
Give You A Taste Of Your Own Medicine

Zhang Mei's anger surged as she lunged forward, fueled by her fury, intent on attacking Li Na. However, before she could reach her, Tang Zheng swiftly emerged from the car. He forcefully blocked Zhang Mei's hand, pushing it away which caught her off guard. The sudden impact caused Zhang Mei to stagger backward, her balance disrupted.

Li Jing, who had been standing nearby, reacted quickly, reaching out to steady her mother and prevent her from falling. She held onto Zhang Mei, Tang Zheng stood as a barrier between Zhang Mei and Li Na.

Tension hung thick in the air as the three of them stood locked in a silent standoff. With a firm grip on her arm, he guided her towards the car, ensuring her safety. Li Na followed his lead, her steps matching his pace as they approached the vehicle.
