

"Adrain!" Felicia banged open the door to Adrain's office with so much force that it made a loud sound when it hit the wall.

Adrain pinched the skin between his eyebrows in frustration. He can already feel the upcoming headache. "What do you want Felicia?" He manages to ask.

"Why did you go and see that slut?" She questioned but Adrain didn't look like he was going to answer her. "Answer me!" She demanded as she was currently furious.

Adrain stood up from his chair to close the door because the employees had left their work to eavesdrop on their conversation. After he locked the door, he went to his chair to sit back down and asked,

"Were you following me?"

"No, I didn't follow you but you had better tell me why you went to see her", she answered as her chest rose up and down in anger.
