

Following my acceptance of her declaration, Elise settled back and continued her story. 

"As for the engagement, do you remember Prince Jarrod of the Brithlite Kingdom? He's one of the Three Titan Fists, here at the university. Our families have known each other for a long time, but because of the curse, his parents forbade him from speaking with me. But now that I'm free, he received permission to propose! It's technically an arranged marriage for political gains between our kingdoms, but…" she giggled, a cute blush darkening her cheeks. "It's something I've dreamed about for a long time. When he finally confessed, I was so shocked I couldn't reply!"

"That's wonderful," I murmured, bathed in the radiance of her smile. For the briefest moment, the dark haze hovering over me dissipated, parted by the pure joy of her smile.

"You know," she said, "There's one more thing I'm grateful to you for, but it might be hard to explain. See, I think…I think I died."
