
Chapter 144 – the new owner of the villa

Zayla indeed got Robin's full attention this time. She picked it very well, it could not be reduced because this was a serious accusation. Robin had no idea what she was talking about and if it was indeed true, then how could he trust Sabrina?

"Zayla, what diamonds are you talking about?" Robin asked, this time in a soft tone. As a businessman, diamonds meant a lot so indeed, he was interested in this diamond of a thing. Zayla realized too late how she lacked control of her emotions and spilled the beans.


Her heart thumped, as she expected Robin to forget the words she spoke. If Robin found the diamonds, then her father could never have it. 

What is wrong with Zayla. Why did she have to speak before thinking? "I did not mention anything like that," she quickly refused but Robin was not stupid. He saw the seriousness with which she said it and knew that it was true.

