
Minister Laura (2)

"Do I have to be worried about you being whisked away too?" Zaila sighed as soon as they were alone again. "That man clearly has you in his sights."

"Well, we'll see what happens," Krisha pointed out with a slight smile. "Who knows? They might just hook up somewhere down the line."

"As if," Laura scoffed. "I'll probably be too old for anyone by the time I decide to settle down."

In fact, if he wanted her, then he better make sure that he'd be worth her while. Her career was always her main focus in her life, and he might as well try and move mountains if he decided that she would be his main target. 

"Uhm… Is this a bad time?"

Yet again, Laura was taken out of her musings as another familiar tone entered their table's vicinity. This time, she was pleasantly surprised as her fellow candidate Teresa came to see her.

"Lady Teresa, right?" Laura asked, making sure that she had the woman's name right.
