
AZI Volume 2 Chapter 14

[In any case, resistance is futile, you're completely surrounded, so hand over that map to New Moon Village.]

Towards Nian Tao Tao's words that came through the military doll's speakers, Nian Yao Yao frowns, as she thought—

(I can tell she's really proud of herself for being granted the opportunity to say those words…)



Making eye contact with Tian Cheng, Long Hua sees her mouthing off two words without voicing it aloud.

(I guess we need to buy some time.)

"Old hag, don't you feel even a hint of embarrassment at trying to steal something of your own daughter's?"

[So, you admit to being my daughter when it's convenient for you?]

"You brought ten Moon Guards and all these dolls to me for what exactly? Deep down, I know you can't give out the order to shoot."

Although Nian Yao Yao is correct about this, there is something shameless about her tone.

[Indeed. As a mother, I cannot possibly be so cruel as to kill my own daughter. But I can kill those around you. Such as this Moon Guard that's been with you throughout her entire life, or that boy—who managed to throw those chopsticks so skillfully.]


Agreeing with this, Nian Yao Yao's frown deepens.

"Old hag, how about playing a game with me?"

[Let me guess. You want to pit your two combatants and yourself against my Moon Guards, and if your side wins, I'd forget about the map and let you out free?]

"Something of that nature."

[Hmm. I am in a giving mood since it's been so long.]

"So then?"

Observing the two's conversation, Long Hua finds the situation to be rather unusual—with how quick the two are in agreeing to such a wager.

[According to word on the streets, that boy's combat style is quite unique. I do wish to see it.]

"All yours then, Long Hua."

Towards Nian Yao Yao's decision to have him take care of everything, Long Hua can't help but feel a bit abused, as he turns around, and looks to the military doll that is being used as a glorified cellphone.

"Hang on, don't I get a say in this?"

[Oh? I thought my daughter was your employer, so you'd listen to her every demand.]

Shrugging his shoulders, Long Hua replies—

"I see myself as more of an associate of some kind. But that aside, shouldn't employees get a say—depending on what it is that is being asked of them?"

[My Moon Guards have never once complained to me about their assignments, so I wouldn't know.]

"Talk about a sweatshop like environment. You want entertainment, then pay up."

[Interesting attitude you have there. What form of payment would you like then?]

Blinking his eyes, Long Hua frowns, and thought—

(What is she planning? I really don't like how… Despite how smooth the proceedings are, I still feel as if I'm dancing on top of her palm. What's even worse is how obvious she's making this out to be—while knowing that I don't really have much of a choice but to walk in the direction she's pointing to.)

Thinking for a bit, Long Hua answers—

"An undecided favor."

Raising an eye, Nian Yao Yao remarks—

"…Hm? Hey Long Hua, I hope I'm only imagining this, but are you using this as an opportunity to make some life-saving arrangements ahead of time; in case, I fail to take over the Long Yue family in the future?"

"Something like that. Besides, it doesn't go against our contract."

"Men are all scum…"

[You'd be hard-pressed to find a man that isn't. In any case… Hmm, if you can take down one of my Moon Guards in less than a minute, I'll agree to it.]


Glancing at Zhui Yun, Long Hua mouths a phrase without voicing it aloud.

(Get ready to run? Hmm.)

Receiving the message, Zhui Yun readies herself, and it was also then that she noticed how—

(That doll has had her eyes opened for a while now… Is she hacking these things?)

(Ai, why must it be today of all days?)

Inwardly raising a sigh, Jing Yao can't help but lament about being dragged into this mess.

[What's with the sour look, Jing Yao? Oh, I forgot to mention this before, but your older sister is here with me, would it make you feel better if you talked to her?]

Hearing this from Nian Tao Tao, Jing Yao turns to the military doll with a look of surprise, but rather quickly, her expression turns slightly cold, as she asks—

"She's still alive?"

[Didn't expect this to be the first thing you'd ask about me.]

"We've… Nothing to really talk about."

Having declared this, Jing Yao takes a sip of tea. She finally knows why she was feeling a bit irritated ever since they had left Zhou Chen's mansion.

[Guess we'll save it for later. Your name was Long Hua, was it? Go ahead, and pick your opponent.]

Prior to answering, Long Hua looks to Tian Cheng, who gives him a nod.

"My opponent will be… Him."

Grabbing the edge of the table, Long Hua abruptly raises it into the air, and rotating his body, he tosses the large piece of furniture towards a red-masked Moon Guard.


Towards the table that is flying at him like a saucer, the Moon Guard reaches his hands outward, and catches it.

Upon receiving the table, the momentum behind the furniture slides the Moon Guard's feet back by about six steps, and just as he is about to throw it back—

"The deal was to take you down in less than a minute."

Long Hua had already closed the distance between them, as tableware and food were thrown into the air by his landing onto the table's surface.


Before the Moon Guard is able to react, twin serpents emerge from Long Hua's back, and acting like the blades of a scissor, they decapitate the former's head in the next instance!

"Do it Tian Cheng!"


Receiving Long Hua's command, Tian Cheng instantly assumes control of 12 military dolls—aside from the one that is being used as a communication device.


"They got hacked?"

Pushing the Moon Guards aside, the military dolls tackle the pillars closest to them, and—

*Boom! Boom! Boom!* 12 explosions go off simultaneously, as the dolls self-destruct!

With the support pillars damaged, the ceiling over the masses' heads begins to shake, as the entirety of the 100th floor that is above them starts to cave downwards!

"You're utterly insane!"

Realizing what is happening, a Moon Guard that is shorter in stature, and is wearing a white oni mask curses at Long Hua, as she disconnects herself from her grappling hook, and makes a mad dash towards the double doors.

"That bastard!"

"Start running!"

"This is the worst day of my life!"

Agreeing with the Moon Guard—Zhui Yun, Nian Yao Yao, and Jing Yao breaks into a run.

"Lady Jing, allow me."

Noticing how slow Jing Yao is due to her attire, Tian Cheng scoops her off the ground, and carries her towards the double doors.

"After them! Don't let them get away! Someone call up the remaining dolls as well!"

"The stairs! We need to get to ground level as soon as possible!"

Positioning herself at the back of the group, Zhui Yun takes out a flashbang, and pulls the pin.

"Eat this!"

*Bam!* tossing it behind her, the grenade goes off—blinding their pursuers for a brief instance.
