'You might want to know me. It's obvious. Who am I? Don't you know me? Try to remember your darkest history. AaaAaaaaa,'
"Mmmphhh," Elliana knitted her brows, annoyed, at the strange song as she started coming out of her deep slumber.
"Stop it," she moaned as she tried to sleep.
'You want to call me, sing me a song. Who are you, try to recognize. Annnaaa,' she heard the same voice again, and her throat felt clogged.
It was as if someone was choking her. The pain shifted to her abdomen momentarily before shifting to her head in a sudden motion, making her gasp in pain as she opened her eyes wide and sat straight.
What the hell was that all about? She gulped and took deep calming breaths, placing her hand on her head.
She was definitely not running a fever. The temperature of the room is almost 20°C.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: