
Easier with him

The view presented to Mia was one of the most beautiful views she had seen in a long time.  The light sand stretched for a while until they come across rocky waters. There were a few rocks and lots of water.  The water was coming down from a waterfall, and it seems so pure.

"Wow.  How did you discover this place?" She smiled at Declan.

"I told you, it was an accident. I don't think a lot of people in this community know about this waterfall and that's what makes it more special.  It feels like it belongs to me."

Amelia continued staring at the water rushing from the fall, down to the river and how it continued moving on without the rocks hindering it from moving ahead.  She had no idea if it was possible to be jealous of non-living things, but she was jealous of the freedom the water had.

She turned back to him, "Do you think your parent know about it?"
