
16. Joyride.

We went in after we had signed the deeds and the seller had driven away. The house was lovely. Fully decorated, white, pink, dove grey, sky blue. It was contemporary but not cold.

The kitchen was large and well-equipped and there was already enough food in the fridge for us, but as it was a sex den, cooking was not the first thing that came to my mind. We walked around the house, me on Damon's arm, leaning on him and enjoying.

This felt very much like our house. We first went on an appraisal tour and both wondered where we could fuck, and there were a few places Damon thought I wouldn't be able to reach because he didn't believe that I was very flexible.

Then I started teasing him. The stairs to the floors were lazily winding, and I kept running ahead and then I started teasing. First, I dropped my belt, next my shirt, then my jeans.

Then Damon was already so heated that he stormed after me and threw me on the bed, ripping the panties off my legs, undressing himself, and letting his passion take over. I didn't spread my legs, and he grunted so fucking sexy when he spread them for me, penetrating the depths of my pussy, conquering it all at once.

 There were several bedrooms and as this was a sex den, we did it there. This house was our sex den, and it had to be sanctified and properly so. The stairs, you could get many positions on them, and the added excitement was whether you were going up or down. The house had flower pillars, window sills, sofas, and armchairs.

We couldn't get enough of each other. We rose to the challenge, and I was supple enough to do everything I said. Damon had a good look on his face though, as I always went into more or less obscene positions to lure him to me.

Yes, we sanctified the kitchen. That Damon could levitate allowed us to fuck the walls from ceiling to floor and some walls had wallpaper on them and there were quite a few stains, but this was our sex nest. Damon promised to get a cleaner when we left. 

We had such a connection that I never thought I could get so close to another person, or creature for that matter. I instinctively knew how to make Damon angry, how to get him so worked up that he couldn't help himself. Yes, he made me explode sometimes in the same way.

There was even a gym, and we fought, well not for long as the fight was one of punching or hitting and the opponent taking off a piece of clothing. The rule was that if the garment was off; it stayed off.

Somehow it was so fucking exhilarating, animalistic that those sessions were pretty short. And then, when I got Damon thrown to the ground a couple of times and went to work on him, it seemed to set him on fire completely.

Time didn't matter. We were together and the bitter pain that squeezed my heart now and then when I thought about Adam quickly subsided when Damon noticed what I was thinking and attacked me, causing my thoughts to go elsewhere.

 I loved the feeling I got when Damon flooded inside me. It was so nurturing, so intimate, so somehow between the two of us, I couldn't even put it into words. That Damon made me this miracle substance in his own body and then gave it to me on top of such great pleasure was such an honor.

I knew what Damon was. He was a strong old vampire and yet he cared for me, nourished me, protected me. We were each other. Always and forever. And I didn't want to be anything else. Somehow, it made us even closer when I knew Damon would never do this to anyone but me. I was the one he truly loved, protected, and worshipped.

We fucked all over the house, literally, and no place was off-limits. It didn't matter what time it was, nothing else mattered, as we were each other on a physical level as well as a spiritual one. We knew each other so intimately, somehow I couldn't believe it.

We eventually ended up in the master bedroom and up to the bed in it. And we fell asleep in each other's arms, sweaty and satisfied.

A profound sense of weakness overwhelmed the evil one. The vampire ritual had already diminished his strength, and witnessing the good one's rescue of the invincible only served to further weaken him. The ritual had stripped away a significant portion of his powers, frustratingly fortifying the core that sought to escape once again. Despite managing to restrain it in its cage on previous occasions, there was an unexpected twist during the vampire ritual. They placed an evil spirit within the good one as part of the ceremony. This should test the male vampire's abilities, and they effortlessly expelled most spirits. However, the evil one seized the opportunity and threw the evil spirit into the core's cage, observing its impact. This would keep the core occupied and weaken it further. The evil one knew he could easily retrieve the evil spirit when necessary. After all, evil attracts evil, and it would serve as a perfect alibi while he gained control over the invincible and eradicated the repulsive love and trust that existed between the good one and the invincible. He was simply fighting for his very existence, a fundamental need shared by every creature, and evil was no exception. He desired to exist, to possess a body of his own, and he fought relentlessly. Yet, despite knowing what weakened him and what strengthened him, he couldn't help but feel certain emotions and sensations when it came to the invincible. His perspective was no longer purely clinical; he felt something, too. 

I was safe, sleeping in Damon's arms, and everything was so fucking perfect. I woke up sometimes when Damon went to the bathroom and I almost got cold when the warm man next to me ran away, then when he came back everything was as fucking perfect as could be again.

I thought nothing of what was to come. I didn't even think about what we were going to do as long as we bothered to wake up. It felt like both of our bodies had found sleep and sleeping in each other's arms and neither of us wanted to wake up and go back to everyday life yet.

We cared for each other; we kept each other safe; we gave each other intimacy and love. It was as perfect as it could be and to fall asleep to the feeling that both our souls were singing was so wonderful. It was paradise.

But reality and everyday life have a nasty way of coming in and ruining paradise, and that's what they did. But we'd been fucking for three weeks, slept for four days already.

Once again, I woke up needing the toilet and disentangled myself from Damon, who was lying on his back, completely asleep. He had turned over and was dreaming something, not even properly awake when I moved away from him.

He had also brought my phone, and I took it into the bathroom to check for calls or messages. And I really looked to see that time had passed, but no message from Adam or Samuel yet.

Well, you can't help it, it's done what's done, and when I wondered if it would have been any use at the time if I had thought to just kill the witches, call Adam, and let him see the situation, but it was just these what if thoughts and the fact was I couldn't change the past I had messages, not just the ones I would have wanted. I started scrolling through my messages. I was sitting on the toilet seat naked as hell, still smelling of sex since we hadn't showered yet.

There were several from Reddington, the last one a couple of hours ago. Well, better call and ask what the problem is, then we'll see. I called Reddington, and he told me that in Romania there have been sightings of known financiers of Sark and Krycheck and several other pharmaceutical companies.

Now if I could get those targets taken care of, he said it would be a colossal blow to the funding of Sark and other institutions.

 I said, "Yeah, well, I'm on my honeymoon, in our sex nest, spending time with my vampire husband, so I'm not exactly jumping on a bandwagon right now."

Reddington said, " This is a quick gig, a few destinations and you're all set to go on your honeymoon and you know you've made a real dent in the enemy's money. You're just the girl for the job."

I wondered to myself how on earth I was going to explain this to Damon. Because he will not give his permission.

Reddington said " Aren't you a vampire too, why don't you velvet up? You give him a good dose and you'll probably be back when he wakes up. You've told me so much about those substances and this is really a top-notch and quick job. Safe too. "

Somehow, I knew Damon well enough that he was protective at first, and even though he trusted my abilities, he wouldn't let me go on a job like that. He would find someone else to take care of them or just dismantle them as not that important, but Reddington was right.

Money makes the world go round, and that is the best way to cause trouble for these bastards. When they don't have the money to even run a facility or invent new drugs, it is difficult to get people with money to finance their dirty work.

I didn't even know if I was a teeth vampire. Mirella was asleep, and the chains were still around her coffin, so she couldn't help. I was trying to find a way to ensure Damon stayed asleep and didn't get stressed, similar to when I was at a gig, and my head began to throb.

 I noticed it was between my eyes, and I remembered how Damon would always rub between his eyes when his teeth were activated. So I was apparently a tooth vampire.

I let my fangs come out and rubbed them with the tip of my tongue and after a moment I tasted something in my mouth, my teeth produced a drop. I knew this was velvet and my doing and somehow I knew it wasn't working on me personally.

I said to Reddington, "Fine, I'll do the gig. Let's take those shitheads out of the day and make Sark swear harshly."

I knew that running the facilities wasn't free, making the drugs, everything takes money and if we could get a little bit of cash flow to turn off, it would stop so many of these shitheads.

So I agreed to do the job. Reddington had promised me guns. He gave me an address where I could find guns and lots of them. This warehouse would be mine, and he told me to change the code when I got there. He had guns and lots of guns, so he gave them to me.

That would be the time to act. I went back to bed and slid one hand down Damon's neck. With a deft, quick twist, I crushed his neck. Then I sank my teeth into his neck and felt something drain into his veins even though his heart wasn't beating anymore. But the velvet would be ready in the vein and keep him asleep. Hopefully.

I went next for a quick and hopefully effective shower, found some clothes, which I then put on, and grabbed my spare phone. I left my phone on the bedside table. I also had a spare phone, which actually only had the number of Reddington and a few other contacts like Magnum.

Magnum was coming to pick me up. It would have been another tight spot for Damon to know that Magnum would pick me up. He was even more jealous of me after the wedding. I didn't leave any messages.

I was hoping to be back before Damon woke up, but the universe has a nice way of fucking me in the face and causing trouble, probably to counteract all the wonderful things I had been through.
