
Chapter573-The Covert Strategy of Kingserp

As John and Corruptor were engaged in battle, Flame Knight returned to his stronghold in the Dark Realm, located far from the town of Styx. 

Although traveling to Styx always required some time, the advantage lay in the consistent security of his stronghold, as it was well-known that adventurers in the Dark Realm seldom ventured far from Styx.

Upon returning, Flame Knight was seething with anger. 

He felt it was abnormal for Corruptor, his ally, to have not provided assistance. 

"I had an agreement with him that he would support me in the battle against John! Why did he fail to fulfill his promise?! Does he truly wish for my defeat in battle to claim my dark power for himself?"

Flame Knight's furious outburst terrified the other demons, who naturally could not respond to his questions. Flame Knight did not expect an answer from them. 

In the midst of his rage, a low-ranking demon approached him with a message. 
