
Stay with you (1)

"That was the last of my questions, but the test is not over yet. I will let you take her for one day so that you may see what you are in for. I rather you have her for one day and see that it is a lot of work to care for her than you take her far away and realise what you are getting yourself into. It is up to you when you want to start the day," Thelma said, giving them full control.

They could take their time with deciding because there was a lot they needed to plan before taking Lydia. A room appropriate for Lydia to use needed to be prepared first of all. 

Thelma wished to avoid a problem she saw recently where because the child was adopted, parents thought it was fine to decide they wanted to adopt one day, not through caring for the child, realise it was hard, and then wanted to adopt another child they thought would be easier to take in. 
