

[Are you alright?] Kurama had seen Tomoka writhing on the floor for the better part of an hour.

'I think I am, can't really tell' Tomoka felt drained, her throat parched and sore from screaming.

[Call me crazy but you are becoming more and more reckless by the day. What would you do if your eyes got messed up… actually, they aren't messed up, are they?] Kurama couldn't tell since Tomoka kept them closed.

'Perhaps I have become reckless but I need to become stronger no matter what' With that said, Tomoka opened her eyes. They burned with the determination to protect those she cherished.

Moments later she realized that her vision felt somewhat weird. It was clearer, more detailed. Not only that but she felt like there was more to this new state of vision. Taking a pocket mirror she had carried for these experiments she examined her eyes.

To her and Kurama's surprise, her eyes had indeed changed. Now instead of only one extra pupil appearing and disappearing from time to time there were two. Feeling the flow of chakra inside her eyes she was even more surprised.

The gnashing maw made by her chakra inside her eyes had changed. Now aside from the gnashing teeth she could see a strange construct floating where the right eye of the beast should be. The symbol looked like an extremely elaborate hourglass in the shape of the symbol of infinity. Its sands flowing unimpeded in both directions through the construct while it spun in all directions and none at the same time.

Tomoka felt awe as she inspected the construct. A moment later she had to stop as a headache began building as she tried to comprehend what she was seeing. Opening her eyes again she began inspecting her surroundings.

The first weird thing she noticed was the afterimage moving objects would have. However, she soon realized that calling them afterimages was wrong. After all, the image didn't follow after the object but instead it was the other way around.

Looking outside she noticed a small butterfly flapping its wings. She could see with perfect clarity how the butterfly's wings moved following the image before them. Her senses were telling her that those images weren't real but, and this was a big but, they would become real.

"Is this… future sight?" After muttering that it was like a piece of a puzzle slotted itself in the adequate place. Her mind began working and she realized that she could see a total of two seconds into the future. Her kinagan had evolved! It no longer ate only chakra but it now also ate time. It could eat time up to two seconds into the future showing her what would happen!

"This is fucking ridiculous!" The sharingan could predict the movements of things through complex calculations but her eyes could straight up ignore that and see what would happen. Tomoka felt like she was cheating somehow.

[Well, your eyes just became ten times crazier] Kurama's comment had shook Tomoka out of her stupor. He was right, with a new set of pupils doing their thing her eyes began even weirder. However, she didn't mind.

'I wonder what the byakugan could provide' A deranged and creepy smile appeared on tomoka's face. Considering that the sharingan which could calculate a possible future had given her future sight, then the byakugan would probably give her something like clairvoyance.

'How about the rinnegan? Though that is supposed to be just an evolved version of the sharingan' Tomoka felt elated knowing that her eyes could advance in such a weird way.

[So what now. Are you going to try and steal a byakugan now? And you call that old man an eye thief] Kurama couldn't help but tease Tomoka. In reality he didn't care about what she was doing. He hated the Uchiha with a passion except for Nozomi. As for the Hyuga, he didn't care either.

'That is going to be a bit harder. The Hyuga are a bit smarter and they have a seal on their foreheads to destroy their eyes if they are killed or someone tries to steal their eyes. I will probably have to study fuinjutsu and formulate a way to disable the seal'

[Well, you do you, I am going to take a nap]

Hiruzen sat in his office taking a small break from all the paperwork. As he glances outside he couldn't help but sigh before taking a sip from his tea. Outside the window the Hokage rock had been vandalized again. He couldn't help but think back on the first time this happened and how everyone had been in a panic. At least, this new prankster had been caught red handed the three times he had done so.

Outside, running from building to building a blond kid tried his damned hardest to lose his tail. A group of three ninjas followed the kid through roofs and alleys with red angry faces. Again! This pipsqueak dared insult the Hokages of the past again!

As the kid turned the corner the ninjas followed but he had suddenly disappeared. Perhaps he had jumped to the roofs again, or went into a side alley, it didn't matter, they would find him. However, as soon as they left a piece of the wall moved. No, it wasn't a piece of the wall but an extremely well painted recreation of it on a piece of cloth.

Behind the cloth Naruto smiled with a cheeky grin. He had finally lost them, he had won! Or so he thought until…

"Great job losing them but you just let your guard down so it's your loss" Next to him another piece of cloth moved revealing another fake wall. Behind it, Tomoka smiled with the same cheeky grin Naruto had.

"What are you talking about? I already lost them so it's my win" Naruto felt slightly confused.

"That might be true but again you let your guard down. Look behind you" With that said Naruto looked behind him to see an angry Iruka land in front of him. He wanted to run so he turned around only to be caught by the neck of his shirt. In front of him where Tomoka should be there was a note. Good luck with Iruka-sensei's lecture.

On Top of a nearby building Tomoka sat while eating some ice cream. She giggled while seeing Iruka lecture Naruto again. Around four years have gone by since the Uchiha massacre and with this prank from Naruto she could officially say that cannon had started.

What was to follow would be Naruto's failure at performing the clone jutsu and his subsequent stealing of the forbidden scroll containing the multi-shadow clone jutsu. To tell the truth, Tomoka could try and help the blond boy out and save him from the trouble. However, she didn't feel like it.

For starters, Tomoka wanted to read the scroll herself but stealing it was too much work when she could let someone else do it for her. The reason why she wanted to read the scroll is rather simple. It is called the scroll of forbidden jutsus as in plural, multiple. Who knows what is in there aside from the multi-shadow clone jutsu. To tell the truth, Naruto learned the least dangerous one from what could be in there.

'All in due time I guess. We will be having the graduation test next week so only five days to go before I can learn some interesting stuff'

[Everyday that passes I feel like you are becoming more and more morally gray]

'Please Kurama, I have always been morally gray, it's just that it's kinda hard doing forbidden stuff with the body of a kid. That reminds me, I am twelve now, puberty is just around the corner and I am not looking forward to it'

[You win some, you lose some]

'True that'

With her little chat with foxy finished she decided to go and prepare for what is to come next week. If she passes the exam, and of course she would, she would be considered an adult. This title would open a shit load of doors for her. No longer would she need to do all her transactions through proxies and under the table. Not to mention that she would be able to move freely!

'The fun will finally start for real!"

The day for the final exam came and all students were excited except for two. Tomoka didn't feel much excitement since she would pass for sure. Sasuke also didn't feel much excitement as he, just like Tomoka, was sure he would pass.

"Alright everyone, I will be calling your names. When I do, please enter the examination room" Iruka said with a calm smile on his face. To tell the truth he felt happy seeing his students close to graduating.

Name after name was called until it was Naruto's turn. As expected, he exited the room with a dejected expression, no surprise there. Following him were the others as each left with a Konoha head protector.

"Poor Naruto, he was really excited for today" Hinata, bless her gentle soul, couldn't help but pity the blond boy. Even though she found him slightly annoying at times she couldn't deny the charm his pure smile had.

"Don't worry much about it, he will become a ninja by the end of today anyway" Tomoka said off-handedly while waving her hand. Having said that, both Nozomi and Hinata glanced at her with uncertainty but decided against prying.

While they were chatting their names were called and to no one's surprise they passed easily. Tomoka even went a step further and showed off a bit by making five clones in one go. However, out of the three judges only one was impressed.

Iruka had to deal with her for a total of four years so he was used to her shenanigans. Mizuki still resented her for the prank, talk about being petty. As for the last guy he hid his surprise after a second. After all, five clones wasn't all that amazing.

Having finished her exam, the first thing Tomoka did was tie her head protector around her neck just like Hinata. Nozomi for her part tied it around her hair like Sakura. Seeing this Tomoka glanced around the other girls from her class. Not even a single one of them had their forehead protectors on their forehead.

'So much for being "forehead protectors or headbands"'

[I think that is more of a girl thing, look most of the boy have them on properly]

Ignoring the fox, Tomoka decided to spend the rest of the day celebrating and pampering Nozomi and Hinata. Now that she could officially be considered an adult all she had to do was go to a nearby bank office and retrieve some of her well earned money.

The day was spent going from one place to another shopping for nick-nacks and clothes. Not to mention the delicious food they bought from stalls here and there. By the time the sun was setting Nozomi and Hinata were carrying bags with what they bought and wide smiles. As the day ended the girls went their separate ways.

'Alright now is time to tail Naruto and get myself some juicy forbidden knowledge'

[Stop grinning like that! You look like a pervert! And wipe that drool]

Ignoring the fox for the second time today, Tomoka retrieved a case she had hidden the day prior. Inside there was a black outfit she had painstakingly sewed that looked like that of a movie ninja from her past life.

Having changed her attire she got on with tonight's agenda. First thing she did was find Naruto sneaking around towards the Hokage's office building. Seeing his poor atempt at stealth Tomoka could help but wonder how the fuck he would actually steal the thing.

To her surprise, she had ten times more trouble avoiding being found than Naruto. It was like he had all the luck in the world on his side. Guards would look away for whatever reason right before Naruto passed them. It was like…

'Fate huh, It has to be that, I find it hard to believe otherwise' Once Naruto managed to enter the building Tomoka couldn't follow him any further as the security in there was too tight. Half an hour or so later she saw the blond boy leaving with a large scroll under his arm.

'Well, fate or what not be damned, I will still get something useful from this so who cares.'

A while has gone by since Naruto stole the forbidden scroll and now he was sitting near the meating point with Mizuki while reading the first part of the scroll. As he did he felt a prick on his arm. A pesky mosquito had bit him. However, reality was different.

'Looks like it worked' Tomoka felt proud of her idea for tonight. She had just placed Naruto under a genjutsu using a needle and his sense of touch. After all, if he sees, hears or even smells something that shouldn't be there might lead to complications down the line. However, a mosquito biting him would be completely normal in such a dense forest at night.

Not wasting any time, Tomoka took the forbidden scroll from Naruto, unfurled it, gave the thing a quick scan and then furled it back up before leaving. The genjutsu she had placed Naruto under ended just as she left. Overall, the entire thing only took her three minutes.

'Alright, mission success. Now all I need to do is give the mental image a stored a proper read and see what's up with this thing'

[You know, I thought it would be more complicated. This feels anticlimactic]

'Yeah, it does… but who cares! Never look a gifted horse in the mouth' With that Tomoka began reviewing the scroll. The first thing she saw was the same thing Naruto did. The first segment of the scroll contained the information about the multi-shadow clone jutsu. Reading through it Tomoka learned a few new things.

'So that's how it works. This feels similar to computer programing from my previous life'

[How so?] Even though Kurama had no idea what computer programming is, he still asked since he didn't have anything better to do.

'Well, you see. If we consider the ninja as a computer and jutsus as programs or methods within programs then the shadow clone jutsu has an inbuilt parameter with only two possible inputs. This parameter is the amount of clones to be made by the jutsu and the two possible inputs are either one or two. Meaning, no matter what, the shadow clone jutsu will never make more than two clones at a time.

Now, if we follow the same logic with the multi shadow clone jutsu it removes this limiter by using a looping mechanism. Instead of a predetermined possible input it loops the code the amount of times stated by the input. This results in the quick production of a certain amount of clones. However, this is also the reason why it's dangerous and forbidden.

Like code from my past life, these things are rigid and will always follow the instructions given disregarding everything else a sapient being may consider important. For example, if someone were to use this and input something absurd like five hundred clones then the jutsu will try and do so. Even if the ninja runs out of chakra the jutsu will continue to create clones by any means possible. Which more often than not leads to the jutsu using the ninja's life force.'

[So, only idiots that overestimate their chakra get killed by this thing] Even though Kurama didn't understand any of the jargon Tomoka just spouted he understood the gist of it.

'P-much yeah. Anyway, let's check the next jutsu. We are on a clock here, I don't want to miss Naruto beating Mizuki' With that said, Tomoka continued reading the scroll. What came next made her pupils dilate due to the sheer surprise and excitement she felt.

'Another one of the second Hokage's masterpieces!? The edo tensei? I didn't know today was christmas eve!' Tomoka felt elated. Like any good mad scientist out there she had a slight god complex. She believed that with enough resources and knowledge she could do God's work.

'HAhaHA With this I can tell death to go fuck itself!'

[She finally went insane]

'No I have not Kurama, my good old foxy friend. Didn't I promise to make a body for you and somehow link it with you so you could be freer while still staying inside of me? How did you think I would do that?'

[To tell the truth I didn't believe you, it just sounds too insane to be true]

'Well you are in for a fucking surprice caus I wasn't shiting you. Let me tell you about the awesomeness of technology my furry friend!'

'listen well cause this will be a massive info dump I will be doing on you Kurama'

[I'm listening]

'Alright, so let's start with the edo tensei and why this thing is a wonderful jutsu. How the edo tensei works is by summoning the soul of the deceased by using a part of their genetic material. Through this alone we can infer that the soul has some connection to the genetic material of the person. Now, why this is so important is due to the fact that in my previous world cloning was a thing and it didn't work all that well.

The clones would always develop different personalities even when implanted with the memories of the original. In other words, a third factor is interfering with the cloning of a person. This third factor I believe is the soul!

Body, mind and soul. These are the ingredients for a sapient being. In this world, through the edo tensei mind and soul can be brought back but the body is simply stolen or borrowed. In my world, Mind and body could be created but the missing soul would lead to trouble. Now with my knowledge and the knowledge provided by this jutsu I can create a body and implant the appropriate mind and soul! Of course this is just a theory for now but I believe my conjectures to be right.

This also leads me to think about other questions like: Why is Orochimaru's Furo Fushi no jutsu or living corpse reincarnation has a time limit? My belief is that since the body he inhabits is not the same or rather doesn't have the same gene code as his soul it rejects his soul.

Then that begs the question: why am I fine? After all, I was reincarnated into a body that has no genetic connection to my previous self. There are quite a few possible answers for that. However, the most likely ones are: that either Oditomnia had something to do with it or since I was reincarnated in my mothers womb my body and soul somehow reconciled the difference while I was developing in there.

I mean, if the soul somehow influences the body and forces a change on it then it would be easier to change a single cell or a small clump of cells than a whole body with its millions of cells. However, considering the fact that I don't look exactly like my past life and I am still fine then that means that somehow the body also affects the soul. In other words, my current body's gene code is also my soul's gene code'

[All right, all of that is interesting but it's all just conjectures and hypotheses right?]

'Well yes, but if I am right I will be able to bring people back from the dead, not to mention I will have a very nice bargaining chip with Orochimaru'

[Right… Why is it that you want to deal with that guy again? From what you have told me he seems like the kind of guy to backstab and trick anybody and everybody he can for his goals]

'Because, as despicable as he is, he is a genius in his field. Not to mention that Kabuto, also a genius in his field, works for him. It's a buy one get one free deal and I love those.'

The two continued to converse for a while longer until Tomoka realized she had another three jutsus to read from the scroll. Not wanting to waste anymore time she got back to work. The next jutsu she found was a rather nasty one. Once again, like the multi-shadow clone jutsu, the reason behind it becoming forbidden is its harm to the user.

'Chakra corrosión technic'

From the name Tomoka could already imagine what the jutsu would do and she wasn't disappointed. Simply put the jutsu would turn the ninja's chakra into a corrosive state that would eat through their bodies. The so-called benefit of this chakra was its ability to ignore elemental disadvantage and infect others.

A fire jutsu made with this corrosive chakra would be able to corrode and use a water jutsu's chakra to fuel itself, same for other elements. The problem lies with the fact that whoever uses this technique would die a nasty and painful death around an hour or so after use.

'Very nasty indeed… I kinda want to try it'

[No, or at least not right now.]

'Of course not now, I still need to be healthy to see Mizuki getting his ass handed to him'

A while later Tomoka had finished reading the scroll. The other two forbidden jutsus were nothing to write home about. One was an extreme version of the akimichi's body expansion jutsu. The thing is that it would drain the user's caloric reserves so fast that they would die for sure after use. The other downside being that even if they survived the person would become permanently disfigured. The only advantage of the jutsu is the stupid amount of strength and regeneration the jutsu provided while active. Or at least that is what was stated in the scroll.

The other jutsu was to put it simply, a kamikaze jutsu. When the jutsu is activated all of the ninja's chakra and lifeforce would be concentrated in their heart and then explode. To tell the truth, out of the five jutsus this one was the most useless of all.

'Well, with this done, let's go and check how it is going over there' Tomoka smiled as she began moving towards Mizuki and Naruto's position. When she got there the good part was just starting. Tomoka got there just in time to see Iruka blocking Mizuki's attack with his body.

'I still don't understand what he is thinking. If he had time to use his body as a shield why the fuck didn't he use a kunai to block the attack or just move Naruto out of the way?'

[Now that you mention it, it doesn't make sense does it]

With a sigh Tomoka decided to simply ignore it and just continue watching. Like in canon Naruto used the shadow clone jutsu to attack Mizuki. Unlike canon however, he used the taijutsu Tomoka taught him. This led to Mizuki being beaten black and blue even faster than before.

'I can't believe that guy is somehow a chunin. He got wrecked by a kid that isn't even a genin'

[Well, from what I understand genin consists of teams, and these teams are also the ones to present the exam right? He probably got the promotion through his team's effort]

'Yeah, that makes sense' Tomoka could believe as much. There was another option too. Mizuki got promoted during the war for whatever reason. It wasn't important either way so Tomoka didn't pay it much attention. Having finished spectating Tomoka decided to leave. Nothing to see here and she wanted to rest since tomorrow she had plans with Nozomi and Hinata.

The next day Tomoka woke up refreshed and ready to go. Walking to The Uchiha compound first she found Nozomi standing at the gate. Due to the massacre four years ago both Nozomi and Sasuke became the only people to live within the compound.

Nozomi got assigned a new house since it wasn't in use. This new house was larger and better kept. For this reason Nozomi got a lot more work to do if she wanted to keep it that way. Of course caretakers were assigned to her and Sasuke but the girl had grown used to doing things herself.

"Sorry, did I make you wait for a long time?" Tomoka jogged the bit of distance left while asking.

"Not really, I overslept so I was actually worried I would be late. I have been here for like a minute or two" Nozomi gave Tomoka a reassuring smile.

"I see, well, no time to lose. If we don't hurry Hinata will get angry… again" Like that the two sped off towards the Hyuga compound. A moment later the two saw a frowning Hinata at the gate.

"You are late" She had been waiting for a whole fifteen minutes not to mention that she had also been late but not as much as the other two.

""Sorry"" The two said in unison.

"I can't believe the tw-" Before Hinata could start ranting again Nozomi pushed Tomoka causing her to fall forwards. Of course Tomoka could have dodge the push or resist being pushed but there was a reason why she didn't.

As she fell forwards she hugged Hinata causing the latter to shut up. This was a strategy Nozomi had come up with. No matter how angry Hinata got, a hug from Tomoka would make her forget her anger.

A moment later Nozomi couldn't resist her jealousy anymore and hugged the other two. It was unfair that only Hinata got a hug so she would insert herself into it if necessary. This had become a rather common occurrence for the three in the past four years.

After a while the girls stopped hugging. As they separated Hinata felt all floaty and happy, all her anger forgotten. She wasn't that angry anyway, what is a few minutes of waiting if she gets a hug from Tomoka for it. In reality, she had been acting since she knew that the other two would employ the Hinata pacifying technique.

"*cough* So are the two of you ready for our date" Tomoka tried to return the atmosphere to a more normal tone with a joke. However, as usual it backfired.

As she finished talking she realized what she had said, making her cheeks turn rosy. She had noticed that the other two also had their cheeks red with a furious blush while looking away.

'Puberty sucks!'

[I find it funny]

'Shut it you old fox!'

While Tomoka offloaded her grievances onto Kurama, Nozomi and Hinata had the word bouncing around their heads. Date, this might as well be a date. After all, they would spend the day together and do stuff together. But what defines something as a date? Afterall, spending time with someone else is also done with friends. No matter, this was definitely a date.

As the two came to this conclusion they stared at Tomoka with fire in their eyes. Not being able to take the stares for any longer Tomoka took the two by the hand and walked away without saying anything.

The other two had their hearts flutter. They were holding hands! This was something couples did when they were on a date right? No matter if someone else is doing the same to their partner on the other side.

Like that the girl's day out became awkward as Nozomi and Hinata twisted Tomoka's actions in their minds to fit into what they considered a date. Tomoka for her part was desperate to keep things normal. She wasn't dense, she knew the two had a crush on her. However, she didn't know how to feel or act about it.

She liked the two girls a lot but she couldn't quite figure out what type of like it was. She enjoyed the time they spent together and wanted to have them by her side always. She wanted to keep them safe no matter what.

Tomoka felt conflicted, her mind or real age could be said to be in the fifties at this point so she felt like entertaining a relationship with them as of now wasn't the greatest of ideas. But then again, they were physically the same age.

'Kurama, what should I do?'

[Oh ho ho, No. Just no. Don't involve me in this. You know what, I am taking a nap] Like that Tomoka was left alone with her thoughts again.

'Fine, I will figure out how to deal with this myself. First I need to know what my feelings for them really are' Thinking that Tomoka began to imagine different scenarios. The first was one where they would become a couple. She imagined them cuddling and even kissing. Her heart fluttered with happiness and excitement at the idea. But this wasn't enough.

The next thing Tomoka imagined was them being with someone else. In Hinata's case it was easier since she could simply pair her with Naruto like in canon. For Nozomi it was a little harder but she paired her with a prince charming made by her imagination.

As she began imagining them happy together with someone else her heart ached she felt like she had drunk a vile substance that clung to the back of her throat. She hated the notion, she absolutely abhorred it. They were her Hinata and her Nozomi.

While Tomoka sunk deeper into her imagination a dark aura started leaking out of her as her hatred flared up. Somewhere else, Naruto felt a chill crawl up his spine. Next to Tomoka Hinata and Nozomi became worried.

"Tomoka, are you alright?"

"What happened? Is there an enemy?"

The two showed their concern as they shook Tomoka's shoulders, breaking her out of her trance. Seeing the two's worried expressions she spoke before she could put a filter to her words.

"The two of you are mine. I won't let anyone else have you because you are already mine" Her Kinegan had activated by itself making her piercing gaze even more stunning.

Hinata felt her heart skip a beat. She couldn't help but get lost in the bubbling pink of Tomoka's eyes. She felt like she could stare into those beautiful eyes forever. However, she was quickly brought out of her trance by Nozomi.

"Always" Nozomi also felt mesmerized by the pair of pink orbs that stared at her with such intensity. Her heart fluttered as her senses became lost in the moment. Tomoka had said they were hers and her heart couldn't help but agree. Leaning forwards, Nozomi gave Tomoka a peck on her right cheek.

"No fair" Hinata had broken out of her trance as she saw Nozomi giving Tomoka a peck on the cheek. Her jealousy overpowered her embarrassment as she also gave Tomoka a peck on her left cheek.

"Wa-wait! Did I say that out loud!?" Tomoka finally came back to her senses as she felt two pairs of soft lips on her cheeks.

""you did"" The two girls said cheerfully despite their bright red cheeks

"Ugh" At that moment Tomoka felt like her heart would explode. She felt extremely happy and embarrassed at the same time. Somehow that had gone well and it could be argued that now they were her girlfriends.

However, the embarrassment of being kissed even if it was only a peck on the cheek added to her possessive confession overpowered her. Tomoka hid her red face by grasping the hood of her hoodie and pulling it down as low as it would go. Ignoring her plight the other two began speaking.

"I guess we are now her girlfriends"


The other two just came to realize what had just happened. They also felt embarrassed but their joy was far greater. Though there was a small problem, none of them knew what to do now.

"F-for now let's just… continue going like we were and see where that leads us" Having been able to calm down a bit Tomoka decided to take responsibility. She would do her best to be the best girlfriend there could ever be and make the two the happiest they could ever be, no matter the price.

Hinata felt weird, she felt both tired and full of energy. Last night she could barely sleep from the sheer excitement still coursing through her body. Tomoka, herself and Nozomi had become girlfriends.

For the longest time Hinata had been satisfied with being Tomoka's friend but a year ago she realized her feelings towards Tomoka were changing. From the events of yesterday she understood that she wasn't the only one whose feelings changed.

Every time she remembered Tomoka's eyes and words her heart accelerated as her emotions overflowed her body making it hard to fall asleep. This morning she felt somewhat tired from the lack of sleep and yet energized from the mere thought of spending time with her frie-... girlfriends.

'That will take some time getting used to' She found it still hard to believe that their relationship became as it is. To tell the truth she was sure that one of them would end up as Tomoka's girlfriend some time in the future.

'I didn't expect her to choose both of us.' Hinata wanted to feel angry at that. However, she couldn't. For starters her enmity with Nozomi was long gone and instead they had become great friends and rivals. To tell the truth, Hinata felt happy that neither of them had to have their hearts broken for the benefit of the other.

Now that the three were together Hinata also realized something else. She had also developed feelings for Nozomi. They weren't as strong as those she held for Tomoka but now that her worries were settled she could find them.

'Maybe she feels the same way' For Hinata that would be a plus.

'Either way it's getting late' It was early morning and she had a date to go to.

Before the trio separated the day before they had agreed to have another date today. Afterall, Tomorrow would be their last day of academy where they would be assigned their instructor for their time as genin.

'Hope we are placed in the same team' The thought of being put in different teams scared her a little. She didn't want to be separated from Tomoka for so long. Much worse would it be if she was placed in a team without either of them.

'No, no, I need to be positive. For sure we will be all in the same team' Shoving her worries out of her mind Hinata got ready for the day.

A while later Hinata waited at the gate of the Hyuga compound and like yesterday her girlfriends were late. She didn't have to wait all that long, only an extra ten minutes but she would still take advantage of it.

"You two are late! Again!" Her tone of voice was displeased or at least that's what she tried to sound like. A moment later as expected Nozomi pushed Tomoka towards her. However, Hinata was determined to get a little bit more out of the situation.

"Just a hug won't be enough this time" As she said that she tried her best to calm her racing heart. She felt like she would melt into a happy pudle while being hugged by Tomoka.

"Then how about this?" With a cheeky grin Tomoka planted her lips on Hinata's cheek causing the latter's face to turn tomato red. Though of course Tomoka received heavy backlash from her own attack causing her own cheeks to heat up and turn red as well.

"No fair, me too!" Without waiting a moment Hinata's other cheek was also kissed by Nozomi causing Hinata's embarrassment and happiness to flare up with an intensity she couldn't handle.

"You two are bullies" Hinata couldn't help but say while pouting. She hadn't expected such an assault when she asked for something more. Maybe a head pat or something but not having her cheeks kissed by the two people she loves the most.

"Maybe, but you are too cute when you are like this" Hearing that dealt another critical blow to the poor Hyuga girl. Today it seemed like Tomoka's kamikaze assault was in full swing and wouldn't stop any time soon or not.

"That said, I have something very important to tell the two of you" In an instant Tomoka's demeanor changed to that of full seriousness.

"Now that you two are my girlfriends I don't want to keep secrets. I am not asking you two to tell me yours but I will tell you mine. follow me, we will need somewhere more private" With that Tomoka began walking away leaving both her girlfriends confused and worried.

In a random forested part inside Konoha three girls stood in tense silence. Tomoka's heart beat had ramped up to the point she felt like it would crawl out of her mouth. The other two weren't in any better state than her.

"All right, I have two secrets. I believe the two of you as my girlfriends have the right to know. One has to do with the village and the other one is entirely mine. Which one do you wish to hear first?" Tomoka spoke her words slowly and with an even tone hiding her nervousness.

After muling over it for a while Hinata took a step forward and spoke which surprised the other two. Normally Hinata would leave decision making to the two of them so this one was a first.

"How about you tell us the one involving the village first since it might be less personal than the other?" Even though she had collected her courage and spoke in the end she was still the usual Hinata so it came out as a suggestion.

"Sounds good" Nozomi said while nodding.

"Alright, before I start I want you, Nozomi, to stay calm and let me finish. It will be hard for you but please understand. With that said I will need to give the two of you a bit of a history lesson.

After the warring era when the five great ninja villages were created, our dear first Hokage wishing for peace did the most foolish thing I have ever heard of in my life. He captured the tailed beasts which are sentient beings made of a shit ton of chakra, there are nine in total. He then proceeded to gift them to the other villages as tokens of peace.

Each village kept two except for Konohagakure which kept the strongest of them, the kyubi. Since these beasts are sentient they had to be contained or they would cause a lot of chaos. The solution for this problem was sealing them inside a human vessel known as a jinchuuriki.

Here is where my secret comes to play… I am one of two jinchuurikis here in Konoha."

Silence fell as the two girls soaked in the information I had just given them. It didn't take long for Nozomi to connect the dots.

"Was… was the kyubi the one that attacked Konoha twelve years ago?" Nozomi's hands balled her hands into fists that she held so tight her knuckles turned white.

"Yes though there are other circumstances in that event that-"

"What other circumstances! That monster killed so many people! It killed my parents!" Nozomi's sharingan had activated out of the sheer hatred she felt for the demon fox. Her entire body shook as she fought to keep herself from lashing out. However, it all melted away as Tomoka hugged her tight. She wanted to be angry but the soothing warmth provided by the one she loved was like a promise that all would be alright, I promise she wanted to believe.

"I will explain everything, just calm down okay?"

Hinata felt a little left out at the moment but she understood this was important to Nozomi. Afterall, Hinata had lost her mother not that long ago. After Hanabi's birth Hinata's mother contracted an unknown sickness. By the time Hanabi became one her mother passed away. That was very recently only three months ago. Hinata felt hurt at the time but Tomoka had helped her out.

~Flash back no jutsu~

Hinata was devastated. Her beloved mother had passed and now here she stood, at her funeral. Her heart ached with the knowledge that she wouldn't be able to see her smile again. That she wouldn't be pampered by her again. That she wouldn't be able to feel that motherly love ever again.

"When happy memories turn sad you need to remember that when the pain goes away they will become far more important. Hinata you're lucky." At that Hinata felt a tinge of anger. How could she be lucky when her mother died!

"How could you say that!?" Tomoka gave Hinata small sad smile. Even though she did have loving parents in this life. In her past they couldn't be called loving at all. Her childhood, her true childhood, had been ruined by those two unloving people. Even though the wounds have been healed somewhat, the scars remain.

"I say it because it's the truth. Unlike others you at least got to feel the love of a mother." Saying that Hinata noticed that Tomoka turned to look at Nozomi and Naruto. That is when she understood what Tomoka was trying to say.

Even though she lost her mother she at least got to experience her love and care. She got to make happy memories with her mother and overall grow loved even if said love came from only one parent.

"Death comes for all of us sooner or later. What is important is living the short time we have in this world without regrets"

Hinata just nodded and kept silent. Her sadness had subsided a bit and now she just felt tired and melancholic. At least, she had her happy memories with her mother and now she could make happy memories with her friends.

After a while Nozomi calmed down. She wanted to trust Tomoka and so she would. Nozomi decided to repress her anger for the time being. Tomoka had never let her down so she hoped that whatever explanation she gave would be enough.

"Uhm, you said that Konoha only has one tailed beast, right? Then, why are there two jinchurikis?" Hinata brought the conversation back on track.

"That is because no one could become the vessel for the kyubi at the time. In the past the Uzumaki clan would send someone to become the jinchuuriki. However, as you know that clan was destroyed during the second shinobi war. The reason why the Uzumaki clan made for good vessels is due to their immense life force.

During the attack twelve years ago there was no Uzumaki alive who could become the vessel… or rather, there was no mature Uzumaki for that. As you two know we have a friend that goes by that surname."

"Wait a second… Does that mean that Naruto is the other jinchuuriki?" Nozomi couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"Bingo. The fourth Hokage's solution to the problem was splitting the kyuubi into two. One with all of its yin chakra, which is the one sealed inside me and the other with all its yang chakra which is sealed in Naruto.

Well, the original plan of the fourth was to use a forbidden jutsu to seal the yin part inside himself while the jutsu killed him. However, I coincidentally ended up nearby and as you two can see from my bright red hair I could be considered of the Uzumaki clan."

"That does not explain the circumstances you were talking about. That thing inside you is dangerous! I can't believe the fourth would do something as ridiculous as sealing a demon fox inside two babies!" Nozomi's anger towards Konoha grew strongers. First the third let her clan be eradicated and now the fourth sealed a demon inside her girlfriend!

"Calm down, the kyubi wasn't entirely responsible for what happened. He was being controlled by a sharingan, to be more specific a mangekyo sharingan from a traitor called Obito. The only two kills that could be attributed to him through all that would be the death of Minato Namikaze the fourth Hokague and Kushina Uzumaki his wife and previous jinchuuriki."

"So it's all that Obito guy's fault?" Nozomi still felt reluctant to let her hatred of the kyubi go but she was willing to do so for Tomoka. Obito on the other hand has become her revenge target. That guy had to die by her hand no matter what.

"Yes, if you want I could pull the two of you into my mindscape so that you could converse with the kyubi."

'Oi, Kurama if they accept I want you to apologize to Nozomi'

[What? why? I have nothing to apologize for! I wasn't in control at the time not to mention that they were probably trying to seal me as well!]

'Kurama, play nice or I will change my mindscape into a smoldering desert for a month!'

[Uhk… fine, but I want you to change the mindscape into a nice and comfy prairie for a week after]


"Alright, I want to listen to what this demon fox has to say." Nozomi's gaze became determined.

"I, uhm, would like to see it as well."

"Good then sit down with your legs crossed and I will do the rest."

Following Tomoka's instructions the two sat down. A moment later Tomoka sat behind them while placing her hands on their backs. She had no idea of how Bee or Naruto did this in the anime so she devised her own method.

"This will feel a bit uncomfortable, please don't resist." As Tomoka warned them she began.

Her method consisted of using her phantoms. First, two phantoms would possess Hinata and Nozomi. These phantoms came from her reservoir of phantoms living inside her body. Next she would use the phantoms to disconnect their nervous system from their bodies placing them into a pseudo-sleeping state. Next, she connected the phantoms to another pair inside her mindscape.

Like this Tomoka made a pseudo-virtual reality using her phantoms. Now the phantoms possessing Hinata and Nozomi would work as relays, and the phantoms inside her mindscape would work as the avatars the two would use. As a last step Tomoka had the two phantoms inside her mindscape use a henge to look as their respective users.

'Link start'
