
Arrival of the Guild Leader

The room stirred as Rasce's loud warning shook everyone from their sleep. The two adventuring parties struggled to their feet, groaning with morning aches and rubbing exhaustion from their bleary eyes. 

Sorrin yawned, standing and stretching, his hand falling to his sword. "Whose coming?"

"The Guild Leader," Rasce replied grimly. 

"Good. I've got a few questions to ask him," Sorrin muttered. "He's got a lot to account for."

"Wait," I called. I jumped to my feet, perhaps standing too quickly, as a rush of dizziness overtook me. Fable pressed against my side, stabilizing me, and I rubbed a horn, closing my eyes until the world stopped moving. 

"Starlight?" Tana asked with concern.

"It's nothing," I muttered, steadying myself with a breath. "Just be careful with Helron. His soul looked the same as theirs."

They followed my gesture to the Dawn Blades, who were busy running their hands over their healed bodies, eyes full of wonder.
