One of the worst types of villains was those without solid motives behind their evil actions. That was what Hera was and which was why many didn't want her as an enemy. However, villains of those types were twice as terrifying once they moved with intention. Especially if the root of their actions stemmed from anger — wrath.
One had to be prepared because even if others knew what was coming, they could never do anything to stop it. Like an animal trapped in a train track, all they could do was watch the incoming train as smoke billowed in the sky.
"Uh…" the only woman in the group trembled in fear, watching Heaven beat up the guys mercilessly. The men tried fighting back but to no avail. They couldn't even land a punch because Heaven was too swift for them.
'I…' the woman carefully took a step back, creating a distance from that deranged woman on top of the man.