
Chapter 14: On the road

Salem POV

It's been three days and Morrigan and I where currently left the little town and where now on the road, I did spend a little time getting to know the Shiruku family and it turns out they were from the eastern continent in a country called Taiyo country. I wasn't familiar with the place so when they gave an explanation of what it was like and they showed me some pictures and it was a lot similar to Japan now I knew what was on the origins of their houses design and dressing, there were both very kind and even made me some extra batch of clothes as the owned a tailor. But geez man there was so much about Earthland that I didn't know about.

I also visited Doctor Maple to buy some medical supplies from and since he was a doctor, I took the ones he recommended. I fooled around with my Rathalos form and it basically turned me into a human wyvern hybrid and replaced my arms with its week, talons, scales, full take over was possible but it was a little difficult to maintain. Now I was on the road with Morrigan and we were heading to the direction of my next anomaly in a place called the Twilight Slopes. It was far away from Enia but Morrigan had a magic vehicle with her and good thing as we were on a dirt road. but hers was different it like the weirdly designed ones from the show as hers looked really cool, plus she told me that a lacrima powers is but she has to pre charge it with magic.  

"Just how much did this thing cost?" I asked Morrigan as a vehicle like this must have cost a tone.

"Really fucking expensive junior. The costs going into the custom design, the color and the mechanical workings to support the lacrima. In fact, the only reason why I have this is because I know a guy." She said flinching probably from the amount of money she spent on this thing.

"So, a shit load of cash from your pockets then. But why not get a normal one?" I meant would have saved her a lot of money.

"I needed something more of my style kid." She answered simply. "By the what's with the history book junior?"

"Oh, since am going to be here in Pergranda for a while I might as well know its basic history." I bought a book from the library about the countries history to at least get a basic rundown of it. "By the way I know where going to twilight slopes but how far is it really?"

"Oh, for now am holding off on twilight slopes and stopping at a clearing for a little while."

"Why is the lacrima out of magic or something?"

"Yep, I've been using it for a while now and my girl really needs to recharge real soon." After she said that and after some time, she stopped by a rocky forest area. "All right Junior we'll be camping in this forest for about a day. It takes a little long to fill up my girl here with magic but we're going to pass the Boiling beds dessert to get to twilight slopes so I don't won't it ruining out of magic while we're in there."

"Why does that dessert full of bandit activity or some sand village which is hostile towards outsider?"

"Well good guess but still no as the dessert which actually has people living in it is the Ivory wasteland. This dessert particular is full giant sand worms, giant scorpions, some sand golems and dessert lizard etc.

"Isn't there like a safe route of something?"

"There is but after some recent events people have just been going around it know which wastes a lot of time and I really don't like recharging my ride frequently."

After she found a suitable place to stop the magic vehicle and basically camped out, and I went outside to practice my magic to get ready for my next anomaly while she charged her ride. I was just using practicing my Rathalos form and busting some boulders through my strength and fire breathing.

"Hey kid what benefits does that form give you besides the usual physical boosts?" Morrigan asked while she sat on her ride watching me train.

"Oh, from what I can tell I got some mini fire magic and high fire resistance for now am still exploring what I can do." I flew down to her transforming back to normal.

"Hm well how about a little spar to test it out then." When she said that I couldn't help but raise a brow now its not like am denying the spar but didn't she need to fill up the magic vehicle. "Oh, don't worry its just a quick spar for nothing serious." Ithan say her basically put the whole car in the her requip pocket dimension. "Oh, don't be so surprised Junior remember the more magic you have the bigger your pocket dimension is."

"Hmm if you say so." And with that we got into positions and I transformed into my Rathalos form and got into fighting position. We than dashed and struck her with my talons which she dodged and she was about to give a hard punch but I took skies. Since I had wings instead hands and no proper kicking technique a little long range will be the best option.

I than breathing fire balls at her which she was easily dodging like a pro and she jumped toward at me in high speeds and I barely reacted and quickly m roared a big blast of fire from my mouth towards her. My instincts kicked in and I felt a strong blow on my left check throwing me higher in the air but on reflex my tail to smack the source. I got my bearings and I saw Morrigan with her wings out rubbing a side of her face.

"Anatomy transmutation: Claw Harden!" Her arms than began to morph and turn black and her nails seemed to have grown and looked sharper. "Don't just stay there staring at me attack!" I didn't hesitant and blow a stream of fire at her but she just held out her hand and easily blocked the attack.

'Okay so she basically has greed from fma's powers' She than zipped in front on and gave me a hard slash to the stomach with got past the scales protecting it drawing some blood. I throw an upwards kick with my talon but she blocked with her hardened arm but she than moved away much to my confusion.

"Hm interesting." She mumbled looking at the arm I clawed. Without further why began zooming around clashing with each other at high speeds which she was mostly wining but I was getting some hits in. I flung some fire balls at her frequently here and there but she easily dodged them I was holding out to her hits mostly thanks to my scaly body.

She than turned her arm into a tentacle and stretched and capture me but I dodged it and was after a few more speed clashed she got me and pulled me in but not before blowing a fire ball at her she smacked away. When she pulled me, her face was completely neutral like she was a little disappointed.

"Really kid don't you have anything else besides breathing and spiting fire?" She asked but I think she didn't she notice that the fire balls I was spiting weren't all gone but floating up behind her and so I head butted her making her let go of me letting me get some distance. "OW! Okay should have se… The fuck!?" She questioned as she saw multiple fire balls surrounding her.

"Hellzone." I than made them all attack Morrigan causing a blazing explosion in the mix. After the smoked cleared Morrigan looked like Kirishima when using his powers but looked like she took damage be it minimal. "Fuck me man." I sighed. She than speed blitzed me and laned critical hits before I could do something her arm grows huge and smacked hard to the ground leaving a crater.

Sure, the excuse durability reduced the damage of the attack it still hurt like hell and most of my armored scales seemed to be cracked. I transformed back to a human breathing heavily from the spar and looked up and saw Morrigan decent down.

"Not bad Junior got me by surprise a little there." She then turned off her magic and offered me a hand up which I took and began recovery. "Ready for some?" She asked and I nodded. "Okay first one you got to increase the time it takes you transform if it was a real battle to the death, I would have killed you while you were transforming so work on that as in most fights life or death if battle the faster opponent controls the flow of a fight easier.

Two: Stop getting your head in your own ass sometimes especially in a fight as enemies can easily to advantage of your lack of focus. Finally, will you have decent magic control its still not very defined and you use it absurd amounts of its power leading to you burning through soldiers fast." She finished and man looks like still got a long way to go.

"Damn what do I do to refine it?" I asked

"Well, you got the gathering of Ethernano part down but I will help out in true magic control and I'll start by your object for today will be taking over one part of your body. Sounds up to the task?" She asked smirking at me which I retuned a little.

"Lets do this!"
