
Aarohi goes to meet GD 30

When Aarohi was changing her clothes.Then Mr. Alien and AG 35 were waiting for her outside the room then AG 35 asked Mr. Alien Senior, why did you lie to Aarohi that I had brought her last night from the lab.While you had brought Aarohi back last night.

mister alien = What difference does it make?It is better if she does not know.

AG 35 = But why so senior.For the first time I have seen you caring so much for someone.you have changed

Mister alien = You think so.There is nothing like that, she is the guest of our place. That's why it is necessary to take care of her.

AG 35 = But I think something else.

mister alien = So tell me what you think.

AG 35 = Now you leave

Mister alien = Stop thinking about useless things and give some time to work.

AG 35 = Ok

Just then Jin's voice comes from behind She says to Mr. Alien on what are you giving lecture to AG 35 this morning.

Mister alien = you here .You haven't gone to the lab yet, what are you doing here.

Jin = Why can't I come here?

mister alien= No, it is not like that, you can come, but now your coming here is a matter of thinking.

Jin = Don't think too much, I just came here to pick you up, come on, I was also going to the lab, so thought I would take you along.

mister alien = Look Jin I can't come with you I am waiting for Arohi here Have to take it to the lab along with her.

Within that time, Aarohi also gets ready and comes out of the room.

Aarohi = Let's go now.

jin = Aarohi, your eyes are not fine, so stay here, what is the need to come to the lab? You won't be able to help us in this condition But our problems will definitely increase.That's why it would be better if you stay here.

Mister alien = What a way to talk to Aarohi.Now say sorry to Aarohi.

Jin = I didn't say anything wrong.If you feel bad then forgive me Aarohi.Jin said sorry to Aarohi but her aim was to hurt Aarohi.

Aarohi felt bad for Jin's words But still she let that thing go. And said never mind, I didn't feel bad anyway Jin is right I will not be able to help anyone in this condition.Rather, I will become everyone's trouble.

Jin = See, Aarohi is also finding my point correct.

AG 35 = Aarohi is not like that at all, you are not a burden on us.You have taken so much trouble for us, because of which you are in this condition.We all are responsible for your condition.Then how did you become a burden on all of us.Don't ever think like this.You can call me whenever you need any help.

Senior you go with Jin , I come with Aarohi.

Jin = Okay then let's go now.

After that Jin takes Mr. Alien's to grab his hand and brings him out, then said Mr. Alien to sit in the car.

Mister alien = What has happened to you, how can you say this to someone.You don't feel sorry at seeing Aarohi, her condition is because of us.

Jin = I am thinking that what has happened to you, since when did you start caring so much for someone.As far as I know you were not like this before.Is it because of that Aarohi ?

mister alien = It's nothing like you're getting into.

Jin = No I am getting it right All this is because of that Aarohi. What did he do that you have changed so much just for her. Even if there is such a thing, don't forget that she is a human being. And you know its meaning very well, you don't need to understand. Have you forgotten what humans did to your parents.If you have forgotten, I will remind you very well.

Mister alien = shut up stop saying all these things I have not forgotten anything, neither the death of my parents Nor my hatred for humans.

But with the arrival of Aarohi, I came to know that not all human beings are bad, some are also good like Aarohi.Like Professor Verma and like Dr. Sharma There are many more people who are working day and night to help us. After seeing all this, I came to know that here on our planet all the people are not good, some are good and some are bad. Similarly on earth also some people are good and some people are bad. Because of some bad people, we will not stop believing in good people.

Jin = This is a big misunderstanding of yours.The day the real face of these people will come in front of you, then you will regret not listening to me.

mister alien = stop your nonsense and now let's go to the lab it's getting late I don't have time to listen to your nonsense.

After that Mr. Alien and Jin leave for the lab.and then AG 35 brings Aarohi to the car And she tells him that now you sit in the car, we will go to the lab. Aarohi sits in the car.After which AG 35 drives the car and starts going towards the lab. Now Aarohi and AG 35 must have gone some distance then Aarohi tells AG 35 Can you take me to GD 30 first? He is ill now and has no one with him.I want to meet him once.

AG 35 = But no one is allowed to go there.Because he has been affected by the virus, so he is not allowed to meet anyone.

Aarohi = I know that's why I will not go inside his house, I will talk to him from outside. Nor will I come in his touch.

.AG 35 = Ok then I will take you there.

Aarohi = Thank you so much you are very nice.

AG 35 = There is no need to thanku.Well you are the best you think of everyone.You yourself are not well right now but you are worried about everyone except yourself.

Aarohi = There is nothing like this, I have been like this since childhood.

AG 35 = By the way, let me say one thing, I didn't like the way Jin spoke to you today. How bad is she. I had such a good company with her but I did not think that she would have such a poor thinking.

Aarohi = There is no such thing, everyone has their own different thinking.

AG 35 = I tell you one thing, I feel that she is jealous of you.

Aarohi = But why so?

AG 35 = Ever since she came here no one is giving more importance to her.And it is known to everyone that she likes senior.But the seniors don't understand her as anything other than his friend. Earlier I used to think that even seniors must be like her . But now it doesn't seem to me that seniors don't like her at all. And everyone is talking to you and giving importance to you because you are very good.That's why she must be jealous of you.

Aarohi = There is nothing like that, you are just making an imaginary casserole.Now concentrate on driving the car..

AG 35 = You can't believe my words.See, one day you will definitely believe my words.Here we have reached the house of GD 30.

Aarohi = Okay, let's see in the future, now let's meet GD 30.

After that both come out of the car and stand outside GD 30 house.

Then GD 30 looks out of his window . Then he gets very happy to see Aarohi and AG 35.And say hello to both of them the window . But Aarohi cannot see him as she has poor eyesight but can hear his voice. Then AG 35 says Aarohi GD 30 is standing near the window.

Pointing towards Ag 35, GD 30 says that both of you should go to the chairs and sit. Then AG 35 takes Aarohi to the chairs and makes her sit.And herself sits next to her. AG 35 sees a phone on a table next to a chair. Then AG 35 looks up towards GD 30 . Then Gad 30 points to hwr and says pick up that phone, through that we will be able to talk easily. Then AG 35 picks up the phone and talks to GD 30. And also tells Aarohi that through this phone we have been able to talk sitting from here to GD 30 .

AG 35 = How are you, how is your health now?

GD 30= I am fine now, in a few days, I will be completely fine, then I will come back to the lab.you don't worry about me And tell me how is everything going on in the lab, is it all right?

AG 35 = Yes, everything is going well in the lab and everyone is fine.

GD 30 = Have Aarohi's eyes not recovered yet?

AG 35 = No . I give it to Aarohi, now you talk to her.she is here only to meet you Aarohi wanted to meet you before going to the lab, so I brought her here. Aarohi, here you talk, from Gd 30.

Aarohi = hello how are you How is your health now?

GD 30 = I'm fine Your eyes haven't recovered yet.

Aarohi = Don't worry about me, Dr. Sharma has given me medicines so that I will get well soon.You take care of yourself first and get well soon and come back to the lab Everyone misses you a lot.

GD 30 = Of course I will get well soon and come back.Please forgive me Aarohi because of me you had to suffer so much.

Aarohi = If you say like this from now on, I will kill you.we are friends and between friends no sorry no thanku understood. And if you want to do something for me, then get well soon and come back.

GD 30= Thank you from the bottom of my heart for coming here to meet me.You don't know how happy I am to see you here today.Now both of you go back.You will need it in the lab.

Aarohi = Ok we go and you also get well soon and come back.

After that both Aarohi and AG 35 go ​​back to the lab after saying Byee to GD 30.

When Aarohi and AG 35 reach to lab, Mr. Alien comes to them and asks why they took so long to reach the lab.

AG 35 = We both had gone to meet Gd 30 before coming to the lab, so we were late in coming.

mister alien = Aarohi, come on, Dr. Sharma is calling you for your eye checkup.

Aarohi = ok

Mister alien = Let me take you to him.

Aarohi = You leave it, I will go with the AG 35.

Saying this, Aarohi leaves with AG 35 and Mr. Alien is left standing there. Then while leaving, Aarohi keeps saying in his mind that I'm sorry, Mr. Alien, for treating you like that.But if I do not do this, then you will not stop worrying about me.And I don't want you to worry about me because because of me you and Jin have fights are not Good at all. And this should not happen further, so it would be better for you to stay away from me.

After that Aarohi goes to Dr. Sharma to get her eyes treated. Then doctor Sharma says are you putting drops time to time in your eyes

Aarohi = I forget to put it sometimes.Will take care in future.

Doctor sharma = You have to take care only then you will be able to recover quickly.

Mr. Alien was also standing there listening to these things. When Aarohi goes to the other side, Mr. Alien goes to Dr. Sharma. And takes Aarohi's eye drops from them and says don't worry, now I take full responsibility for this. Now I will take good care of everything of Aarohi so that he does not suffer from anything.

Doctor sharma = thanku.

Mister alien = But don't tell Aarohi about this.Otherwise she will not accept my help.
