
Chapter 10

It had been over two years since the war had started, and Eleanor was uncertain of when it would end. No one was telling her anything, even though her Father was receiving constant updates from her brother. She wrote to Elliott and Michael every week, updating them on how things were going. At first, Michael would write back within two weeks, but it had been over three months since his last letter. Michael's letters were more just responding to some of her questions and telling her that he was thinking of her. With Elliott, even though he was sending updates to their Father, she wasn't privy to anything that he wrote unless it was for her. In his rare letters to her, he would check in and say that he hoped he would be home soon. Lucas' letters were different from both Michael's and Elliott's, since he wasn't at war he was able to respond more often. Lucas would respond within two weeks, and his letters were filled with descriptions about what life was like on the Kent Estate and what Kennen Castle looked like. Eleanor treasured her letters from Elliott and Michael, though she preferred Lucas' letters because of how descriptive they were.

Eleanor spent her days sitting in the garden, enjoying a good book. She had finished her bridal lessons quite some time ago, so she was free to spend her days however she wanted. Her bridal lessons had been quite intense, not only did she learn how to take care of an estate, but she was also taught how to take care of her future husband in different ways.

She was deeply engrossed in her book when Clara approached her.

"My lady, I have news!"

Eleanor looked up and scrunched her eyebrows in a questioning look.

"The war is over, and we've won!"

'Finally!' she thought as she quickly stood up and rushed to her Father's bedchamber with Clara trailing behind her. She knocked on the door and was told to enter.

"Ah, Eleanor, I see you've heard the news!"

She nodded enthusiastically.

"Not only is the war won, but Lord Kent is being called the hero of the war! Apparently, his bravery and leadership are what finally brought an end to the war," enthused Lord Valen. "There is to be a celebration in the capitol, so your brother and Lord Kent will be heading there before coming back. I'd say at least two weeks before we get to see Elliott. Clara, do you know if Margrite has been informed yet?"

"I'm not sure, my lord. Shall I go check?"

"Please do. She'll be happy to know that her husband will be back soon."

Clara quickly left the room to do as she was told.

"Now, Eleanor, come sit by me."

Eleanor grabbed a chair and sat next to her Father as he lay in bed. He'd been bed bound from over six months. His health had rapidly declined not long after Elliott left for the war, this was due to him having to take on more of the things that Elliott had been managing. Eleanor had tried to help but had been told that it was not her place, plus her impediment made it hard. Lord Valen grabbed her hand as she sat next to him.

"My dear, this means that you will be leaving me soon. I'll be sad to see you go, but it is time."

Eleanor looked at him sadly. She loved her Father very much, and was scared to leave him. With his health getting worse, she was scared that he wouldn't last much longer. Though with Elliott coming back soon, her Father's work load would lighten which would hopefully help improve his health. Eleanor sat there next to her Father, holding his hand, until he fell asleep.


A few days later, Eleanor was enjoying tea in the garden, while reading another book, when Margrite approached her.

"Ah, Eleanor, here you are. I've been looking for you. May I join you?"

Eleanor nodded, and Clara set a tea setting on the table for Margrite.

"Clara, leave us. I'd like to talk to my dear sister in private."

'What does she want now?'

Clara looked at Eleanor, who nodded. Clara left, though she kept looking back, concerned.

Once Clara was out of sight, Margrite addressed Eleanor, "They reached the capitol yesterday, and I've heard some interesting rumors that have come from the celebrations."

Margrite stopped talking to ensure that she had Eleanor's full attention.

"Apparently, the King has offered to marry one of the Princesses to Lord Kent."

'What? But what about our engagement?'

Margrite watched Eleanor's face blanch, and said with a smile, "If Lord Kent breaks off the engagement, you really will become more of a burden to this family than you already are."

Eleanor looked at her, shocked.

"Anyways, that's all I wanted to say. I figured it was better to come from me, than for you to hear rumors from the servants."

Margrite got up and left with a skip in her step. Eleanor sat there in complete shock, uncertain what to do. Luckily, it wasn't long before Clara came back.

"My lady, I heard the rumor. Is that what Lady Margrite came to tell you?"

Eleanor nodded with tears in her eyes.

"She really has gotten meaner since your brother left."

It was true, but Clara was the only one who'd ever seen it. When Clara tried to step in to stop her bullying, Margrite sent her away. From then on, Margrite made sure to send Clara away so that she could bully Eleanor in peace. Eleanor felt like she couldn't do anything since no one else was seeing it.

"My lady, why don't we head back to your chambers," interrupted Clara, who was nervously looking around.

Eleanor followed Clara back to her chambers. As they passed through the halls, Eleanor noticed the pitying looks on people's faces.

'Why is this happening? Please, please don't be true. He wouldn't betray me like this would he? He must know that breaking off an engagement in this manner would completely ruin me. I've been waiting for him for over two years, I'm now considered well past marrying age. I won't be able to find anyone else if he does abandon me.'

Eleanor sat in her room with her mind racing, scared of what was to come.
