
Unknown Lands

I awoke lying on the ground, soft shoots of grass tickling around my ears. Sunlight bathed me in gentle warmth, broken by soft shadows that wove before my face. The wind sighed in my ears, carrying the rustle of leaves and the clear chirp of birds. It was quiet and peaceful, and for a time, even the constant throb of the Sunpurge faded away. I allowed myself, for a time, to soak it in without daring to open my eyes, afraid that the moment I did, it would vanish into the cold steel and stone of dungeon walls. If this were a dream, I'd rather not wake up.

Something stirred beside me. A moment later, a long, polished shaft slid into my parted fingers. A tingle raced through my fingers and down my arm.

"Go away," I muttered, trying to push away the staff. "Just a little longer."
