
A Special Search Party for Him

After her sister Xenia's wedding celebration, Mineah together with her mother, wizard Lurio, and Nikolai, all returned back to Ebodia's encampment. Mineah didn't think anything would happen between then and now, but it would seem that she had some time to relax for the time being.

"How are you feeling?" her mother asked her as soon as they both had their privacy afforded by being inside the latter's tent. It was already dark out, but Nikolai's presence was asked for by Princess Ezme before they launched another attack on the Helion troops spotted near the southeastern border of Ebodia.

"I'm feeling good, Mother. There's nothing to worry about," Mineah reassured her before taking a short sip of the tea her mother had prepared. "I'm getting a hold of the powerful chaos inside of me, and it's stable right now." 
