessness and exhaustion in his eyes, Raul handed the jersey to Digan, his eyes asked, but he didn't speak.

Degan took off his jersey and handed it over.

Raul took Degan's jersey, put it on his shoulders, and said, "Next year's World Cup~~~~~~~ I wish you good luck!"

Digan nodded: "I hope there will be a chance to fight next time."

Digan said he wanted to leave, but the severe pain in his leg made him sway and almost fell. Seeing this, Raul hurried forward to support Digan, and glanced at Digan's leg: "I think I should Sorry for Albelda!"

Digan smiled and said, "If it was me, I would do the same thing in that situation. There is no need to say sorry."

Raul stopped talking and walked off the field with Deegan on his arm. This scene was faithfully recorded by the cameras on the sidelines and became one of the best photos of the year, but that's all for later.

In the locker room of the Belgian team, Degan was sitting on the side, being examined by the team doctor, while his teammates were jumping and cheering, celebrating that they were able to beat the mighty Spain in an away game. Although this game itself does not represent anything, but It will help a lot in boosting your self-confidence.

Antiiennis walked in at this time, went directly to Degan's side, frowned and said, "How's the situation?"

The team doctor shook his head, and said: "It seems that a bone has been injured. I said that Rhodes should not persist on the court. What is the specific situation now, we will not be able to confirm until after going to the hospital for an examination!"

Antiiennis said: "Will you rest for a long time? Next year's World Cup!"

The team doctor said: "Don't worry! Although he is indeed injured, it should not affect next year's World Cup!"

Antiiennis felt a little relieved when he heard the words. Although Degan only played four games for the Belgian national team, he has now become a well-deserved core player of the team. With Degan's Belgian team, It was enough to make any opponent terrified. Without Digan, he really didn't know what to do.

Patting Digan on the shoulder, Antiiennis said loudly: "Boys! I want to tell you a piece of good news. Our respected Majesty the King is coming to visit you in the locker room!"

Everyone in the locker room was stunned for a moment, and then there was a burst of cheers, with excitement written on everyone's faces.

king! ?

Digan didn't think much of it!

But he's just an old man!

Although Digan can't feel this kind of excitement, it is not difficult to understand. Although it is no longer the era of supremacy of the monarchy, in a monarchy country like Belgium, the king is a symbol of the country and is highly respected by the people. , beloved, being received by the king is an honor in itself.

Degan did not respect Albert II, but was very interested in this old man. Although he was not a three-eighth person, he was like an ordinary person in his previous life, and he liked to pay attention to the private lives of those celebrities.

Especially such a wonderful king as Albert II.

I say Albert II is wonderful because the Belgian king can always reveal some things that are particularly eye-catching. In his previous life, Albert II sat well in the king's seat. Suddenly, in 2013, he announced that he would He abdicated on the National Day of Belgium and was succeeded by Crown Prince Philip.

The reason why Albert II announced his abdication is that the general view is that his extramarital affairs scandal fermented, and the artist who claimed to be his illegitimate daughter brought him to court. Some media have speculated that this may have been the cause of the king's abdication, which he claimed was due to health reasons.

Albert II said it was time to pass the torch to the next generation after two decades in power. Albert II ascended the throne on August 9, 1993, becoming the sixth king of Belgium since independence in 1830. He is also the oldest reigning king in Belgian history and the first king to voluntarily announce his abdication.

Delphine Bol, who claims to be the illegitimate daughter of King Albert II of Belgium, asked Albert II and her children to appear in court and undergo DNA testing to confirm their royal blood. This royal scandal has become an open secret in Belgium, but the Belgian royal family has never admitted it. According to Belgian legal experts, as long as Albert II is still on the throne, Boll's request is likely to be rejected, because under Belgian law, the king is immune from legal proceedings that interfere with his royal duties.

After he abdicated, he publicly stated that the annual salary of 923,000 euros was "simply not enough" and asked the government to "raise salary".

In fact, this request from a former king is not too much, but the Belgian government clearly rejected Albert II's request without adding a penny.

According to Belgian law, the king enjoys a tax-free salary of 11.5 million euros per year. After Albert II, who had been on the throne for 20 years, retired, his salary suddenly dropped to 923,000 euros, and he had to pay taxes. The net worth after tax was about 700,000 euros, which was only 6% of his reign. The so-called "it is difficult to change from extravagance to frugality".

It is understandable that Albert II lamented that "there is no way to live with this amount of money". But the Belgian government didn't give any face. When it paid the royal family salaries, it stated: "The government will not make any changes to the royal family's salaries. Whether it is direct or indirect, the government will not make any changes on this important issue. make any changes."

After the request was rejected, Albert II also tried to find ways to increase his income indirectly. One way is to have the Belgian government pay for his official residence and provide fuel for his private yacht. Such a request sparked outrage, and the Belgian government flatly rejected it.

A member of the Belgian parliament said that the old king's request is shocking. People are working hard for the economic downturn, but he comes from the richest family in the country, but he asks the people to pay extra.

Previously, the Belgian royal family had been enjoying tax-free treatment. However, since 2013, the Belgian government has implemented reforms that cut allowances for members of the royal family. The most important rule is that, except for the reigning king, members of the royal family need to pay taxes just like the people.

This reform in Belgium is not unrelated to a series of royal scandals.

First, Albert II's youngest son was exposed by the media, without the approval of the government department, went to Angola to invest in renewable energy projects without authorization. Such ultra vires behavior made the Belgian government very dissatisfied at the time.

In addition, the former Queen Fabiola of Belgium donated the inheritance, which also made the people extremely disgusted. Fabiola has announced that she will donate all of her personal estate to the foundation she founded after her death. However, people did not buy it, and instead accused her of using the country's money to evade the high inheritance tax. Although Fabiola explained that the donated inheritance is all personal savings, and the royal family allowance is nothing more than paying the salaries of assistants and repairing the palace. Unexpectedly, it led to a bigger wave of criticism. Many members of Congress and the public strongly demanded to reduce or even abolish the royal allowance.

Such an interesting king, even though Degan was a person who didn't care about politics in his previous life, he couldn't help but pay more attention to it.

Accompanied by foreign affairs staff soon, Albert II appeared in the locker room, shaking hands with every team member like a general reviewing the guard of honor until he stood in front of Degan.

Degan wanted to stand up, but his legs didn't allow him, so he could only sit on the stool and extended his hand to Albert II.

Let the king stand and sit himself!

The coaches and players in the locker room, as well as those who worked for the royal family, were stunned, but Digan didn't think there was anything wrong. He was injured, and the king in front of him was just a zipper who couldn't control himself. , and a dry old man who is stingy and greedy for money!

Albert II was taken aback for a moment, and quickly realized that he shook hands with Digan and patted him on the shoulder: "Your performance today is very good, and the whole country has shared the glory!"

Digan smiled and said, "Thank you very much, Your Majesty the King!"

Albert II then made an intermittent speech to everyone: "Boys! I am proud of you, really! You have shown the courage and sense of honor of the Belgians on the field. This is very important. You have won today. It was a perfect victory, and I hope that when you go to Germany next year, we will be able to celebrate together!"

After the old man finished speaking, he walked away with his head held high and his chest held high. Degan looked at it and thought to himself: What is the purpose of this old girl coming here? Is it just to say such a few nonsense, there is no truth at all, even a medal is good!

But looking at the expressions of the teammates, they were all so excited, as if they saw the red sun on the golden mountain, and they almost cried bitterly.

"Rod! You are so courageous, you didn't stand up when you saw His Majesty the King!" Simmons beside Degan said, his face was still flushed with excitement. Judging by his appearance, it was estimated that it would take a month. I can't bear to wash my hands.

"I was injured, why did I stand up, even though I am a king, to put it bluntly, I am just an ordinary person!"

Simmons looked at Digan in astonishment, and shook his head helplessly: "You are such a freak, that is His Majesty the King! Just now I was so nervous that I almost couldn't breathe, but you said he is an ordinary person! King King! Do you understand, if you put it in the Middle Ages, your disrespectful behavior just now should be sent to the dungeon!"

Di Ganha smiled, and said: "Then should I beg for forgiveness now! Come on! I don't have that kind of thought!"

Antiiennis sent the king back, clapped his hands, and said loudly: "You have heard what His Majesty the King said just now. The whole country, including the noble royal family, has expressed deep hopes for us. We have no reason to let them down. Obtaining tickets to the World Cup is just the beginning, and then we will strive for greater honors in the World Cup and make the whole of Belgium proud of us!"

The players immediately cheered. Degan looked at it, but still couldn't understand it. Fortunately, it was only an old king. If God came to the locker room to meet these people, it is estimated that some people would be so excited right now.

Degan doesn't care about being a king or not. He only cares about his leg. He moved a few times just now, but it still hurts. Maybe it's really a bone problem.

Gull saw Digan's worry, and said: "Rod! Don't worry! Professional players will have such a day, it shouldn't be very serious, maybe you will get better soon!"

Digan spread his hands and pressed the injured area, and after a while it was already swollen: "I hope it's like what you said!"

That night, the whole Belgian team rushed back to Brussels by plane, and other teammates went to enjoy a bigger celebration banquet, while Degan, accompanied by the team doctor, went directly to the hospital after getting off the plane. The sooner this kind of injury is treated, the better. Alright, if it drags on, it will make the injury worse, and it will be really troublesome.
