
AZI Volume 3 Chapter 56


Catching up to Wang Yongning—whose body is still a meter off the ground, and is continuing to fly backwards, Tian Cheng appears above him, and grabs him by the face.

(Truly, it's been far too long since I've had the chance to fight.)

Thinking of this, the Tai Xuan Emperor raises a smile of excitement on the inside.

In the next instance—

*Boom!* smashing Wang Yongning down, the Tai Xuan Emperor proceeds to rotate her body, while dragging the former's face along—prior to tossing him towards another direction.

"This speed and strength of hers is quite troublesome…"

Before he could fly more than ten meters away, Wang Yongning mutters this, as he manages to regain his balance, and halt his flight by stabbing his daggers into the ground, and sliding to a stop.

*Bak!* with a flash of electricity, the Tai Xuan Emperor appears in front of Wang Yongning, and sweeps her right foot towards his face!

Towards the incoming attack, Wang Yongning raises a single dagger off the ground, and positions it in front of the kick's trajectory.

In response to her opponent's reaction, the Tai Xuan Emperor lowers her foot, and shifts her position to get behind Wang Yongning—to cleave with Kun.

*Klang!* turning his body around in an awkward manner—that would normally dislocate a few bones, Wang Yongning raises his second dagger, and blocks off the cleave.

Having her attack blocked, the Tai Xuan Emperor inwardly thought—

(Hmm, compared to my original body, this combat body feels far too lackluster. Still, I shouldn't be too surprised about that…)

*Klang! Klang! Klang!* continuing to pin Wang Yongning in a crouched position, the Tai Xuan Emperor slashes at the former with Kun repeatedly.

*Klang!* parrying another one of the Tai Xuan Emperor's attacks, Wang Yongning readjusts his grip over the dagger in his left hand, and lunges it forward.

As the Tai Xuan Emperor leaps back to avoid the lunge, Wang Yongning rises off the ground, and leaps into the air while rotating his body.

In the same instance, the ribbons of Wang Yongning's armor, which are shrouded in white flames, are swept towards the Tai Xuan Emperor.


Watching the flames—that are wrapped around the ribbons, expand in volume, the Tai Xuan Emperor narrows her magenta-colored eyes beneath her helmet.

Gradually, these flames dislodge from the ribbons, and are thrown towards her in a fan-shaped pattern.


Drawing on Long Hua's sword Qi, the Tai Xuan Emperor divides the incoming flames, and as soon as they are divided, Wang Yongning advances with one dagger lunged outwards.

Just as it would seem like Wang Yongning's attack wouldn't be able to reach the Tai Xuan Emperor, flames erupt from the dagger, and assumed the form of a colossal blade.

(It's over!)

Seeing the blade of white flames pierce through the enemy's chest, Wang Yongning is assured of his victory.

Different from a Sinner—who is capable of Partial-Apotheosis, an Immortal isn't capable of recovering from such a wound.

*Thud!* as the Tai Xuan Emperor's body lands onto the ground, Wang Yongning heaves a sigh of relief.



*Chi! Chi! Chi!* as electric energy spews from the Tai Xuan Emperor's body, the flames—that are continuing to burn her, are brushed aside.

Simultaneously, the damaged portions of the combat body—melts, and reform themselves like soft clay.

Clicking her tongue on the inside, the Tai Xuan Emperor thought—

(I really need to make that surnamed * spend more resources, and get me an SSR rarity combat body.)

Due to her contract with Dao He Tian Xue, support in the form of making a move—to directly assist in the killing of Long Hua's enemies is not allowed; however, killing an enemy through a combat body is still acceptable.

Raising a frown, and reassuming his combat stance, Wang Yongning can't help but ask—

"What the hell are you?"

Ignoring the question, the Tai Xuan Emperor asks back—

"What would happen if I severed your head, and kicked that head of yours into the distance?"

Believing this to be the Tai Xuan Emperor's intent, Wang Yongning raises his guard; however—

*Bak!* with a flash of electric energy, the Tai Xuan Emperor closes the distance between them, and sweeps Kun in from the right.

*Klang!* blocking the sword off with one dagger, Wang Yongning isn't given a chance to catch his breath, as Kun's scabbard appears in the Tai Xuan Emperor's left hand, and is already headed for his neck.

Having read this move ahead of time, Wang Yongning manages to block it off with his second dagger, but—


Dropping her hold over both Kun and its scabbard, the Tai Xuan Emperor wraps her hands around Wang Yongning's neck.


Applying strength into her hands, and pressing one foot against the enemy's abdomen, the Tai Xuan Emperor mercilessly pulls Wang Yongning's head off!

"…Truly does feel off."

Directing a cold gaze at Wang Yongning's head, the Tai Xuan Emperor frowns beneath her helmet.

Kicking Wang Yongning's body off into the distance, the Tai Xuan Emperor then proceeds to turn the other way, and throws the former's head in the opposite direction.

*Guuuuu!!!* looking up at the crystal cluster, which has been cleanly severed from the ceiling, the Tai Xuan Emperor smiles, while thinking—

(The amount of spirit Qi needed to activate this magic array—that rewinds time, couldn't have been little. The fact that that crystal was able to contain the necessary amount—means it's definitely a rarity.)

Maintaining her smile, the Tai Xuan Emperor begins making her way back to Long Hua.
