
I do love him:

Elezabeth pov:

I m standing there being all zoomed out what is happening is he really confessed but if dad knows about this he will surely kill him what should I do I come back in my senses when Alen shack me

Alen: Are you ok?

Elizabeth: I think I have to go now

Alen: I m waiting for your answer

Elezabeth pov:

I run from there , now I m in my room breathing heavily I went near the bed and sit on it Sofia is confused she ask

Sofia: What happened? Are you ok?

Elizabeth: I will tell you if you promise you won't over react

Sofia: What is it? Tell me.

Elizabeth: Prince Alen

Sofia: What ?

Elizabeth: he says he loves me

Sofia: WHAT

Elizabeth: you said you won't over react.

Sofia: I m not over reacting , you know rules

Elizabeth: I know that's why I can't reply him

Sofia: Tell him that you hate him

Elizabeth: but I don't hate him

Sofia: Are you In your senses you know your dad and also that bitch

Elizabeth: I don't do it on purpose it's just happened

Sofia: Don't tell me that you also love him

Elizabeth: I don't know it's love or not it's like a new feeling to me, When he is around me I feel like I am safe , I tell him everything whome I can't tell other , He always make me happy and he tries his best to make my dreams true , I always want a man like him for me , I don't know what this feeling is called if it's love them yes I do love him

Sofia: I don't know I feel happy or sad

Elizabeth: But I m happy

Sofia : then I am also happy

Elizabeth: I will try to confess dad

Sofia: No not know listen hide it from others don't tell anyone about it it's dangerous

Elizabeth: ok , I won't tell anyone

Sofia: It's time for lunch I will go and see the kitchen ok

Elizabeth: hmm ok

Elizabeth pov:

When Sofia left I lay down on my bed and thinking about Alen , What should I do know , Should I tell him or not , I felt asleep while thinking about him

Alen pov:

I m in my room thinking about what I did earlier ,What if she reject me or if she loves some one else , But according to royal rules she can't love some one urghhhhh what is gonna happen now

Time skips:

At night:

Alen pov:

I m near the tree where we decide to do the practice, I m here cuz princess Elizabeth wants to meet me

Flash back:

Alen pov:

I am in my thoughts when someone knocks on my door I opened the door and there is Sofia

Alen: yes?

Sofia: princess Elizabeth wants to see you come near the tree where you teach her

Alen: Ok I m coming

Sofia: Not know at 9:00 clock ok

Alen: ok

Flash back ends:

Alen: I m in my own thoughts when princess cone towards me

Elizabeth: hmm hello

Alen: hey

Elizabeth: you ask me a question about my feelings

Alen: yes tell me

Elizabeth: I also love you

Alen pov:

when she admits that she also love me I think that I win a war

Alen: you do ?

Elizabeth: yess I do

Alen pov:

I smiled looking at her but for mine shook she hugs me and when she hugs me I felt butterflies in my stomach I hug her back then after breaking the hug we sit under that tree and talk about random stuffs

Time skips:

Next morning:

Elizabeth pov:

I wake up as sunshine hits my face , another morning another day but today I felt different, I felt special I sit on my bed and after sometime I stands up taking my feet near washroom

Time skip:

Sofia pov:

I entered in Elezabeth room but I am shocked to see that she is up , I go near her and say

Sofia: Are you ok ?

Elizabeth: yes , why?

Sofia:Cuz you are up this early

Elizabeth: I don't know

Sofia: So tell me about last night

Elizabeth: Ok sit

Sofia sit on Elezabeth's bed and Elezabeth tell her everything she is kinda happy for her age wants to see her happy but deep down she is afraid from the faith , Cuz She knows the consequences

Flash back:

Sofia has a boyfriend whome she loves very much he is a knight and Sofia is a royal maid One day king got to know about them and cuz there is a rule about love that's why they imprisoned him and he is still in the jail beaten up regularly Sofia try her best to free him but she can't , the reason why they don't kill him is that he is a loyal knight who safe king's life that's why they only imprisoned him

Flash back ends:

Time skips :

At Royal Entrance:

All the Knights and all the royal maids including Princess Elezabeth and prince Alen is standing waiting for king and queen cuz they are coming back after sometime there ride is here

Elizabeth: Welcome back

King: thank you my princess

Queen: Stop that drama I m tired I m going in

King: first all of you come to royal court I need to announce something

Time skip:

At Royal court:

King: So all of you are here , Elizabeth

Elizabeth: yess Dad?

King: I arrange your marriage with prince Jone

Elizabeth: What

Alen pov:

I m standing there silently but when he admit that they arrange Elizabeth marriage I felt shocked and look at her

Elizabeth pov:

I can't believe what dad say I look at him in shocked and say

Elizabeth: what? Why? I don't want to get married this early

King: He is a good boy , he is coming tomorrow, meet him then you will know that he is really good

Alen: But she don't want to marry

Queen: That's non of your business prince this is our kingdom and we will do what we want
