
Chapter 428 – Can you identify her?

"Young lady, you still haven't answered my question," he said, annoyed by the flirtatious look on her face when his pen dropped on the ground.

Before he picked it up, Brea bent down and picked it up for him without thinking, her heart skipping a bit when the man before her flashed her a grateful smile.

"Thank you."

"I…I find it hard to identify the signs," Brea spoke in a slightly hoarse voice and cleared her throat. Internally, she was congratulating herself for finding the perfect excuse's birthday.

The man's brows raised a little as he replied, "be careful next time."

Brea took another look at him before she reluctantly smiled, saying, "thank you," and walked away.

The man was cute indeed but not as much as Robin. The chief of the security agents did not stop her, quickly scanning the fingerprints with a device and sending it to the server where either Peter or Daniel could access it.
