
Primordial Star

編集者: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The main virtual world was huge.

This was another real world.

One could live here without worries and do anything one wanted to do in reality, as long as one had money.

Even without money, they could still enjoy themselves.

This place was far more comfortable than the real world.

After Wang Ye copied hundreds of components into his small world, the Blue Planet Small World had a basic order and scale.

Wang Ye then entered Cosmic Bank's Big Virtual World No.2.

Financial-related matters like investment, financial management, loans, as well as buying and selling life planets, mineral planets, energy planets, and even entire galaxies could be done here.

Similar to the main virtual world, it was also a pyramid structure.

However, the hierarchy here wasn't divided by the cosmic citizen level. Instead, it was divided by one's Cosmic Bank card level. It had nothing to do with status or strength.
