
Emperor Scorpion

Amber Fox's POV

"Please stop acting like a child" An annoyed tone came, though it still resounded melodious in our ears.

Jayvald suddenly stopped his track and glared at the brown-haired beauty.

If he said he wasn't interested in her....then it was a blatant lie because we knew he only subdues in front of women he was interested in.

However, it seems his love for Princess Zera was overwhelmed.

"Ms. Pearl, I know you are friends with Eva and Amber...however, that doesn't mean you could interfere with our 'men' problem" Jayvald stated firmly and as softly as possible.

"...." Pearl turned towards me and said, "It must be tough"

Her voice showed a hint of pity and worry.

All I could was awkwardly smile at her.

And started to collect fast, it seemed like we were delayed a little in our schedule.

After collecting we started to move.

I said before I was 'forethought' everything, right?
