
Chapter 16 – His fiancé

Arriving at the office, Robin was met with his secretary, Aria. She was very diligent and had worked with Robin for four years. During those days, Robin had wanted to hit on her but Aria was saved in time with a marriage proposal, just a few weeks after she began working with Robin. A month after the proposal, she got married. No matter Robin's wild life with women, the married ones were a no-go area for him.

"Mr. Jewel, we have an invitation to the Count President's Birthday party in two weeks. There is also an invitation for a trade union for gold miners. Also, the fashion…."

"That's enough, Aria, can't you breathe?" Robin was irritated by her continuous rattling but Aria was confused. Robin was the one who trained her that way. He was very busy and did not like to be kept waiting. Aria stared at him with wide eyes, her feet rooting to the spot. This has been their routine for the past four years. Robin took deep breaths and stared at her.
