

Elinalise welcomed me into her room... but I politely declined. There were still five men in her room who were presumably not very happy with me at the moment.

"Why don't we talk downstairs at the bar?", I asked.

"Umm... Perhaps that's for the best", she agreed. "Wait here for just a minute."

Elinalise walked back into her room and I could hear muffled voices and then a bunch of angry complaints. Shortly afterward, five grumpy men walked out of her room past me. Each one of them looked down at me and gave me their best intimidating glare as they walked by.

After a couple more minutes, Elinalise came out as well, dressed in her standard attire.

"Eh... Sorry about the timing", I said while glancing in the other direction.

"Oh, don't worry about it. These things happen. I'm just glad to have found you! Roxy will be so happy to see you!"

"Roxy is here!?", I shouted. I was pretty sure she would be, but I still couldn't hide my excitement regardless.

"Yes. She is out looking for you now. If you wait here, she should make her way back eventually."

Elinalise leaned down and took a closer look at my face.

"Wait a moment... Is that a magic power eye? Roxy didn't say anything about you having a Demon Eye. One of our former party members had one just like it."

"Uh. Yeah. It is. I didn't have it back when Roxy tutored me. I only obtained it recently, actually." 'Yeah, VERY recently', I thought.

"You don't keep it covered? I heard Demon Eyes are very tiring if you use them constantly like that."

"I'm trying to learn how to control it, so I don't have to wear an eyepatch all the time. Although, truth be told, it is starting to give me a bit of a headache. Maybe I should rest a bit."

"You do look pretty tired. Come. Stay at my place while we wait for Roxy to return."

"I'd better not. I already have a room at another Inn and I don't want to make my party worry. I've already been gone a while." Not to mention the fact that just five minutes ago there were a bunch of guys taking turns with her in that bed.

"You're party? Are you by any chance a member of 'Dead End'? We heard there was a mage named Rudeus in that party."

"Ah yes. That would be me. Our other members are Eris and Ruijerd. I'll have to introduce you later."

"Haha. There are quite a few rumors going around about your party. Seems you've made quite a name for yourselves here. I even heard that there was an actual Superd in your party."

"Yeah, that would be Ruijerd. Don't worry though, he's actually a really nice guy."

Elinalise though, didn't seem to buy it. The moment I admitted I was partied up with a Superd, her eyes went wide and she stuttered back half a step. After a moment, though, she regained her composure.

"I see... Well, I suppose I shouldn't judge the man until I meet him myself."

I could see the determination building in her face as she tried to muster her courage.

"Well, I'm going to head back to our Inn and rest. Once Roxy gets back, please stop by."

I told Elinalise which Inn we were staying at and which room. Then I turned and was about to head down the stairs when I saw that someone was about the run right into me as I turned the corner. Because of who it was, I allowed it to happen.


Roxy runs right into me, toppling the both of us over.

"Superd! Superd! It's really him! It's Dead End!", she wailed as she buried her face in my robes.

I patted her on the head to calm her down. "There there. It's going to be alright Master Roxy. He won't hurt you. I promise."

Roxy slowly looked up towards me. She just stared at me with a blank expression, tears still rolling down her cheeks. After an awkward pause, she finally started speaking.

"R-Rudy? Is that really you?"

"Of course it is. Who else would I be", I laughed.

She got up and gave me a big hug.

"Rudy, I'm so glad I found you. Everyone's been so worried!"

"You found him?", Elinalise said accusingly.

"Oh. Elinalise. I didn't see you at first. Thank you so much for finding Rudy!"

"Well, he really found me if I'm going to be honest", Elinalise admitted.

Meanwhile Roxy's remark about everyone being worried really struck a chord with me. I thought everything would be just fine since I got my whole family safe and sound in Sharia before the teleportation incident. I completely forgot that they'd be worried sick about me. What was I thinking!?

My tone changed to a serious one as I continued our conversation. "Roxy, what do you mean by everyone's been worried about me. Is my family safe? Have you been in contact with them?"

"Yes, everyone's fine", she has stopped crying but her eyes are still puffy and red. "Thankfully, everyone else had been teleported together to Sharia near Ranoa University. I met up with Paul at the refugee camp, near where Roa used to be. He is out looking for you. Last I heard he was heading to Milis, so Elinalise, Tallhand and myself decided to search the Demon Continent."

"We need to let Father know I'm alright as soon as possible!"

"Of course. We can set sail for Zant port first thing in the morning", Roxy answered.

"Good. I just need to let Eris and Ruijerd know. Could you come with me to our Inn? There are some people I would like to introduce you to."

At this, Roxy's face went pale.

"Ruijerd? You don't mean... You don't mean that Superd do you?"

"Roxy, Ruijerd is a kind man. You have nothing to worry about."

"No!", she grabbed my arm. "I can't let you head off to meet with a Superd. Especially not Dead End! It's too dangerous!"

"Roxy, Listen!", I said sternly. "I know you're scared, and Ruijerd has some bad rumors going around about him, but he saved my life. If it wasn't for him, there's no way Eris and I would have made it this far. We were sent to an unknown barren land full of monsters. Ruijerd not only saved us from the monsters, but guided us all the way across the Demon Continent to make sure we got home safely!"

"W-What? Really?", Roxy looked shocked.

"Yes. I owe him my life. I respect you more than anyone, Master, so please don't speak ill of him", I faked some tears and started rubbing my eyes.

"No. I-I'll meet him. I'm sorry Rudeus, I shouldn't be so simple minded."

"It's ok. It's not your fault. Everyone seems to be scared of him. I feel bad, because he is really such a nice guy yet everyone treats him like some sort of monster just because he was born a Superd."

Roxy looked really guilt ridden now. I felt kind of bad for manipulating her like this, but I know that she'll get along with Ruijerd if I can just get her to meet him.

Roxy, Elinalise, and I went to the tavern to find Tallhand, and after introducing me to him, we all left together to meet up with Eris and Ruijerd. They all looked nervous while we walked, despite my assurances to try and calm them down.

When we finally got to my room at the Inn, I could tell Roxy was about to cry again, but she was doing her best to put on a brave face. I knocked at our door.

"Ruijerd, Eris, are you in? It's me Rudeus."

I could hear Ruijerd get up and walk towards the door. Roxy was fidgeting and looked like she would flee any second. I held her hand and she seemed to calm down a little.

The door opened, revealing Ruijerd. Thankfully he was wearing his headband I gave him. "Oh. Rudeus. You brought guests?"

"Yes, this is Elinalise, Tallhand, and my Master, Roxy."

"Oh?" Ruijerd looked straight at Roxy and smiled before giving a small bow. "I've heard so much about you. Rudeus is always talking about how much you did for him."

Roxy had tensed up at first, but then, "O-Oh. I didn't do m-much. Rudy has always been very talented."

Ruijerd smiled once again and said, "Yes, I've noticed that myself. I've never in all my life met someone so talented. Please, come in, have a seat."

Ruijerd walked back into our room and I followed, looking back towards Roxy and the others, hinting for them to come in.

Eris ran up to Roxy as soon as I introduced her.

"You're Roxy!? I've always wanted to meet you! You must be really amazing to have taught someone as great as Rudeus!"

Roxy blushed a little. "Rudy, I really wish you would stop bragging about me to everyone like that."

After everyone got introduced to one another, we all went down to the bar to order food. While we ate dinner, we got to know each other a little better and also discussed our current predicament. I told them all about how Ruijerd was being charged such an absurd fee to travel to Zant Port.

Elinalise began to suggest that he just stay here and they would take us back home, but I stopped her in her tracks with a glare.

"Ruijerd is coming with us. We're not leaving him now after all he's done for us."

Ruijerd seemed like he was considering this as well, but I wasn't having it.

"I have a plan. Everyone meet at the port tomorrow and I'll take it from there."

After we finished eating, Elinalise, Tallhand and Roxy went back to their Inn for the night. We went back up to our room as well, but I wasn't planning on sleeping. I had business to take care of tonight.
