
A High-End Debate Often Only Requires the Simplest Language.

編集者: Nyoi-Bo Studio

"We all know how much the Primordial Star contributed to the human-devil war, but the reason why humans were able to win this war was definitely not just because of the Primordial Star and Fairy Qing Yao," said Supreme Jiutian seriously. "The human virtual cosmic, the Infinite World of Slaughter, the Cosmic Bank... All the supreme factions and top factions bet their lives to fight against the devils. How can it be attributed to any faction or an expert? This is a victory for all mankind, a victory for the Human Sanctuary!"

Supreme Jiutian's voice was filled with emotion.

Wang Ye frowned.

Good heavens.

His ability to change concepts was not small.

The Sage Emperor had only commended the Primordial Star and Fairy Qing Yao for their contributions, and this fellow brought the problem to a higher level.

He didn't mention a single word about himself but kept using words to rope in the other factions.
