
11. Like Toy Soldiers.

Velvet hit Mimi in the thigh, and Samuel shot another drug a few minutes later. Within 10 minutes, Mimi swayed and finally collapsed into a cell to sit up and fall asleep. He heard Mimi. And it broke his heart. Samuel was always a doctor first, and he had emotions, but he kept his emotions out of the equation when he was treating patients.

But that raw pain, anguish, and agony that Samuel had seen in Mimi's eyes. Heard in her voice struck a chord and really broke his heart. He swore he would get Mimi back in shape, and he and Adam, and maybe even Charles, could help Mimi recover from the heartache that Salvatore caused. Samuel went to get Mimi and found that she had woken up but was still too sleepy to do anything.

He said. "Shh.. I will fix you, and you will get through this, I promise. We will help you. " Mimi sighed in his arms. 

Mimi was weighing alarmingly little. Bones felt everywhere, and Mimi was hot. Her pulse was sped up even though she had been given a hefty dose of anesthetic, some kind of inflammation, probably encephalitis because Mimi was so confused. Mimi's metabolism burned off all the medicine and everything else quickly. Including her own body. Her muscles and bones. Samuel was not so sure if Mimi had ever been this skinny. He knew that probably somewhere along the line, an incubator might be in order.

Samuel carried Mimi to the car and drove to the airport. Mimi was already waking up. Mimi shouldn't have even moved yet. Samuel talked to her softly, not sure if Mimi was aware of what was happening or if madness was again taking over. Adam had ended a message that he had a good amount of strong black velvet in Chicago. He had sent them there. And that Bridgette would come to see Mimi and see if she could help at all. Samuel grumbled. They would need all the help that they could find. He had told his mind to Charles what Mimi said, how she does not want to face reality without Damon. 

Mimi should probably be tied up on the plane. Charles got off the plane, and Samuel gave Mimi another dose of anesthetic directly into her vein so that she would be temporarily unconscious. That way, she was easier to transport as she was skinny as hell, fragile, thin-boned even, and Samuel didn't want to hurt her at all. 

Samuel said when he picked Mimi in his arms," Charles, do you have any restraints? She's got some kind of infection and brain inflammation, and her metabolism is elevated, so she'll burn off the drugs quickly. I don't really have any more with me. I'll reserve some for Chicago, but it might be wise if you can get her under restraint. She has metal poisoning, but as we have about 20 suspects without blood tests, I do not know what metals are in her. She is confused and repetitive, so try to hang on with her."

Charles walked to his car and took a sports bag from the trunk, which rattled as he set it down.

He said tersely, "I'll put some cloth in between so I don't burn her, but she won't get away."

He picked up the bag and walked to the plane. Samuel took his bag, put it back into the car, and carried Mimi onto the plane. She weighed way under 30 kilos, and Samuel suspected that the right number was somewhere around 25 kilos. He lowered Mimi to one chair where Charles had already set up chains and clothes.

Charles said, "She is nothing but bones and hot as hell. Do you think it would hurt if I tried to get her to eat something?"

Samuel thought for a moment and said, "Well, she is not likely to be eaten in several days, so maybe it will be painful for her to eat when her stomach contracts, but then again, I do not know if she is feeling any pain. So go with your guts. I could have cannulated her if I had taken the proper kit with me, but I have no saline or centrifugation liquid on me, so I am not cannulating her, even though she is dehydrated as hell."

Charles showed Samuel what foods were on the plane, so what Mimi could eat as her nutrition was so high maintenance thing. Samuel picked a few things. He had with him some power drinks that were suitable for Mimi. When that was in order, they restrained Mimi strongly but made sure that none of the silver chains touched Mimi's skin.

They carefully and tightly tied Mimi up with silver chains so she would have no chance of escaping. Then Samuel gave Mimi a dose of sedative still so she would stay calmer even for a little while. When everything was ready, Samuel nodded and texted Adam that soon he would drive to the airport for that express flight.

When the airport opened, Charles and the pilot would take off in two hours, and Samuel and Adam were already on their way to Chicago. Samuel would pick up some powerful drugs on the way to sedate Mimi on the way to the house.

Then Mimi would be easier to keep asleep and start treatment. The silver chains were on, and Mimi woke up. She struggled and struggled but couldn't get free. Samuel was satisfied and left to drive to the other airport. He drove fast, and Adam was there, already waiting for him. He had told Adam, too, about Mimi's clear moment and how it had broken his heart.

Adam was silent and swore in his mind that he would show Mimi the true power of love. Now, he was free to act for the Feelings that he had felt for so long already. Now, there was no Salvatore to tell him to back off. Mimi was single, free, and soon his. They boarded the plane. Both of them were silent, in their own thoughts about the future, about Mimi. 

Charles went to sit across from Mimi and checked his phone. Mimi squirmed and wriggled but did not get away. She glared at Charles, almost.

" Are you the President of the United States? I will not suck your dick." Mimi's voice was full of disdain.

Charles continued to read the news. It would be two hours before takeoff. Charles grunted in response.

Three minutes later, Mimi asked again. And again. The question kept repeating and repeating. Charles was feeling his nerves to be a little on the tight side, and the plane was not in the air yet. So he looked at Mimi and answered for her. Sometimes he was the President of the United States and demanded that Mimi suck his dick; sometimes, he didn't.

When the plane took off, Charles moved to the kitchen and made a few sandwiches and some strong coffee and came and fed Mimi. She was hungry and almost ate Charles's fingers when something in her realized she needed food. Charles was patient and gave her coffee, and that perked up Mimi quite a lot, so she continued to harass Charles with some questions. And Charles answered as before, too. 

"Are you Bill Clinton? I am not sucking your dick," Mimi said. 

Charles answered, "No, I am not; I am Ridge Forester,"

Mimi said, "No, you are not; Ridge Forester is white; you are renegade; where is your motorcycle?" Soon she continues, "Do you demand that I suck your dick?"

Charles said, "Yeah, that will be right about your job next week."

But nothing helped. Mimi was stuck in a loop, and no matter how patient Charles was before, the repetitive asking of sucking dick. Being president was really getting to Charles.

The plane ride took an agonizing six hours.

Samuel had taken a flight halfway through the trip that he would drive the rest of the way on. Charles had now been listening to Mimi for eight hours. He was on the other side of losing his nerve. Sometimes Mimi would beg for a scene, and sometimes she'd scold him that no matter how he tied her up, she wouldn't suck Charles's dick. 

Most of the time, she was convinced that Charles was really some President of the United States, and she was trying not to suckle President's dick. 

Eventually, they got there. The flight had crept up to 11 hours when they had to make a stopover and wait for the storm to pass. Charles had actually considered either A:) breaking Mimi's neck, B:) taping her mouth shut, or C:) even sitting next to the pilot. There was no food left to give to Mimi and no coffee. Somehow, Mimi's voice was so annoying. When the plane finally landed, and Charles saw Adam and Samuel pull up to the plane, he was very relieved. The flight had fried his nerves to the end, and he was so close to snapping altogether. 

Adam hadn't wanted to stay for the party, and when he had left, he told Bran about Mimi's condition. Bran had looked at him, very surprised and had not gotten involved with Mimi yet. Damon had divorced Mimi. He would bring the papers to Chicago later, and Samuel had coldly told him of Mimi's condition. Damon had promised to come back with the papers and said the whore was now your problem. Adam and Samuel had gone to Chicago's house and gotten some powerful drugs, including a hefty dose of black velvet. 

Damon would not want to see Mimi. Or hear about her. Brianna had opened his eyes to real loyalty and shown him what kind of vampire wife he deserved. He also said that he would invite none of his former pack to his coronation, and if anyone ever tried to do anything against him, he would see them instantly as enemies.

He said that he sees himself as a vampire. Not as the wolf. He had severed his ties to the pack, not wanting to be a member, and he was generously letting Mimi have their houses, not demanding his half of them and not taking Brianna in their sex nest. 

Samuel grabbed his medical bag, and they got on the plane. Adam got on board, too.

Charles said, "She ate all that I could give her, and she has drank four pots of coffee."

Samuel nodded and said, "Good. Caffeine is something that her cells need; it helps so much when you have some caffeine in her. How was your flight?"

Samuel's voice was neutral, but there was a hint of mischief when he asked the last question.

Charles sat on the plane with a pained look on his face.

Mimi asked," Are you the President of the United States? Do you want me to suck your dick?"

Charles grunted. Tightly. Adam grinned. Somehow, he had never seen Charles in such a state before. It was comical. It really was.

Adam smiled as Samuel put his bag on the table and drew the medicine into the syringe. 

Samuel said when he had drawn medicine into syringes. "I'll give her a strong sedative first, then the anesthetic. Can you, Charles, get her arm out so I can get a vein?" Charles stood up and loosened the chain so he could get Mimi's left hand free.

Mimi said, "Or now you want a hand job, eh? And let me guess, soon you want me to suck your dick too." 

Adam laughed out loud. Charles glared at him. Adam just grinned. 

Samuel got the drugs in and gave the sedative first. Mimi watched for a while and yawned but was still quite alert. Samuel took a second syringe, which contained a strong, large animal sedative, but he had to be careful with the dose. Mimi was in a fragile state, and as these drugs messed up her thermoregulation, dose had to be modest, small, but effective enough. Then, the tranquilizer. By now, Mimi was clearly more tired. Samuel continued. He didn't make a cocktail like Damon; he gave one drug at a time, monitoring very carefully how Mimi would react to those.

What surprised him was that black velvet seemed not to have any effect on Mimi. Why was that Samuel did not know? Was it Mimi's powerful will, or was it because the connection between Mimi and Damon was gone, so Velvet had somehow lost its potency? But he had reserved quite a pharmacy for his bag. 

Samuel gave three more different drugs before Mimi was properly unconscious. Then, the cocktail was ready, and Mimi did not react at all. When she had gone under, Samuel and Adam, also Charles, had seen tears that were streaming from her eyes when she was lucid enough before succumbing to the drugs. They carried Mimi to the car, and Charles went off to look for the pub.
